Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

So you’re a fake fan is what you’re saying. You only support what twitter says you should support

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Twitter can be in the right sometimes.

That cesspit? That’s hilarious :joy:


You do see the irony of choosing the race in direct conflict to the blood elves?

At least that’s consistent, you’ve always been contrarian.


The Amani been here before Metzen even thought creating the Darkspear. They are cool and need a model update.

And Alleria and Vereesa have been characters long before Metzen even thought of creating Sylvanas and Kael’thas. :smiley:

I mean tbf that “cesspit” has been responsible for more feedback then these zombie forms have been responsible for.

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Twitter is active. Forums are not.

Both twitter and theses forums are just the same version of the same 5 people having the same 3 arguments but the biggest difference is on twitter everybody is on the “same level” while on here blizzard regularly sends inflammatory threads to the story forums if they are somewhat related to the story*****. And the last time these forums got any sort of blue post was to say “Ok fine here’s the time skip y’all have been asking for happy?”

***angry about lgbt topics

Also blizzard has no incentive to even listen to these forums because they already have your money so they must be doing something right and story is the absolute last priority.


Amani and ogres are the two things the Horde needs to be perfect.

No it’s not. Twitter is filled with Amani support, and it’s way more than just 5 people lol.

True. Doesn’t mean it’s anything but a glorified cesspool.

But that’s me


It IS a cesspool, the only time I agree with you. It’s made up of a bunch of people who are perpetually mald if Blizzard doesn’t subscribe to their crayon-eating headcanon, like “REEEEEE ELUNE IS A TAUREN REEEEE” or some nonsense like that.

Don’t see how these forums are better because again. For almost 10+ years it has just been the same 5 main characters cycling out and thinking they are yelling at blizzard and have pointless in universe arguments when blizzard themselves only have 2 bluepost. And yeah twitter is a massive hellsite it is also one of the websites that killed forum culture as a whole and is legit the only play to voice story concerns with the hope of someone at blizzard listening.

Now that I think about idk why I’m replying to you in particular so imma give you some free ammo in the house since I already got a sincere response from you in the other thread.

Thrall and the 2 largely irrelevant orcs that show up in dornn are gonna do jack squat during 11.0 and a patch about killing ANOTHER horde races is actually not good focus.


How do you think I felt back in 2012, when I was forced to defend Thrall, the one who made Garrosh Warchief? Do you think I was happy to defend the guy who chose the Warchief actively waging conflict on the Alliance?

How quick people are to forget “Green Jesus”. I call this “Nostalgia”.

Damn grandpa you forget you meds? Someone needs to take a nap.

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Nah, I’m just happy that you now understand how Alliance players felt back in Cata-MoP, aka the “Thrall Saga”. :slight_smile:

“A broken clock is right 2 times a day”

It’s still broken. All the Twitter community manages to do is create a fictional problem and devote all mental energy to fixing said nonexistant problem until new content comes along and the cycle repeats itself.

There are motes of truth in there, like better PoC rep. But otherwise 95% of complaints are projections.


You just described these very forums hell you described the internet itself.

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I do have the gift of perception. Thank you for noticing.