Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

im that person. words like that shouldn’t trigger people to report. if they do it should be in the email.

Ah, so you were being toxic (as a blizzard rep said) and you somehow don’t think you’re in the wrong?
Well, you are free to disagree, but Blizzard apparently doesn’t agree with you.
Did they accept your appeal?


did you even read the thread? my issue is not having the offending statement listed in the email. the community mvp marisol explains it’s supposed to be but its broken.
i’ve never appealed an action.

According to the CS rep, you were harassing other players. It should be common sense that you don’t talk to people like that. This isn’t high school.


Harassment is a broad umbrella in 2024 and only growing by the day.

When I was in school it was changing year to year I just gave up trying to keep up with it and didn’t really talk to anybody in any serious fashion.

The military was even worse with sharp. Definitely didn’t talk to anybody in there they would throw you right in jail on nothing but somebody’s word throw away the key until evidence came forth that you were actually not guilty.


it is kinda crazy

this game is about war. killing people. torturing enemies with fire, mutilating their limbs

and we have ignopre feature
we have chat disabvle feature

but instead of using them, they just ban people

my opinion is they do this so people will make new accounts, more money


I use ignore and I report.


But seriously,there is no reason to tolerate toxic behavior.



Ignoring people only solves it for the one player who ignored them.
Suspending them so they stop doing it solves it for everyone down the line.

The burden shouldn’t be on the other 7 people on the team to always have to ignore the toxic players.


If people are actually getting their accounts shut down, then it’s for a good reason. Some people are just slow learners and can’t control themselves.

Blizzard doesn’t take account closures lightly.


i can get behind this in real toxic situations. like namecalling.racism etc

but nowadays u can get banned for using emotes. its a bit rediculous

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No. no you can’t.

Oh thats nonsense if you have something to say someone the best thing is to just go and say it to them.

And then if they take it the wrong way it was self defense anyway so you cant be at fault.

You just need to have the confidence to say it.

It’s so easy to not be toxic though. If it isn’t then you should do some reflecting on how healthy is the game for you then if you need to put others down.

Exactly they obviously had multiple warnings and didn’t learn. No one is perfect. Anyone can have an outburst of anger, life happens. However if it keeps happening that is a problem.


It’s just as easy to not say anything if you can’t think of something nice to say.
And I totally get being frustrated at your team. Who hasn’t been at one point or another?
But taking it out on them is not okay, and isn’t helpful, and certainly won’t improve your chances at winning the match. In fact trash talking your own team often has the opposite effect and often guarantees a loss, even in a game that was otherwise winnable.


You don’t socialize much face-to-face, do you.


I do my fair share of face to face socialization.

Physical confrontations are becoming more popular all over the place cause when 2 proud individuals are in disagreement the only outcome is usually exactly that.

It’s also the quickest way to problem resolution if you had a problem you should never just sit on it forever and never let them know.

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If this were true, then you wouldn’t believe that

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Same, it’s part of my job.

Everyone just seems to want to be a victim and shut down other people’s opinions these days by either silencing / banning them or claiming because x their opinion is invalid.

I have said some wild stuff in battlegrounds throughout the years and have never received even a warning. I’m really curious what people are saying to get these lol.