Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

The difference is here that the Amani have nothing to regret really. Since when is it morally questionable to put an armed resistance against invaders? The Amani were in the right and the high elves aren’t poor refugees. They left Kalimdor willingly just because Malfurion said no to magic. Nobody told them to go about to steal land that belonged to someone already.
infact if crimes count as killing then the High elves have the highest still just alone for the giant firestorm.

The high elves didn’t move to eastern kingdom with the intention of invading anyone. If the old god general buried in tirisfal didn’t drive some of the elves crazy, we would be having a different conversation

And the high elves were banished from kalimdore for refusing to give up on arcane magic.

But truthfully? People generally don’t care that much when it comes to killing the Amani, to most the Amani are just another mob people kill for loot

Nobody said that. People generally don’t care or think that deep about it. The Amani are simply a fictional group we kill for loot

They are natives who lost everything to white skinned invaders.

What a racist statement to make by comparing a fictional race to real life groups who actually did suffer from colonialism

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You wouldn’t care If they weren’t pretty and human like

I’m not the one trying to compare a fictional race to real life groups who actually did suffer

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They are my favorite race since Blizzard’s keep not using any Horde NPCs in the main story of TWW.

What about cannibalism? Should they be proud of it? :rofl:

Erevien is an unstable attention seeker. He unironically believes people are the race they place ingame IRL.

Ignore the fact that the invaders were purple and Blue at the time due to being Kaldorei/Highborne.


Propaly made up by the colonizers to make them look bad.

Elf is elf. They ruined the world and lost power for good reasons.

You know that the Amani are not actually real, right?

They are a fictional race created by Blizzard Writers, and amongst many traits, Blizzard Writers wrote that Forest Trolls are cannibals.

Like it’s not a real race, in case you hadn’t noticed. No one was actually harmed in the making of Patch 2.3. :sunglasses:


Lies…The Amani are real, one broke into my bedroom and stole my sugar.

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I was wondering where all my sugar cookies kept disappearing to :rofl:


Amani are the OG trolls of the Horde and I want to play them.

Yes, Yes, we get it, you grew up in the 1990s and have an unnatural Nostalgia for WC2.

Accept that 30 years have passed, old balding man, and move on with your life.

Ogre and Forest Trolls might come, just as they might never come. Your Childhood is over and you will never feel like a kid again, even if Ogre and Forest Trolls DO come. (unlikely)

You are the one obsessed with Alleria you have zero room to judge anyone.

I only like Alleria because she is a Void Elf. Basically, I love the Void Elves, and since Alleria is the first Void Elf as well as their founder, I love her by extension.

I have Nostalgia of Legion, not of a game released 30 years ago. Oh Boy I cannot wait for Legion Remix, Ah Yes it wll be like 2016 all over again.

I imagine you must be feeling old right now, know that you have My sympathies.

Are they though? Or is this topic just the current popular topic on Twitter and you are selfishly using it to keep attention on yourself?

You’ve never cared about good representation before or ever.


I do now. I stopped being the blood elf fan when we didn’t take Kael’thas and chose the other race I like enough to support them.