I mean. Maybe something like a very quick smack on the wrist. Not the full “down the pants go and you get hit hard” spank.
Getting a child to understand consequences without making them fear you is freaking hard.
Even then. Physical punishment has this weird issue where over time it will escalate. And not every parent is aware that they’re getting frustrated and hitting their kid more and harder.
It’s all balancing act yeah. Parenting is hard and while people try to sell you things they think are instruction manuals none of them really ever suites all children. But I agree you don’t want them to fear you, you need your children to feel okay opening up to you if they are in trouble.
Good parenting can also be undone with one crappy teacher which is why I cringe when I hear some schools still allow physical punishment from teachers to students.
I don’t agree with that being a thing. If it is, it should only ever be in extremely small moderation and only with parental consent. I’d flip out if anyone touched my kids.
Ugh just so many things can make a person say awful things like the threats to Laura.
I just want to nip stuff like this in the bud. Imagine if Jaina does something stupid in Shadowlands and some dingus acts like it’s Laura’s fault. ( I’m sure some people have thought about it with Tyrande since we all like to joke about her voice acting. Even if my issue is more with the directing than the actual voice actress )
Well. I think people that make these threats have a lack of a filter. I know I personally get angry and have crazy thoughts sometimes but I’d never actually say them. If my filter was broke. I imagine that’d be pretty ugly.
Right but surely you got some level of a filter. Or idk maybe I’m just more nuts then you. But I know there is times while in rage i’ve just thought something along the lines of ugh why don’t you just go burn in a fire. Or some crap along those lines. Granted I still voiced my rage but I am able to edit that extreme part out. I think these people that say those things lack the ability to really stop themselves from posting those extra negative rage thoughts.
That or i’m wrong about people thinking these things from time to time as being a normal human thing.
I think one thing is important for Laura to do though. She shouldn’t be calling attention to these threats on Twitter it’s only going to feed into it. Either make the person more angry or attract more people to do the same. She really should just contact the authorities beef up her security for awhile and ignore it.
I understand, it’s stressful trying to ignore it and she is probably needing some positive reinforcement after all the negative stuff slipping threw. However she could get someone to filter threw that stuff for her so she doesn’t have to look at it. Atleast for a time. I speak strictly from a safety standpoint. The best option is to not pay attention to the person and increase security.
-Voice acting that sounds good somewhat but has a few wonky inconsistencies? Bad directing
-Voice acting that sounds good but the words are garbage? Bad writing
Then you have weird cases like the voice acting in Silent Hill 2. A lot of folks think its awful when I highly disagree
Here the slightly awkward delivery is 100 percent on purpose. It’s meant to be kind of dream like. Like an audio version of The Uncanny Valley
A LOT of things go into voice work. And very rarely is a bad delivery actually the voice actors fault. And none of these instances mean “Oh NOW we can give them death threats”
I blame normies that invade fandoms. Since the gaming became mainstream it was nothing but downfall. Same with geeky stuff like star wars. Mainstream infects communities with normies plague. They’re insane.