Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

Since one of my posts got liked here, I want to say, yes, please don’t.

And I say do it. If I cant have High elves for Midnight then I will take Amani Trolls and let the chaos ensue.

Evolution is the process of change over time. It’s only metric is survival, there is no plan or ideals or end goal(s) it is just survival and change over time.

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This thread is about them joining the Void, not the Alliance.


I think them joining the Void is more likely than them joining the Alliance.

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If we get playable Harronir that probably means no playable Arathri regardless? Or they’re only made “playlable” as new customizations for our existing troll options and not an actual new race, AR or otherwise.

Blizzard might double or triple up on racial themes or body shapes, like with the Earthern, but they haven’t done that with races back to back before.

I could see some Amani join the void. We have seen factions that once stood against X only to join X. Elisande for example. Or the Sargerai in AU Draenor.

I don’t see playable Harronir nullifying playable Forest Trolls. They are different races and while the Darkspear and Forest Troll female models are the same, the male model is different. So I can’t picture Forest Trolls becoming a customization skin. Besides Blizzard could always update the Forest Troll female model.

Now when it comes to the Arathi, Blizzard could have them be a playable race on their own right or just as a customization, like the Darkfallen and Man’ari. It just depends on how they want things.

That’s true and I just hope that we get a friendly Amani tribe to work with, and that the Revantusk tribe isn’t forgotten.


I would see it just being a customization thing but at the same time, they are so far divorced from Stormwind Humans & Kul Tirans that they could be their own allied race while having light & arcane focused racials. Like how the Dark Irons have more fire themed racials. Also the fact that they are half-elves too. So having them be a customization would be strange. As there have not been that many half-elves in the lore, let alone ones that are still alive. But since when has Blizzard been consistent with “meh population excuse”.

When it came to Darkfallen & Man’ari there are not that many classes they could be in theory. But with the half-elf Arathi you could have a larger range. Even if it comes down to things like warrior, hunter, mage, priest, paladin etc.

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Just what this game needs. 4 versions of humans and 4 versions of elves isn’t enough. Got to add a 5th by combining the 2.


I will come out and say that I think adding more allied races post BFA is a weird decision as allied races was one of the main selling points of that expansion.

But an expansion having either new races, classes or one or the other has become a standard thing to expect that it is jarring when we get one that does neither. Looking at you WoD and I guess Shadowlands. Considering the latter only opened up an existing class to several races (Allied races - Earthen + Pandaren)

New race:
TBC: Blood Elf and Draenei
Cata: Goblins and Worgen
MoP: Pandaren
BFA: Allied races sans Earthen
Dragonflight: Dracthyr
TWW: Earthen

New class:
Wrath: Death Knight
MoP: Monk
Legion: Demon Hunter
Dragonflight: Evoker

If I had a nickle for every time we got a new race and class, with said race being neutral from the same expansion I would have two nickles. Which isn’t a lot but strange that it has happened twice.

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To be honest since the allied races do start at level 10, and thus don’t need a 1-10 starting zone, I can see Blizzard having more allied races present. I can just see it playing out in Midnight, the Horde working with the Amani, having a Forest Troll reunion storyline where at the very least the Revantusk and Amani reunite, and then having the Forest Trolls as an allied race.

I think the core race system will be used when Blizzard feels a proper starting zone is needed. Like with the Dracthyr, they were introduced in Dragonflight and so needed it to help explain their deal and what factors saw them join the factions. I personally would prefer that Ogres got the core treatment, with the Retaking of Stonemaul being their leveling zone, before they enter an updated Dustwallow Marsh in the reclaimed, and upgraded, Stonemaul Village, before being sent on their way.

I enjoy that joke, way too much.

I mean, given how many elves are in the void-ranks — I’m sure they’d rather not anyway :joy:

  • “We are going to join the voi- Wait … What do you mean the void already hired elves into its ranks as ‘Void elves’ ? … WHAT!? FORGET IT, NO DEAL MON!”

Jokes aside though –


Given the Amani have been laid low by the elven empire who overtook their lands, forests and pushed back the reaches of their jungle & overall civilisation … They’d either join to reclaim former glory or be crushed by the wheel of Xal’atath’s ambition. :grimacing:

I’d wager that at best Xal’atath would see the Amani as an easier target in the area of Quel’Thalas and probably see to opt them as sacrifices, fodder to play with — or see their lands as a perfect invasion point to kickstart her base of operations moving the powers of darkness forward through the kingdoms of Quel’Thalas and later advance upon towards the Sunwell.

IDK man, a Void Troll allied race sounds pretty rad

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