Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

That’s not what the ancient war between Queen Azshara and the Zandalari shows us. :slight_smile:

Bruh, Khadgar rules literally the most multi-racial and cosmopolitan city in all of Azeroth.

Khadgar is, quite possibly, the most Neutral and accepting character in the franchise. He literally defied Jaina, the previous leader of the Kirin Tor, to welcome the Horde back in Dalaran. :man_facepalming:

Your favorite tribe. Is a group an Empire of Forest Trolls that are violent AF.

You’re posting on a Hordie. I assume you know the lore of the Amani in reference to other Trolls?

It’s like saying you’re a simp for Garrosh and want the Horde to have a conquerring Warlord again.

But to be HONEST.

The Amanai are the faction of Trolls most likely to alaign with the Void to kill the Elves. But that doesn’t mean every Amani or Forest Troll will be evil.

In fact I expect Talanji to be there. All formal tribes of Trolls are roughly UN-ed under the Zandalari.

So she’ll probably be our in with an Amani ambasardor to talk them down or have some of them help us.

Like Suramar or the Nerubian kingdom in TWW.

You’re stressing for no reason.

Like do you realize how many factions of each race exist? A Forest Troll faction being evil, doesn’t mean all Forest Trolls are evil.

And in a world like WoW. Factions will be enemies and villianous at large.

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That’s exactly what he wants.

He’s a Nostalgic WC2 guy who wants to literally bring the WC2 Horde with Ogre and Forest Trolls into WoW.

He takes it to the next level by also repeatedly asking Blizzard to revive Doomhammer, Ner’zhul, Kilrogg, and all the other randoms from the Old Horde.

I mean even in this thread he acknowledged that he just wants to relive the WC2 Nostalgia with Forest Trolls. He doesn’t actually like Forest Trolls, he’s just nostalgic of WC2.

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If anything I think it’d be better to just add a green skin to Trolls to facilitate the Forest troll want. And pehraps let the men stand upright?

Ogres could be cool though.

Granted wanting Garosh or something seems bad. Dont get me wrong. I think our player races should have conflict and tension. The world shouldnt be all peace and rainbows. But to have a main faction leader be like that…I feel most would feel like it’s Sylvanus all over again.

I really don’t know if they could write that in a good way.

Seeing male human paladins have their fun ruined is my goal

Seeing you freak out is the best present ever :rofl:


Bulky troll model like Kazrajin. The best race really. Should be the high elves of the Horde.

and if that filthy racist had accepted the spider/crab people into Dalaran maybe it wouldn’t look like someone dropped a Denver omelet on a glitterbomb in the new expansion!

Honestly it’s not even in-universe racism, the lore around trolls is just racist on a meta level. Like a lot of the stuff surrounding them is pretty blatantly racist because of how they’ve historically been written and portrayed.

If anything you want to perpetuate this by going all-in for the most racist version of the tropes presented by Trolls. Y’know like the forest savages who speak with Caribbean accents and practice voodoo and eat people.

Hey mods how much are they paying you?

Not enough is all you’ll likely get

Ah yes. A slobbering bloodthirsty savage that sacrifices in bloody rituals. Very noble of them.

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Okay racist.

Not racist. Trolls don’t actually exist. It’s a race in a video game. Not life.

The Trollbanes go burr :rofl::stuck_out_tongue:

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Now, I will say Blizzard DOES have a history of appropriation of cultural aspects which they have done with all the delicate grace of an eagle piloting a blimp.

For the playable groups, the Trolls and Tauren for sure got the worst of that, with Trolls getting the Hollywood Voodoo Cannibal tropes based on distorted afro-caribbean traditions and the Tauren being a weird soup of native American tribal traditions and concepts, noble savage edition.


The solution is obvious. Stop Catering to the elves and humans

Most games cater to humans because statistically people tend to want to use a human PC as a self insert into the fiction. Elves rank very close in that regard because they are generally seen as “Human, except better”.

People do not understand what evolved means

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The Amani are not evil they just want their land Back.