Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

Oh they feel bad? They feel super duper bad? Like uber super duper bad? About participating in omnicide and murdering most of the universe?

So that’s fine?

But Amani aren’t?

Be serious, sit down.


How many times must this be repeated?

The vast majority of the Man’ari were just random civilians who were FORCED to take the Fel. They are no different from the Orcs.

Why can Horde players constantly use the excuse “WE WUZ TRICKED!!!” but the Man’ari can’t?

You had Legion introduce Velen’s son, a Man’ari who was turned into a demon when he was a child after an extremely-painful torture, you had the 7.3 cinematic show the Legion straight-up invade Argus, and some people still want to paint the Man’ari as pure evil. When in reality they were all forced to take the Fel by their two leaders.

If the Man’ari are “pure evil”, so are the Orcs. :slight_smile:

The difference between the Man’ari and the Amani is that the Man’ari are going through a redemption arc. It remains to be seen if the Amani will begin their redemption arc.

As far as a reason for them to be able to join with one of the factions? Yeah it actually would. If a group of Man’ari were trying to prove their good intentions while also arguing that they’d “never done anything wrong” they’d be promptly, and rightly, killed. So why would there be any expectation for the Amani to be treated differently?

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They are trying to atone for their actions. They have not been forgiven by anyone, nor will they ever likely be forgiven. The entire point of their storyline is that they know just how heinous the things they’ve done are, but they are committed to trying to put as much good back into the world knowing full well it will never out weigh what they’ve done.

The Amani on the other hand have a track record of not doing very nice things. No one is denying the who is worst between the two. There is no comparison. The Amani however are dead set on their vengeance and spite, and have rarely if ever shown regret.

Yes, one group is much worse than the other but these story beats are not the same. With respect, you sir should sit down. You are out of line.


With how blizz has been writing different races/groups working on forgiving and moving on, I could see a group of Amani going against the void/other Amani and trying to move on and siding with the Horde. Will it feel forced like how the worgen working with the undead does or the nelves choosing to move on from their loss, probably. I wouldn’t say it’s out of the question.

It may. To me at least the idea of the Amani and Blood elves being forced to work together because of the dire threat of the void and forming a begrudging respect for one another would probably be one of the ways to get the Amani into the Horde that makes the most sense.

However, the thing about the Amani is that territorial nature and desire for vengeance against the Blood elves are equally as strong. So much so to the point where Blizzard could have them work together with the elves, or go all in with the void as a chance to make the blood elves suffer and reclaim their lands and I would think “Yep, this is very in character for the Amani. This seems like something they would do.” either way.

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Where exactly do the other troll tribes stand as far as the Horde goes? It’s been a while but IIRC most of them had some kind of representation in BfA in the Zandalar capitol; I assume it’s a case of “some of us are going to do their own thing but stay out of our strongholds”

If the Man’ari can repent, so can the Amani, not that anything they did was nearly as bad as that of the High Elves.

For what? Being a little rude due to people’s hypocrisy?


Why are you allways lying? The amani tried to genocide the elves aswell…boaaah…this is a frustrating topic…because some people want their agenda to be pushed through and can´t accept the fact.


Minor nitpick, buts it’s only a small minority that are penitent. Most of the race doesn’t regret what they did

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I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone say the Amani cannot repent as well, aside from some certain trolls in this thread. I am certainty not saying they cannot repent. I so badly would love to see their story move past their grudge with the blood elves.

I was simply pointing out that comparing a group of people who are trying to atone for their misdeeds against another group who has shown no signs of remorse of the misdeeds is not a fair argument to make.

And no, I am also not saying anything the Amani have done is worse then anything the blood elves have done. Both groups are in the wrong. It’s one of the few situations in the lore where I think things are actually morally grey.


expect for immortal beings, karestae, most races are not even aware of their ancestors deeds of x thousand years ago…or missdeeds

Even a few hundreds years is allready difficulty to comprehend.

Okay? And your point is?

Because it has nothing to do with the vast majority of the man’ari being unrepentant

Even other trolls. That’s why it was Vol’jin and the Darkspear that spearheaded to assault on Zul’Aman and not the Blood Elves.

The elves have a higher body count, as I told you.

“The Man’ari” meant the playable ones.

Yeah nobody was doing that. The whole point is that both can try to reconcile.

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thought it was a human guy named “Budd”

Fair enough :+1:

Could also have both. We’ve seen a lot of storylines where there’s distinct approaches to world issues where it’s usually Group A willing to work with the PC vs Group B working with the existential threat and Group A always prevails.

All this is to say Amani Troll AR and Troll beards when Blizz?

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It’s currently unclear. The tribes were represented with speakers within Zuldazar, who later attended Rastakhan’s funeral, and the over all impression I get is that the tribes were doing their own thing.

When it comes to the troll tribes, we just know that the Darkspear, Zandalari, Revantusk, and Shatterspear are in the Horde, and debate and speculation is within forums on if the Amani will follow suit.

While the Darkspear do have a sand troll skin, as we have no story reason for it, it’s unclear if its just a sign that individual sand trolls joined the Horde or if the Farraki and/or Sandscalp ended up joining.

Budd and his treasuring hunt crew were the reason we invaded Zul’Aman in BC, while in Cata Vol’jin and the Darkspear led the charge against the Amani within Zul’Aman.

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Most of whats left of the other Troll Empires fits in the Port of Zandalar.

Considering whats shown in BFA I don’t think there are enough to side with the void but I doubt they would. They might not fight it and focus on the evils. Maybe even agree to focus on the Elves together. But I don’t see them turning to the void.

One thing to consider is that they’ll always beat down the Amani since the Sin’dorei won’t loose Silvermoon and so much of their lore. So no matter what, they won’t win.