Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

I never thought “take responsibility for what you say and make sure you follow the ToS” would be such a controversial idea. At least we know reporting toxic behavior works.


Shutting people up for their opinions despite how wrong you think they may be kind of has that effect.

For example. You think im a trash player, an a**hole etc and while I may disagree with you I think you have a right to state that opinion.

Anyone who wants to shut down anyone else (outside of vulgarity) usually is making up for their own short comings


Blizzard is not the government.

There are no rights to freedom of speech here.


What hirav means is that if blizzard wants their game to be a echo chamber where only 1 side of any arguement is allowed to speak they can.

Which is fine cause there are plenty of other platforms like x where that is not the case and you can call them on their nonsense to a far bigger audience.

Man i love elon. He’s like the 1 tech billonaire who doesn’t have a fixation on complete personal domination and ownership of the flow of information.


Ironic that of all people your the one that states that. Pure Echo Chamber mentality

I prefer open discussion / debate but there are certain types of people that would rather silence / shout you down / ban you than have logical debate.

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I always feel like it’s just best to not reply to trash talk cause when both persons are arguing nothing gets done and you just have two people who aren’t focusing cause they’re too busy arguing in chat which turn BGB into a 6 vs 8 now.

The sad part is it usually goes on for the entire game since both of them want the last say in the argument


If I ever quit this game, the #1 reason will be blizzards policies that they force on the player base to try and make up for being morally bankrupt.


Thinkin about this thread OP, actually I dont think Blizzard has to worry about people saying bad words soon, their concern will be stopping the mass exodus of players walking away.

TOXIC game design, and adding on top California Modern Day politics silencing people, yeahhhh… Its time to go!

How did that work out for Starfield Bethesda??? S.Squad kills the justice league? lol. I keep saying it Helldivers had an active player count of over 300k at peak hours, its a dead game now.


I don’t think anyone will miss toxic players if they all left.


LOL no we def would not miss your ilk. But you guys are don’t have anything else in your life worth anything so you can’t leave, it’s why you perpetuate this toxic game style because it fits your toxic mentality.

bring back global lfr channel
I miss the bants

I’d happily take 20 minute Q to never have a reason to use report again

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Games are better with toxicity,

Now you have to walk on egg shells.


I never got silenced or anything until the recent passed two years. I played since vanilla, and yes you could talk rap and be toxic back then. I guess a big difference is they didn’t have automated systems and a GM would actually message you in game not the stupid auto messages they have now.

Nah you can still talk in chat. Just be really passive aggressive and don’t use any swears and you will be fine. Like if the dude you left to hold mines loses it you can throw out the old “really good job holding mines there, bud.” and watch as the chat devolves into a frenzy.

talking crap in the bg chat is half the fun in most of these one sided matches.


I would disagree there. The “toxic” players are a small minority of the player base overall, maybe 5-10% at most and the other 90% of player’s experience would improve if they either stopped being toxic, or stopped playing.


Something tells me they do not understand what the word toxicity means.


It’s not your BG.

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Maybe like a fish not understanding what it means to be wet.

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Here’s something to keep in mind…

People who queue for random BGs can and should do so for any reason they fancy. They should play as any spec they want and they should be allowed to casually figure out their playstyle and the intended strategies for each map without people crying about the role they chose or the fact that they don’t know the RBG strategy that happens to be their favorite.