Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

  1. They didn’t invade Zul’Aman, but I would imagine the Amani likely did fight the Scourge. Like with you, there is no proof of this because it was never mentioned. We can only make an educated guess, but we cannot treat those guesses as canon.

  2. The Blood Elves are blood enemies of the Amani, no pun intended! Why WOULD they send aid to them?

  3. The Amani joining the void wholesale in Midnight is baseless speculation.

Bye bye. Please come back when you have something constructive and not toxic to contribute. :upside_down_face:


Blizzard loves suramar-style plots too much to pass up another chance at 'the corrupt government sided with evil but the freedom fighters will see the day" plot.

Ironically? All three have a history of attempted genocide of the various troll tribes living nearby for starters


Troll relations with everyone in the eastern kingdoms is one of their rare examples of something approaching gray storytelling, as for sure all sides did some awful stuff to one another, with a tit-for-tat that is ongoing.

In fact, that’s exactly what is happening right now with the Nerubians of Azj’kahet.

And I see the same happening with the Amani in Midnight.

I’m not opposed to the Amani redemption story, so long as they become Neutral and is not a repeat of the Nightborne fiasco. How fortunate that Blizzard’s new MO is Neutral races. :slight_smile:

I don’t think I agree with what that post was trying to say. I think that poster may have been referring to Forsaken, Orcs, or DK’s. It’s true many Horde races have done horrible things. “Evil races” shouldn’t exist and Horde players have been complaining about the villain-bats for years. The Amani’s cannibalism is definitely bad and a racist stereotype that should be removed. Dk’s, they’re meant to be anti-hero’s, but even if they do awful things, it’s not comparable to a whole race being bloodthirsty cannibals.


Nah I meant what I said. Most if not all races in WoW have done something bad. Some are just more excused than others. I just think it’s weird to draw the line at cannibals. Even the player character is often just a murderhobo who kills creatures for gold and gear.


Everyone seems to have forgotten about Blood of the Highborne:

The Amani were indeed such that they even considered the Scourge a punishment for the elves, a kind of compensatory charma, if you will.

They also used the time immediately after the attack to launch a raid of their own, even attacking the Sunwell with a large warband.

I remember the final part. I always found it hilarious how the Amani still got kicked even when the High Elves were literally on the brink of extinction.

The rest I didn’t know and it was interesting. I guess that the Amani really are that backwater and superstitious to not understand that the Scourge was a threat to ALL.

The Elves didn´t win that day, not at all, they simply bought enough time to prepare the implossion of the sunwell…and that killed the amani warband.

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Don’t care, they still got kicked. :sunglasses:

Considering this is a thread about not villain-batting the Amani so players don’t kill them in Midnight, it’s safe to believe people with that opinion would rather the Amani not be slaughtered for gear and gold, and maybe other races as well.

Well maybe not the OP, but others like me.


villain batting would mean they are not villains…to be villain batted you need to be before a hero or some kind of heroic figure.

Yeah some might prefer to not, but some might better to keep murdering them. My main point about posting was just to tell Varodoc that there is a difference between fictional characters doing things and finding those fictional characters compelling, interesting or whatever and condoning it irl.

Like just because a lot of people in this thread hope the at Blizz doesn’t keep writing the Amani, trolls, and horde in general like they do, doesn’t mean those people are fine with crimes irl. They just hope those races get more development aside from being ‘savages that need to be wiped out’.

They’re objectively wrong and supporting a racist genocidal fantasy. It’s also inconsistent to want that for one race but not others.

Okay, but supporting certain fantasies can be problematic for other reasons. Maybe the writing is racist. Maybe it’s triggering for real victims like the Alexstrasza quest.

Well yeah, because they wouldn’t support the fact those crimes have been committed in the first place. Wanting that writing to continue is what’s sus.

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It’s villain batting. They’d be the villains of Midnight.

Alliance mains have lost the right to “but they’re le evil cannibals!!!” bit after you were handed Manaari aka Immortal Genocidal Super Soldiers that have annihilated the majority of the living universe as part of the Burning Legion on the basis of “Kiljaeden made us do it and we feel super duper bad”

Amani pale in comparison to the Manaari so yall can take MANY seats and shut up lmao


I would like to see the amani and the belves reconcile instead of simply killing every single one


Yes, no, not really?

Like, the Man’ari situation is weird because the Alliance didn’t accept them or haven’t really yet. Velen did alone and most of the Penitent are being kept far and away from Azeroth with only some few of the most trusted of their ranks being allowed onto the planet and even then they’re suppose to be staying with the draenei. Man’ari characters walking around with RP profiles calling themselves “Zolgrath the Kitten Defenestrator” are about as non-canonical as a player option can get.

And then there’s the fact that the Man’ari are presented as penitent for their actions. This isn’t a Forsaken situation where that race got to join a faction with their warts and all and everyone else is just supposed to deal with it. They came on bent knee asking for a chance, a snowballs chance in hell, to try and make up for some of the pain they caused. That’s not what’s being proposed with the Amani in most cases. I think if Blizzard tried to write a story about the Amani coming forward and apologizing for the things they had done, even if the powers that be in Silvermoon were doing the same, it would be received more then a little differently.


Villian batting with a group that has been Villians exclusively and without exception since WC2? Are you listening to yourself?

The Amani fought a general of the old gods 16,000 years ago. But I am pretty sure that the Amani - as they have proven many times - would not hesitate to accept power if it would bring them closer to their goal - the reconquest of the territories.