Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

Enough villain batting! The Amani deservd better. They literally fought the void and old gods before. Having them join Xal’atath out of pure spite against the elves would be the most stupid idea you ever did, they have no reason to suffer yet another slaughter fest. No being desperate doesn’t justify this. The Amani are the OG Horde trolls so STOP treating them like desposable side antagonists. We are watching you Dev team. Do not screw this story up.


Erevien, the master of “make up scenario and get mad about it”.


Its about trolls. Blizzard never treated any trolls with respect.


Blizz could do the biggest love letter to troll fans ingame and people like you would still find something to complain about


That is when they ever treated any troll tribe as anything else but poor losers who can never win. We know what the OP is about stop pretending my point regarding thise after making us kill them 4 times is not valid.

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I mean, if they make Ula-Tek canon as the tie in for Amani going Void villains, I’d be down for it.

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No. Amani are not evil and all trolls deserve better.

I’ll amend my statement, I wouldn’t mind if they went Void if Ula-Tek also became canon, perhaps not necessarily villains. Trolls do lack a Void-themed group, despite being almost as diverse as Elves.

And if they did it in a similar way to Hakkar, where there’s an evil, Void-aligned splinter group of Amani worshipping Ula-Tek, or an entity they think is Ula-Tek, and we get to help kick their butt with the untainted Amani forces, that’d be dope.


what did i miss.

also void is better than light so its not villain batting. amani are right as usual


TLDR, op will make up stories and then get mad about them, claiming blizzard mistreats trolls.


They do mistreat trolls all the time my dude. Even the playable ones.

I’m assuming Erevien is misconstruing a vision of Alleria’s past during the Harbinger questline where you have to dispel one void-induced memory of her fighting the Amani.

It’s like saying the ghosts of her family and all the Orcs of the second war joined Xal’atath and the Void - LOL.

TLDR: Misunderstanding context then making things up to be mad about.


They lost the track of a minion of Xal near Zul’Aman. Its in the new quest. Either the Amani killed her or they are negotiating to ally with the Amani to get rid of the blood elves which would be the biggest disrespect to all troll fans since they would villain bat them yet again just to have more raid bosses and loot fodder AGAIN.


So it’s even MORE of a stretch than I suspected. Okee dokee.

Keep yelling at clouds, Erevien, LOL.


Amani are my favorite troll tribe and I want good things for them.


Man. Ferraki for me. Love me some sand trolls.


Yesss, Farraki for sure. Going into Zul’Farrak was so surreal back in the day!

I’m also super partial to Drakkari, their story in Zul’Drak remains one of my favorites to this day. I was super bummed finding Speaker Malaka’raz and hearing what he had to say about the fate of his people.


Actually, it would be consistent with the Amani letting Arthas and the Scourge blight the land itself just to gain any kind of advantage over the High Elves.


Not it wouldn’t. Enough elf bias. Let the trolls win for once

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Sure. Just long as it doesn’t involve any of your dumb ideas