Don't hesitate to quit if you are thinking about it

I have some issues giving you WB because it is mostly a player issue, and sure arena is indeed in TBC. But those other things you mentioned I’m not 100% sold on. Cost of consumes wont be static and I guess daily gold rewards are? How many dailies are there and how many will you have to do to cover costs? Will there be competition?

naw naw naw let me tell you, in a LC guild, if you’re not getting WBs, you’re not getting loot, and if you don’t wanna spend 16 hours a week in naxx, it’s best to just go with the flow if you want the gear that bad. and you’re a fool if you think guardian/battle+food will ever = anywhere close to what we’ve paid in classic.

If you don’t see the difference then you just don’t know what you’re talking about.

That is just one of many connotations. The wording actually means “set in motion” as in shoot it out and see where it lands. Like I said, people take it as a microaggression because they find some meaning that offends them and take on airs.


How did IK that my quote would be taken out context? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What I ACTUALLY said:

Anyway, I wouldn’t say “connotation” but interpretation. I understand full and well, words mean different things to different people. There’s ALWAYS MORE than just ONE interpretation. To which, I already admitted that the OP may not intend it to mean it that way, HOWEVER it’s still poor choice of words and probably should rephrase it. But, no, I’m just the “crazy person” who has “no idea what they’re talking about” because there’s only “one” “right” answer :roll_eyes:

As long as we’re on the same page.

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I quoted exactly what you said. You got triggered by the phrase “pull the trigger.” That is a very common thing to happen and not something of which you need to be ashamed. However, you do need to be aware of it and realize that getting triggered is all on you and not the person using the phrase. In other words, deal with it.


I honestly don’t know the difference. That’s why I asked you those questions, so I could find out. Gangster.

I still have no idea what you’re talking about. What you said doesn’t add up for me.

Exactly :roll_eyes:

No, you only quoted what YOU got “triggered” by. And completely disregarded everything else.

There’s a difference between being “triggered” and “concerned”. I’m concerned at the poor choice of words, and the negative impact it can have.

Nor, am I “wrong” for explaining to both you (though, you already knew what the alternative interpretation was but failed to mention it and now trying to sweep this meaning under the rug) and the OP (who either really didn’t know or purposefully worded it that way to get a few chuckles) why the OP’s choice of words may not (keyword) have been the best to use. Afterall, we do have to be careful what we say on these forums. Otherwise, we’ll lose our posting rights. I do not find the use of the OP’s word “cute” nor “genuine”. I’m concerned by its poor choice in wording, but I expected this kind of reaction to my concern. Afterall, not “our problem”, right?

Again, I’m not “triggered”. There IS a difference between “triggered” and “concerned”. I very much CLEARLY explained that the OP may or may not have intended such a message. However, the OP did ask “why” (and you’re trying to sweep the other interpretation underneath the rug, and I’m not going to let that happen), therefore I answered it.

As usual serious topics gets laughed at. I’m not surprised.

I am “dealing with it”. I find it concerning, end of story.

Soooo OP hated the game, hated everything about it, they quit and feel much better now.

Thanks for the tumblr entry I guess.


Sounds like you were burnt out from raiding or the guild you were in. Just make sure that when you’re playing the game you’re with people and doing things you actually enjoy.

I fully agree with the OP. Especially if you’re playing something that uses the loot I want. You should definitely quit if you’re thinking about it, in that case.

In most societies, the onus to not offend is placed primarily on the speaker. That’s certainly how our (North American) society works, if you go into a bar and piss people off and get clocked in the face, no one is going to come to your defense. They’ll think you deserved it.

In fact, the only societies I know of where people can say whatever they want and blame others for getting upset -which is of course nonsensical, since people can’t control what upsets them- are 5th grade classrooms and anonymous online unmoderated message boards, which is why this particular framing of the argument is found primarily online.

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If you go into a bar and piss people off and someone hits you, the LAW comes to your defense.

If you think our society finds it acceptable to assault someone because they said something, you’re dead wrong, and you’re going to end up in jail some day. Oh, and…


When I play a game I dislike I stop playing the game. Anything else verges on addiction.


No offense but people reading into phrases and quotes is why we have so many issues. Pretty soon we won’t be able to say anything at all without someone getting triggered or reading into something because context isn’t something we can do anymore.


Honestly OP farming consumes isn’t fun. I think Naxx is an overrated boring, long raid that is just tedious. I do it because I like my guildies but farming gold and mats kills it for me, especially when bots hog up all the nodes.

I have to choose between farming and helping friends raid etc on weekends during the off time. My partner already hogs up time as it is. Classic is great but the endless need for consumes etc is just so tiring.

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Wrong from the first sentence. And that’s NOT how American society works or how any society should ever work. The only person responsible for your reaction to a statement is you, and nobody else. If you choose to get triggered, that’s on you, not the speaker. Some people chose to get triggered by this thread, and that’s fine. But it’s not the OP’s fault and they have no obligation to change a single phrase.


In my high school textbook, It says that words have emotions and purposes. I remember learning about context as well. In general, the writer must choose words carefully to not confuse/mislead the readers.

For example, “pull the trigger” and “quit” are deemed to relate to suicide. It’s better to use other words to avoid any misunderstanding/misread.

We could let the dumb readers who failed to read “pull the trigger” and learn their lesson. It’s their problem after all. But a message doesn’t need to have any extra underlying context.

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I had that feeling once, but it was also because I didn’t like my previous guild so I took a 6 weeks break and came back fresh and motivated to raid again.

@people commenting about pulling the trigger, really? REALLY? like it was about suicide…really???..learn2context.

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I agree with the sentiment you are trying to express here, Yaga.

Personally, I am committed to my raid team and want to get KT reliably on farm (we just killed him on Monday) but I am burnt out of raiding in general. I think Naxxramas will be my final raiding rodeo, I wouldn’t plan to raid much in TBC — especially with the change to the honor system making pvp gearing better and more casual.

And screw world buffs.