Don't threaten voice actors

Death threats really should land ppl in jail…


We have state mental hospitals here in the US. LOL.

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And free mental health clinics all you need to see a shrink for free is proof of poverty which all it takes for that is showing you are on foodstamps or other program.

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i dont mean the problem should be ignored, just properly fit into the set of criticisms. for example - a mentally ill person threatens someone with murder, do you A) yell at them and call them a jerk and trash, or B) consider they’re probably mentally ill and need a doctor

I take option C. hold them accountable and throw them in jail.

really? i was told they had all been closed down.

Your state might be in a really bad situation, but I’d wager that deals with corruption and someone siphoning the funds for it. We got a bad corruption problem atm. I think at least 2 officials so far have been charged and another is under suspicion.

Or at least a wake up call if it’s just some bratty teenager

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I do wonder if those program help. Always been curious. Either way they are fun to watch on tv. Some teen going to a prison to see what it’s like. comes out wetting their pants.

death threats sounds like more than bratty

It’s really esculated over the years. But there is alot to blame for that… Part of it is all the restrictions on discipline these days. Swattings, death threats, school shootings, telling people to kill themselves…ect ect ect. It’s just a toxic wasteland. We really need to be able to put our kids back in control.

Ehhhh I’ve said some vile things as a teenager. It’s common for a teenager to feel invincible from consequences.

Because now days, they sort of are. Almost every form of punishment is frowned on or illegal now.

Depends on the type of punishment. Physical stuff like spanking? Actually really bad for kids.

Or systems where say a bullied kid is punished for fighting back and the bully doesn’t get punished? That’s also bad.

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Aye,legit criticism is fine and dandy as it helps people improve if given in constructive context as are an occasional meme or two given it doesn’t go too far,death threats and pathetic nerd rage…not so much.

Death is final. At least criticism is just “hey this is for next time”.

Yeah Idk. I’m looking threw history and I can see a pretty consistent pattern where the less severe the punishments parents are allowed to give. The more severely the kids of that generation act out. Once upon a time school shootings wasn’t even a thought of something that might happen.

Most definitely,still boggles me why people need to be so damn aggro,you’d think we’ve evolved past that point by now.

It’s weird how it can be either or. Too little punishment and you get little mini Karens that freak out when they’re finally told no by someone.

Too much punishment and that kid is gonna act out SO BAD when they’re away from their parents

I think it all depends on the emotional and mental makeup of the child. Some children need a good spanking. Because that is what it takes to really get something to sink in. They only really understand physical consequences. Meanwhile there are other children that are more emotionally sensitive and all they need is a stern talking to. The issue comes in that all the laws takes away the tools you got in your parenting toolbelt to actually do what needs done to remedy a issue before it becomes a problem.

So then one day you get Danny, who starts throwing death threats at writers or voice actors.

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