Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

Why should I care about an ally of the original Horde? Most of them are dead and/or evil.

The original Horde invaded Azeroth under the influence of demons and proceeded to kill everything. These Trolls convinced the murder demon orcs that they would be better as allies, and proceeded to kill everything with them.

We’re decades removed from that scenario now, and the Amani have been nothing but trouble. They could have been peaceful and joined the modern Horde. They did not.

I don’t owe them anything.

It’s not villain batting if they were presented as villains basically from the get go.

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Broken are intimately tied to the Fel… it’s what made them.

Not everybody needs to play a pretty face.

That’s a lot more true regarding Void Elves. They had their moment of Awesome during the Battle of Lordaeron and pretty much, it’s been all Alleria who’s a legacy character from the RTS like her sisters.


When did the Amani first appear in Warcraft’s story? Weren’t they from before WoW?

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They joined Doomhammer’s Horde back in the day. They were the OG Horde trolls waaaay before anyone knew what a Darkspear was.

Warcraft Chronicles of the Second War | Tides of Darkness | Lost Chapter 3 | Siege of Zul’Aman (


I wouldn’t look into that to much personally. I think Blizzard was just dropping a lot of seeds showing us where we’ll be going over the course of this saga.

I’m going to make my own Midnight prediction here right now. I think there’s a good chance we will probably get A group of Amani trolls that get juiced up by the void in some way or another, but not the entirety of the Amani. That’s basically just how it is. We get introduced to a new group, not new in this case, and then we get introduced to some not very nice splinter sect of them.

My REAL prediction though, and I’m feeling pretty confident in this. While Midnight is going to have a big focus on eleven unification, whatever that will mean, I think we’ll also end up seeing a resolution to the Amani’s and Blood elves long conflict. Something about a pair of reluctant allies fighting together in common cause to defend their homes from this void invasion.

I’ll even go a step further, I think this might be the way to open up forest trolls to becoming an allied race.

Alas, if I were to guess I don’t think we’ll be seeing many faction specific allied races going forward.

Its been 4 days…Did anyone get any answers on this?

They were in the 2nd war book I believe.

Basic pattern recognition. Knowing that blizzard repeats the same 10 stories on loop for the past 30 years. Combine those and the plot point of the amani teaming up with Xal’atath to attack silvermoon at their weakest is a no-brainer.

It seems like doomer talk but if you told someone directly after the burning of teld all that would happen is sylvans is picking up trash in super-hell tyrande is forced by elune to choose the path of renewal and the horde are allowed to set foot and roam around the new world tree you would be seen as a brainwormed doomer.

Always expect the worst because blizzard writers are the worst.


How is the Amani joining the Void “bad writing”?

Why do Amani fans keep forgetting that the Amani LET Arthas and the Scourge blight the land? Straight up watched the Scourge massacre life itself for petty revenge on the Elves. They don’t care about the land, they don’t care about anything but a burning desire for petty vengeance.

“But they fought the Void 16,000 years ago!!!” is not valid since a common story trope is “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”. (the Amani were never the heroes btw, but surely this quote gets the point across)

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So…appeal to tradition fallacy with a hint of cynicism?
But no actual evidence for this actually happening? Just speculation?

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While I think an Appeal to Tradition would be if he said that’s what should happen rather than what he thinks will happen, I see your point.


I mean…I feel like we are at the point now where the hate of the story has surpassed the actual story itself. It’s like a runaway effect thats gained more momentum than its original foundation. This is not even the 20th time I have seen players make something up to get angry at in this community.


I know what you mean. It really reached critical mass in BfA and Shadowlands imo. If fans stopped doing the writers’ job for them, the story, and maybe the franchise, would’ve crumbled long ago.

I’ll give them another chance with this major overhaul to the company. But ONE chance. This story goes south again, and I’m out.

Its why I noted waaaaay further up that if Amani do go Void, my hope is that its either a splinter faction, and its going to be used as a way to bring the Amani properly into the Horde fold, rather then the ambiguous “Well the Zandalari are apart of the Horde, so are all the troll tribes that obeyed them in previous expansions!”

Then added onto THAT hope with 'I really hope they don’t gloss over the Blood Elves/Amani’s hatred of each other with something cringy like a single battle where a blood elf saves whoever the chieftans life is for the Amani, and a troll saves Lor’themar’s life, and then its just rainbows and butterflies… I’d want an extended storyline of bitter resentment and disdain, that is SLOWLY pushed away with new characters who weren’t born into that and don’t let it affect them or something.

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That would be the best outcome for the Blood Elves and Amani working together. Though I can easily see the Revantusk serving as the middle man or at least getting the two to come to the table. I could even see a neat quest chain where an Amani questions as to how a Revantusk could work with the Blood Elves.

Amani trolls are not a Horde race. They are hostle to all Horde members, including other trolls.

It’s silly when people start claiming all hostile trolls like the Amani, Drakkari and Witherbark shouldn’t be villified when they already are and for good reason.


Did this actually happen? I thought Blizz never really gave any comment to what the Amani were doing when the Scourge attacked?

Blizzard doesn’t need to confirm everything. It should be pretty obvious.

Did you see the Amani lending their military support to Sylvanas and the Farstriders? No? Then they pretty much let the Scourge blight and massacre the land all the way up to the Sunwell.

Amani fans claim that the Amani would put aside their pride to help fight an external “threat to all life”, but that’s the opposite of what they did when the Scourge invaded.

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