Don't work to "beat" Blizzard's changes

The av changes were’t for the horde exclusively, it was to prevent people gaming the queue system and causing your side to have lopsided games by the masses.

There is a difference between instanced and Wpvp.

Learn it.

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The AV changes hurt some Alliance and help other Alliance but only help The Horde exclusively.

Making pre-made was perfectly okay and vanilla wow why should it not be perfectly okay in classic

You’re a broken record, no wonder no one takes you seriously.

Easier to say when you’re the faction who benefits from everything blizzard does for the past 15 years

Did blizzard do anything in retail to get horde to go back alliance? Nah. They left racials imbalanced and made merc mode. Dont have to fix the issue just make a work around

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I’ve played alliance twice as long as I’ve played horde. you either learn, adapt or switch factions.

I started horde 15 years ago, and I’m horde again. There’s nothing more to it.

See. Typical horde answer. Instead of fixing the issue you just want to ignore it. Because it doesn’t negatively impact you


Typical? Please 15 years ago guess who was the underdog faction? That;'s right it was us, the horde. We complained back then too, and was there any change then? no there wasn’t. now today, due to our knowledge, Most of the horde consists of ex-alliance.

You don’t want any solution, you just want to complain, and that’s all you do looking at your post history.

Yeah. And guess what horde got to do. Premade.
Guess what blizzard did to the underdog faction in classic? Limited premades.

And yeah it is typical. Since vanilla the alliance numbers dwindled and horde increased. Look at raid races. Maybe 10% of the top dogs are alliance. Has blizzard done anything to fix that? No.
They ignored it and implemented merc mode so horde wasn’t negatively impacted queue wise.

I already gave a solution. Faction specific queues on pvp servers.

All of the arguments here are irrelevant.

Conspiracy theories about which faction is favoured or why far-less widespread premading was tolerated back in the day don’t change the fact that Blizzard clearly doesn’t want it happening now and is taking steps to change it.

I don’t think bans will happen - I wouldn’t go that far – but I agree with Blizzard that people need to play in the spirit of the game. If you try to work around the work arounds, expect some genuinely unfortunate limitations to the BG to follow.

In that case 24/7 camping of flight paths and the other world pvp shenanigans from people need to stop too. Those aren’t in the spirit of the game either.

But you dont see horde calling for that do you?


I don’t play on a PVP server, but I don’t disagree with that.

I do, as someone who plays Alliance in Classic, find this argument that these AV changes were made to “benefit Horde” when virtually everyone I know who doesn’t run with a premade and who is Alliance is absolutely stoked at the news. Premaders are living in a bit of a bubble over this one.

And before you say – well, gear up, get an epic mount, join a premade…


I have other priorities before an epic mount.
I’m not interested in raiding.
I want to play without having to be on discord.
I have an ethical objection to premading.

And yet I do not want to play in an 8-40 chasm left by a dodging premade.

Not a premade player. I dont like these changes. If these changes are allowed because “spirit of vanilla and long term health” then actual changes need to occur to world pvp too because in vanilla alliance didn’t camp horde 24 7.

They can’t have it both ways. Pick a side horde.

Are you sure that your perspective hasn’t been overly influenced by your experiences (which from what I’ve read sound pretty terrible) during the World PVP shambles before BGs launched?

I can fully understand being bitter about this, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

Its not fair to take away the advantage of the underdog faction either. But they just did.
If changes are being made to maintain the spirit of the game, just do them across the board.

Yes, but you have to remember that there’s PVE servers too where there was no such paradigm because fighting in the open world is irrelevant.w

To me, as a PVE Alliance member who got slugged with about 100 8 to 15 against 40 games in a row before I worked out how to queue up so as to avoid these messes (and then started to get abuse for “sniping”), these were required changes.

Nice selective editing. Do you work in politics?

Yeah I remember bad boy Bill Gates breaking all the rules to get ahead. And remember when Taylor Swift almost got arrested but not quite? And don’t even get me started on Warren Buffett. I mean what makes him think he can get away with investing money?!

You sound like a Marxist consumed by envy. Wealth is not immoral just because you don’t have it.

This is garbage. Alliance have given up before the gates even open. That’s why they lose. You have 40 in the match long before SP is contested. Disadvantage? Of course. Insurmountable? Absolutely not. Horde would easily come back from such a deficit.

Our PUGs go toe to toe with many of your premades, likely due to your sides victim mentality and some alleged unfairness.

People will always maximize their advantage, it’s up to blizz to regulate the system not the players

Having played horde for more years than alliance, I’m convinced there is no difference in horde and alliance mentality.

Get out with your big bad self.