Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

To bad blizzard became woke

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Shantarin is the person that ignores chat all game doesn’t contribute to playing the objective then when they read the chat and see everyone blaming them they’re like “Hey that’s mean I’m gonna report them and tell my daddy who definitely works for blizzard!” xD



im all for a super happy world where every1 has a safe space.

but whats point of chat disable? whats point of ignore?

i miss the days where we would craptalk each other back and forth, and then at the end of it all we would say gg goodnight f***er

those were the days

nowadays every1 acts like a word has pierced their chest and caused them internal bleedings


Pretty sure the people who cannot control themselves can also just turn off chat.

Honestly, just don’t be disrespectful and you won’t get banned.

Or better yet, keep it up and get banned. The game is better without the toxicity.


Make some like-minded friends in game and you’ll be fine to talk like this to each other.


You need to recalibrate apparently.

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It’s not disrespectful.

If you don’t know what you’re doing and not listening to strats and call outs and you’re apart of the problem the team lost you contributed to wasting peoples time and contributing to others rating loss.

So if someone goes “hey you’re bad and don’t know what you’re doing” instead of going “waaaah my feelings” go do some research because if several people are saying you’re the problem in a BG especially a rated one, it’s not people being disrespect it’s other players telling you to get better to help the team and stop handicapping the team lol.


It’s not up to you to determine what anyone else finds disrespectful lol.

When you hear that what is your typical response to it? (If someone said it to you)


My response to someone calling me bad or dumb or whatever I go “what would you have done better?” either they say nothing/or just continue to rage and I go “they’re just raging, happens.” and ignore the comment or they actually have insight on what I could have done better I’ll take that into thought.

But I certainly don’t go “Well you have disrespected me and I must report this!”

Players who get called out for consistently for messing up in a game and then get upset people called them out and report that person are usually the same player that gets in their emotions and just stands still and throws because of the tantrum mindset.


How very mature of you.

Now, how many times have you called someone out for being bad and they respond with something like above and then get better in game?

Not many do because of the sensitive nature/tantrum mindset a lot of players trying rated PvP have these days. These problems only happen from 0-1700 rated. The problem is the extremely slow climb and set backs. Once you get out of that bracket you find mature players in a PvP.

Yes there’s always one that’ll rage even while winning but everyone just chuckles at that guy, not spam report haha.

Reporting people in PvP is always a lower bracket issue because people refuse to believe they’re bad or the problem even is several people are calling them out directly from not help/contributing.

The rating climb is so slow right now, we sadly all have to try to climb passed people that think Blitz and normal BGs are the same thing.


So why bother then? People clearly find it disrespectful and it does nothing for you.

If you are really that interested to help people improve their game, I am sure you could find a way to help them. For example, asking them in whisper if they even want your help.


If people think telling them they’re doing something wrong and refuse to listen to the solution because they feel “disrespected” they will never learn and wont change or climb.

They’re is just a large group of players in PvP that are just happy being stuck at mid rating and don’t care about the players trying to climb and succeed further in Blitz mode


Like I said:

You’re are not going to “fix” the player base to your liking. Especially by calling them out.

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The topic of the post (I guess you forgot) was there’s too many sensitive people in PvP that shouldn’t be that think the slightest criticism is harassment and deserves a report. You’re right you can’t help the sensitive people that should be focusing on PvE content and not PvP content.

Need thick skin for PvP. PvE is more their speed I hear you can leave Mythic+ and Raids without punishment but tell someone they’re not doing something right, WARNING! Lol

This is my last reply Lastarria you are either trolling or just really can’t understand this simple post.

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I learned like 4 years ago when I was 17 that no matter what comes out of my mouth someone somewhere will be offended by it.

Keep in mind “breath air!” Was considered offensive to some people.

So I just stopped caring really I’m not going to just never speak because someone somewhere can pretend to be offended by it.

Used to be a time when people could take being offended in their stride it was known as a hallmark of maturity. Instead you have people perceiving anything you say as a slight towards them even if it wasn’t cause that’s how bad insecurity is these days.


This is where the OP (and you) have it wrong.

The problem is not that people are too sensitive, it’s that you are behaving disrespectfully. Learn to cope with that, or not and get banned…up to you.


A hallmark of maturity would be to not act poorly when a game doesn’t go your way.

A sure sign of insecurity is treating someone else disrespectfully. Bruised egos lash out.


trash talk is part of just about every game i’ve ever played. board games and sports.
maybe not while on the swim team but every other one for sure.

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You are literally face to face with another human being, presumably friends of yours…

I would say the same rules don’t apply to anonymous strangers.