Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

:notes: F is for forever :notes:


This thread was started by someone complaining they could get a warning for treating people poorly.

I don’t see how anyone’s wow accomplishments would add to their credibility in this thread.


Who’s the actual maladjusted, socially inept person here?

The person who apparently can’t regulate their communication to adhere to the social norms of a video game?

Or the people who report you because you’re verbally harassing everyone on your team?


yep you have to becareful. not just the entire world…of warcraft, but the world in general. The Carebear movement is real!!!

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Ah yes, consequences for your words. What a horrifying concept.


I don’t get why you’re going after Lastarria with this tack… They’re not on a 10, they’re on a 70… Is it that you just don’t like their truth? Curious.


I’ve had people pull out the same with me, with one even accusing me of being a boosted account that was banned. Several people have said I did not play wow since 2009. It’s all very silly.
I get that experience can help inform opinions, but if someone’s argument is sound, it doesn’t matter who is making it but they’d rather attack the person instead of addressing the argument I suppose.


hahaha have you even been reading or does your smarminess not allow for that? people say they been gettin consequences for doing nothing. but you carry on no one’s gonna stop your view of yourself

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It’s hard sometimes to recognize that one has been doing or saying something that is deserving of consequences, especially when locked into ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ mode…

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Going after who? Are we not able to explain things to other players ? Did you not read the number 10 or 20?

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: this is a safe place remember. Have a good day :wave:

And yet the customer service forum is full of people who got “consequences for doing nothing” yet a CS rep replies with receipts that they, in fact, did something.
People who do something wrong will often say they did nothing wrong, either because they truly believe that what they did doesn’t violate the rules (not an excuse), or because they are lying about what they were actually doing (more common).

Like for example someone says “I was banned for just asking people to get the flag” then a CS rep replies and points out that they were banned for calling their teammates all kinds of names.

Over and over again this plays out the same way every time, so you’ll have to excuse my skepticism whenever someone says they were banned “for nothing”. Do false bans happen? Sure. And they are very rare.


this is the real real world pal. no place is safe. once you figure that out life gets super easy

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i got banned for a week for calling a bg spammer talking massive trash to the team a loser. Thats a problem and not me. Western society has become way to soft and has no resilience anymore and that is not a virtue. Blizzard has changed for the worse and people who report for everything ruin the world because they cant regulate their emotions.


You are asserting the people who are able to control themselves and not break rules, and report those who cannot control themselves and break rules, are the ones who can’t regulate? Really?


Did you report them? It takes literally like 5 seconds to do and the bonus is it temporarily ignores them automatically so you won’t see their chat anymore until you relog.
Instead of retaliating and getting baited into breaking the ToS, you could have just reported and moved on with playing the game.

This is of course assuming you’re telling the truth and that was what you actually got actioned over.

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calling someone a loser and then the match ending is regulating. Someone reporting is pathetic. Its not a ban worthy offense, period. Your like someone who thinks the rules are always just or the law is never wrong.

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It’s up to Blizzard and Blizzard alone what constitutes a ban worthy offense.
If you think they got it wrong you can appeal the decision, multiple times if needed until they tell you to stop appealing but since you admitted to this, you most likely did a lot more than what you’re admitting to warrant a suspension.

The rules are the rules. Follow them, or not.

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the person talking trash isnt something i think is worthy of being reported. They werent being racist, sexist, homophobic or anything real like that. I would never stoop so low as to report someone for talking trash, its pathetic.

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Lol rules are the rules, yea because rules and laws are never unjust. If they still emailed people clips of what was said and what you were banned for i would post them but they dont.

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If you knew me, you’d laugh at how wrong that is. If I thought the rules were unjust, I’d stop paying money to be here.

it’s just that I happen to agree that rules discouraging abusive behavior in online spaces are a good thing.

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