Don't hesitate to quit if you are thinking about it

Regardless, it doesn’t really matter if you think it’s “reading too much into it”. It only matters how things are interpreted. The issues we face are lack of communication and resorting to ridiculing behavior for even having coming up with said interpretations.

And, I’m not offended. Like I said, I fully expected this kind of response.

  1. Correlation does not equal causation, and 2. TBH, this has been happening, for a long time (not the “not saying anything at all” part but some, not all, getting offended or “reading too much into things”). This is why communication IS important. To clear up any misunderstandings. But, that doesn’t really happen. It’s about taking jabs at people for how they may have interpreted something.

It’s because society has weaponized cancel culture to ruin people’s lives when they choose to interpret something in a negative way that wasn’t said in a negative way, or was said 15 years ago. People have made what you’re talking about into a weapon, which is why it is met with so much hostility.

OP has no obligation to change what he said or how he said it. Everyone reading this thread knows exactly what he means and has the full context. Choosing to take it to mean something else, or suggesting that it’s possible that someone might associate those words with something else is not the OPs problem. And obviously that doesn’t mean I’m fine with suicide, it means I feel as strongly about the war on words as you do about the words.


IK, but I’m not here to “cancel”, anybody. Just elaborating a little bit more on why the poor choice of words is…well…poor :woman_shrugging:

Again, I’m well within my “right” (more like “temporary privilege”) to express how poor it is. And, I fully expected to take “heat” for stating the obvious.


  1. IK nobody is “obligated”. I still think that’s a heartless tactic, but that’s OK.
  2. IDK about EVERYONE.
  3. I’m not making it the OP’s problem. HOWEVER, it can be the OP’s problem, if this is something Blizz deems to be “inappropriate”. That’s the ONLY thing that matters. They can either align with your viewpoint or mine. If it’s mine, this post disappears. If it’s your’s, it remains.
  4. The correlation is obviously there, there’s no denying that.

How are your comments in any way related to WoW? This is not a political forum nor a suicide prevention line. If your posts are not related to WoW (they aren’t), then you don’t have the “rights” to post them according to the forum rules, and they should be reported as spam.

You have completely hijacked and derailed this thread. Can’t you see what you have done?


Yes, I have, hence:

IK full and well what I’m doing. Feel free to report and move on, thank you :+1:

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Sadly, I can’t report you any more because you are limited to a given number of reports each day, and I used most of them on your posts in this thread. I’ll come back tomorrow.

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Thank you for your contribution :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But, the irony of your post is astounding. You didn’t really contribute to the thread, yourself and continued to participate in the derailment of the thread, fascinating.

Like I said, it’s what I expected. Also, I still have a “right” (or, as I called it “temporary privilege” because it’s what they are), and I’m going to utilize that, but I still answered the OP’s question. Heaven forbid, my answer was met with such hostility! Oh well, life goes on.

Like I said, I’ll take the “heat”. I won’t be banned. Only suspended for however long Blizz wishes it to be so. They still want their $15 :slight_smile:

I feel like you are trying to justify yourself in quitting and hoping people read this so that they quit as well.

I also question the honesty in this… how long ago did you quit and now you have all these “affects of freedom”? Because the fact remains… you are posting here on the WoW forums so your account is STILL ACTIVE! That right there is a red flag to me…

If you really had this “freedom” feeling that was “life changing” you would be out in the real world doing things, your account would be inactive, and you wouldn’t even be thinking of WoW.

But that’s not the case, you are here on the forums telling people that you quit in hopes others do because you supposedly aren’t playing anymore, yet your account is active.

Now you probably will try to say to me, well I just quit the other day and that’s why it’s still active… well then I find dishonesty in this because the term “life changing” is kinda a long term thing and doesn’t happen over night… unless of course it’s like you won the lotto.

So yeah, this post is a throne of lies and you will be back for TBC. (That is if you aren’t really still gonna play now lol)

“I’m going to pull the trigger on this deal and make some money.” - The meaning is simple but let’s be real somebody will take offense to because everything offends someone because they lack the brain power to understand context.

There’s really no way to be more clear with your communication unless you limit the vocabulary to a few phrases and words. If a person misunderstands communication because of their own limitations or hangups, that’s on them. George Carlin would hate today.


If you pay for 6 months of game time, and cancel 2 months in, your account will still be active for 4 months. Maybe they walked away before it hit its official end date.

Yes, IK this.

I just want to point out the double standard and hypocrisy in my words being “taken out of context”, “misinterpreted”, “digging too deep” and/or (apparently) “triggering” enough to warrant being swept under the rug (via “cancelled” as in, I shouldn’t be posting around here, get me out of here, kind of thing), when I pointed out my concerns in the poor choice in wording, by the OP. And replied with “why it ‘might’ be bad”, for some (not all) of their words. The correlation doesn’t change. Not saying the OP’s words is the CAUSE of such a thing. Just that I see the correlation. But no, we can’t just leave it at that. Some (not all) just can’t help themselves :woman_shrugging:

Again, I’m not surprised by the results. It is what it is.

Don’t blame everyone else because you opened your mouth, said something eyerolling and got lit up for it.

I get what you’re saying but bringing it up derailed the topic, wasn’t needed and maybe you shouldn’t have said anything at all. Regardless if you realized it or not you tried to make this all about you, it’s pretty selfish fam.


Oh, the irony LOL

And, it should’ve been left, at that.

No, if it’s in accordance to the question posed by the OP, wondering why their choice of some (not all) words maybe not being the best to utilize. Kind of like what you’re preaching to me, right now.

Neither were any of the snide remarks, but some (not all) just can’t help themselves :woman_shrugging:

Same as the rest of you contributing to the derailment of the thread. Like everyone else, “had to say my peace”.

Thank you for your input, “fam”. Even though, IK I’m not, just pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy on BOTH sides of the argument, as far as “taking things out of context”, “misinterpretation”, “digging too deep”, “being triggered”, etc. It’s on BOTH sides whether you’re for or against the post remotely expressing “suicide”. The “outrage” is not all that different. I think it’s amazing that I’m being accused of “not seeing something”, when I’m seeing crystal clear EXACTLY what’s happening. The correlation is understood, so we can agree on that and move on back to the OP’s point. But, that can’t happen. We must preach how to NOT correlate such things!

EDIT: I’m already crystal clear on my punishment and coming into this knowing what I’m doing is actionable. There’s nothing left for anyone to “take away from me”.

EDIT 2: To semi, “lighten up the mood”

My subscription expires later this month, but I already stopped playing a few weeks ago. I might join back up for TBC Classic if a fresh-start/no-transfer server option for TBC Classic is offered.

I find larger-group raiding the least fun & most linear/limiting PvE activity in the game, so hitting post-dungeon endgame for any character is always a bummer for me, & the game becomes a huge, soulless chore at that point. I will likely just stick to heroics & 10-mans for TBC Classic if I decide to resub for it down the road.


Why did it take you so long to quit?

I agree its a full time job but most if not all people just buy their gold in classic and relieve themselves of the burden of farming all together, its obvious Blizz doesn’t give a rats behind.

I though about saying something to sound smart but na il just go with

No u

I like to go with a am an adult and WILL W / E I WANT OK . I would quote rage again the machine but i must pg 13.

Not sure were you are going. The OP is obviously extremely confuse since he still pull out with all the terrible thing and its NOT the first post he made about how terrible the game but is second post

AND HE IS STILL HERE SO WHO IS SEING CRYTAL CLEAR NO YOU OBVIOUSLY SLOWPOKE. Am seing a poor addicted man i dont see the value of this tread

You didn’t quit first week of jan. You have a naxx parse from jan 21, 2021, and that hardcore guild finished Naxx 68th on your server… Go feed your bs somewhere else

God Damn, 10/10 for title.

I know when I quit, I will be so happy that I will continue to log in and argue on the forums about how I quit the game.