Don't listen to the anti LFR people. They just want to control who raids

lol I won’t disagree there. It’s way past time for them to merge some more servers. Realistically it’s just not something they’re going to do, though.

the problem I see with the LFR is you can get a character to level 120 then beat the game with in 4 hours, if you exclude the 4 hours worth of wait time to get into LFR

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no, not its not.
Again, these games have power creep because players demand more power.
Its the placebo that we demand to keep paying our subs.
As far community, sorry but again, I played LFR-less classic. Its every bit as toxic as retail

exactly doesn’t give you any reason to aspire to be better and do better just promotes complacency

You’re using “see” inconsistently. The sub DOES entitle you to see the raid, but not complete it. Your skill determines how far you get in the raid, and if you complete it or not.

Whether or not you complete it, whether or not you suck, you’re still seeing the raid. Maybe you’re only seeing up to the first boss where you consistently wipe, but you’re still seeing it.

I’m not insane here for thinking the base difficulty of the game needs to be turned up from brain dead right?

this isn’t an insane thought pattern

I wouldnt even care if they made LFR just take on normal difficulty and require you to have a slightly harder to get Ilvl, I’d be damn well fine with that

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yeah but bro the problem is here you don’t even have to be at your computer and you can get through the LFR

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  1. I didn’t say anything about toxicity

  2. Yes it is. You wanting it to not be a problem doesn’t magically make it not a problem. Power creep is a legitimate issue for ongoing MMOs. Blizzard has even talked about this a butt load of times in interviews. Don’t pretend like you know what you’re talking about lmao

agreed just make normal difficulty lfr and call it a day takes out some IL bloat per patch as well.

I forgot LFR is perfectly fine as it is. It totally doesn’t breed the most toxic form of behavior. Need I remind you I run a lot of LFR Jaina for a chance at the mount. There are always a hand full of players that when the point comes they realize the group won’t wipe, they kill themselves so they don’t have to participate, or they just blatantly afk.

Please tell me another difficulty where this takes place, I’ll wait.

I’m sorry if this rubs anyone the wrong way, but it’s just observation. I’m a super try hard in LFR because you know…I don’t want to sit there ALL day when I’ve already been in queue for upwards of an hour sometimes. I do any other difficulty or anything else in this game and I fail to ever see this type of behavior.

/Yawn 20minutes and not a single person can respond to this. But LFR is perfect.

I’m very anti LFR, it’s not that I want to control who raids or not. I believe it’s very unhealthy for the game and personally I do not want to see it exist any longer. There’s not much of a difference between LFR and normal raiding.

power creep exists because of one thing…players demanding more power.
Remove that and there is no power creep.
LFR has nothing to do with it.

Yes it does. Because they have to push the item level up higher to give the lowbies gear that makes them feel good too. Causing the power ramp to accelerate significantly more than it did pre-LFR. Literally go watch any interview. I’m not going to spoon feed you incredibly basic information.

There’s 41 servers with LFR/LFG disabled. The experiment is in progress. Go play classic.

that might be valid IF I hadnt played in LFR-less classic for two weeks and been subjected to at least as many nasty players as retail has to offer.

Thats the irony in here.
They railed on for months about how they were all going to go play classic to get away from LFR and such.
But here we are, back to them in retail screaming to have LFR removed.
guess Classic sucked as bad as I figured it was going to and retail IS the better game, otherwise they’d be playing classic now

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I havent logged on to retail yet

I’m still here to say that LFR sucks and needs changes

Lol… no

Just remove the loot incentive however feeble it is. Downgrade everything to blue level so there is a power incentive for those who want it to try and get into a normal raid.
Tourist mode remains tourist mode. You can leave mounts in there for the tourist to have a crack at .

Lfr is damaging to the community. Raiding is additive to the community.

Merge the servers ffs. 50 people online during peak hours is not a high pop server blizz. Regardless of how you identify it

Noted, you don’t like LFR. Now go enjoy Classic you have expressed your opinion.

Power CREEP yes. Bfa has set a pace that a middle distance runner would be proud of. When you hit max level in levering year your are around what 180-200 ilvl? Now it is easy to be 430 ilvl. I don’t remember the hp that I was at when I first hit cap but conpare it to the easy 300k+ that we have on dps now. Original health pots were around 30k heal. Now we have pots to replace them doing 4 times as much.
That’s not power creep.

Your point about community would be highly valid if you get the same results in another few months. The toxic personality won’t have anyone to play with then or will have to mostly stick together I’m little cesspool guilds. Taking bfa players and plonking them in classic and assessing behaviour in week 1 doesn’t tell you anything.