Don't work to "beat" Blizzard's changes

But you just listed several instances of wealth being immoral. Or was that the point?

If you were one of those people who liked to challenge themselves, you wouldn’t have rolled the dominate faction with the racials designed specifically for pvp…

You would have prioritized challenge over aesthetics.

So maybe you shouldn’t be the one to preach about who likes challenging games…lol.

People will always optimize their play, there’s no way around it. You just have to make the desired mode of play be the optimal one and adjust the game accordingly.

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Lmao… what undead racials were designed specifically for PVP?

Canabalism? Nope! This was designed for sustaining early PVE.
Shadow resistance? I guess you could argue that +10 shadow resist helps in PVP. Designed specifically for PVP? Nope.
Underwater breathing? I’m not aware of any underwater PVP objectives.
Will of the Forsaken? There are literally 3 classes in this game that have a fear ability. 2 of those same classes also have a charm like ability and one of those classes have a spammable fear. However, there are countless PVE encountered where fear, charm or sleep are one of the mechanics, including raid encounters.

So please tell me what undead racial was designed specifically for PVP…

Those dead sexy bony knees and elbows baby!

Something being dumb and pathetic isn’t technically an argument, mind you. This is the same tall angry toddler behavior a lot of toxic players were making in every thread where people were making legitimate complaints about premades ruining PVP for them. …Right before Blizzard did in fact release a patch to combat the problem.

The “Group as 5” mechanic may backfire for the horde and make queues longer.

Just follow me on this one.

You queue as a 5 man group.

The queue system now has to wait till 5 spots are open in order to get you in.

If there are 4 AVs going each with the following numbers (36, 38, 37, 39). Then the queuing system cannot put the 5 people in. It has to wait for a New AV to start, but given the low Alliance numbers queuing, there not enough Alliance to fill the 20 minimum, so the 5 man group continues to wait.

Meanwhile, any Horde that is queuing solo is getting plugged into the 4 AVs as the queuing system can easier round out the teams lacking one or two people.

This continues to snowball as more 5 man groups queue.

Times change.

Regardless, as the title of the spiritual says, “Your arms are too short to box with God.”

I’m not Marxist at all.

You don’t get far in life by “playing nice”. Or “playing fair”. Literally anyone operating a business will tell you the same because what you’re unwilling to do because of your “principles”, someone else will.

Go read up some more on some of your Big Tech heroes and you might see my point.

Pop stars are a different breed, as they’re basically just puppets for big music labels. As talented as they are for putting up a show, none of it is genuine. Again go read up on who actually write virtually all the modern day pop music. There’s a reason they all sound the same.

None of this is right or wrong btw. Its literally just Human nature, we rose at the top of the foodchain by dominating or killing off the rest of it and bending everything else to our needs, why wouldn’t we apply this within our own societies?

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Are you kidding me? I loved that wall of BS you just typed!

Do it again! Mr “challenged”!

That the best you got? Everything I said is correct. You can’t even make a counter argument. You cry about PVP specific racials, but Human Perception is very PVP specific…

Litterally every single explination you had for your racials was complete and utter BS.

Cannibalize? Meant for early PvE? It heals by PERCENTAGE you dolt. It’s not a fixed rate. AND it’s only effective against humanoid corpses…the kind you are 100 percent going to be facing in PVP. It’s this nice little meal you get to have to quickly boost your health up without worrying about your bandage on cooldown because you likely used it during your ambush.

I mean don’t hurt your brain trying to figure out how the hell a human is suppose to effectively use DIPLOMACY in pvp. Or how great 5 percent spirit is.

Geez man. We all know why the hell ya rolled horde. Stop looking pathetic and own it.

“I rolled horde for aesthetics brah! I just happened to like pvp!”

Just report everyone who exploits. The system is automated so if everyone does it they get banned.

AND it’s only effective against humanoid corpses

Wrong. Humanoid and Undead…what is early Undead starting zone? Undead/Humanoid…

Hey everyone, cannibalism is a PVP specific racial, but perception is not! LOL!

P.S. I rolled horde to avoid people like you.

Come on now. You know darn well Will of the Forsaken is one of the best pvp abilities in the game’s history. Aint nobody gonna buy that its not. lol

I never once said it isn’t great for PVP, but to say it was specifically designed for PVP is ridiculous.

Well when you can cannibalize a pig, wolf, bear, elemental or any other beast more specific towards PvE…you may have an argument.

As it is, you don’t Mr Aesthetics. And you can’t avoid players like me. For all you know I’m in the same battleground as you are…it’s not like rolling horde is a privilege.

Who would have thought it would be so hard to admit ya rolled horde because they have better PvP racials, and you like to PvP?

So sad, yet so funny!

I do enjoy both PVP and PVE and I use my racials in both. Can you say the same? Ever use Perception in PVE? :thinking:

Two wrongs, don’t make a right, but they sure as heck make it more fair.

Perception in PvE is infinity easier to use as I know when the group of mobs im facing have stealth. They spawn in the same spots and do the same patrol route… Where as I’m not a mind reader and couldn’t tell ya when, in a battleground a rogue might be sneaking up behind me ready to sap.

It is rather useless either way as it only lasts for 30 seconds. So you really need to be specific as to when to use it.

Alliance racials in PvP are hard mode. You know this, I know this…you came in preaching about “I like to be challenged” yet you rolled easy mode.

I just found that ironic.