Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

Yeah, you get a warning when people report you. That’s just warning you that you’ve been reported. It’s automatic and has no affect on your account. People can report you for anything, it doesn’t mean anything by itself.

If you get a suspension or a ban, that was given out by a human after reviewing the chat logs.

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They used to give you a list of things you were reported for which “contributed” to the account action.

Here are the things that were reported on my account :

“Inc ST” - a literal call out for incoming enemies

“Eat pig! You get more hp” - literally putting down a Feast (a literal pig feast in BGs)

“Damn our damage is not good at all” - im top of the dmg board followed by numerous horde then an alliance char with 1/3 of my damage. - stating facts

People love to report anyone for anything these days and the system is still automated and have to go through AI CS to get to a real life person.

I’ll also just drop this here

https:// —


Well I am not sure what to tell you. I have a macro for calling inc and use it multiple times per battleground and have never received an account penalty for it. And it uses the warning ping too so if anyone is going to get reported for calling inc, it would most definitely be me.


Nah you dont have to say anything.

I’ve continued to say Inc ST etc and changed my macro to something completely neutral (I still cant believe I had to do that)

The reporting system gets abused and people will report anything these days. That’s just the way it is atm


People keep saying there are warnings in game, and I have never seen one.

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Nah, I’m a grown adult and I don’t like seeing people trashing their own team. It’s not productive at best and at worst you’re actively contributing to the problem.

Anti-social tendencies aren’t something to brag about.


Can you explain to me how the barrens chat was anti-social when it was the most dominate social dynamic in wow.
Were you there or do you just express yourself in a smarmy behavior without experience?


A blue posted that it’s not just language that will lead to account closure. They said it also is any forms of harrassment including, tell players to quit playing, throwing, don’t Que X etc.

Personally I report anyone that says anything bad about me playing Prot or Tanks because that just isn’t needed.

Here is the blue post


Thats when I first tried WoW. I didn’t play long then, as I was also not use to moving with WASD…

But those chats were hilarious. Terrible but hilarious. Also walking across that place with no flying broke me lol.

It was so hillarious. I really learned to appreciate the level of genius some people had. Plus it was at the height of the wow phenomenon being unleashed so there was a real energy about it. But the duels that happened and the chat around it was something of legends

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bluzz doesnt list the offensive statement in the account action email anymore and its my biggest issue with how they deal with account action.
how is anyone supposed to change a behavior if they aren’t told what exactly is being said?


There’s actually some good legal and social reasons they probably shouldn’t list the exact reasons.
The problem comes down to that if you list the exact reason you ban someone, they will come back and try to nitpick every little rule to show that they didn’t actually break any rules. And especially if they decide to get a lawyer involved, they might have absolutely zero case, but it will cost them tens of thousands of dollars to fight it.

By leaving out the exact reasons why you remove someone, you avoid that whole issue.
I mean there were several posts in the CS forum from someone who was banned for multiboxing and they kept trying to get a Blizzard rep to confirm exactly what behaviors are and are not allowed. No matter how many times players (not bliz) tried to answer their questions, they kept coming up with more and more “loopholes” and “arguments” for why they should be allowed to multibox in a way that violates the rules.

Because at the end of the day, no rule, no law even, can be absolutely technically correct in all cases, to the letter. All laws still need interpretation by a judge at the end of the day, and Blizzard doesn’t have the time to try a whole court case with jury for every account suspension or ban so they aren’t going to always list exactly what you said to cause the suspension.

Because if they did, you could turn around and say “well nowhere in the rules does it say I can’t say X” and repeat over and over again.


It’s rather sad when adults need to be taught how to behave.


So leave the rules intentionally vague so you can ban anyone for any nonsensical reason you want. Got it

Right so once again throw individual player rights to the wayside so blizzard can have a easier time just thanos snapping people engaged in wrong think.


You have no rights to freedom of speech while on someone else’s private property, or on a private platform.


Yep sometimes it’s fair and others it’s not lol. Too hard to police so they rely on vague rules to avoid it and since they are basking in revenue and players triggering a few unfairly is acceptable haha :slight_smile:


I bust people’s balls in BGs all the time and I don’t have any problems.
Probably because I don’t feel the need to use foul language or insults when I do it.

Thanks for saying this! I main Prot Pally, and have played Prot in BGs since 2009… Occasionally get these asshats that think that because I play Prot, I don’t know what I’m doing, and even this weekend, had at least two who kept giving me crap in Instance chat, saying for me to quit playing, to Uninstall the game, that I do nothing and am getting carried, etc… (By the way, these people giving me grief had no higher rating than mine :thinking::roll_eyes::rofl:)

So what you’re saying is, I have every right to report them? Thanks.

I try not to let them get to me. I enjoy Prot, and do my damnedest to play the Objectives…


heres one of my discussions about the situation.

Right, that discussion just proves the point and people in the replies also said it very well.
That person was banned for toxicity. What exactly they said doesn’t matter.