Don't hesitate to quit if you are thinking about it

I used to raid 8 hours a week and hated every second of it. I was in a pretty top end guild progressing naxx and had to spend all my time outside of raids farming gold. I didn’t enjoy farming and didn’t enjoy the thing I was farming for (raids).

I had this feeling the last couple weeks I was raiding (maybe you can relate) that I so badly wanted to quit but felt a sort of guilt about doing so. I’ve ran with these people since phase 1 and I can’t quit on them now. I also had this dialog In my head that I would lose a starting spot in a good raiding guild. I was forcing myself to go through the motions of raiding with no enjoyment remaining in the act. A terrible mix of guilt and frustration.

Until one day I just decided I couldn’t take the game anymore and quit. Quite immediately I felt happy. I felt free. Free of the endless gold and consumes grinding. Free of having to force myself to get all of my world buffs. Free from running zg for enchants every week. I could play anything I enjoyed worry free now.

I’ve never looked back since. I quit the game the first week of January and its like a burden has been lifted. The only positive things I feel about classic now is just how great I feel that I never have to play it again.

So if you are in a dilemma where you don’t even want to raid, or maybe even play the game at all, but continue to do so out of guilt or second thoughts just stop yourself right now and pull the trigger (on the decision to quit) and quit. Its life changing and you will immediately feel the affects of freedom.


I would have left this out.


“Pull the trigger and quit”

What a piece of advice :slight_smile:

Edit: i wish I played a rogue, when I quit at least I have the gear to gank ppl. This warrior is pretty boring in pvp.

Why whats wrong with it…?


raid logging and raiding in general is unfun.

Same reason why retail is terrible. Corny insensible cut scenes, obtuse plot, and everything is raids.



Honestly from my personal experience, instead of pulling the trigger and quitting immediately, take a break, a week or two absence from raiding. See how you feel with what you’re losing and what you’re gaining retiring from raiding. In P3 i felt that i was done with raiding, but I took a two week break and came back re energized and ready to go. It’s a matter of reflection and seeing how you feel about the weekly grind, if the gear or guild environment is worth it for you in the long term.

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Burning out is really normal, in gaming and elsewhere. That sounds like what happened here. I agree that if people are burned out or can no longer raid and stop raiding for whatever reason there is nothing wrong with that. It’s normal and a video game after all. I know you posted this to advise others they can do the same which is a fine message to get out there. It is nice to tell someone in the guild you are leaving but a lot of the times that doesn’t happen.


Nothing. It is a very common metaphor. I presume some folks are easily triggered (pun not intended) and consider that sort of thing a microaggression (a rather silly concoction these past few years).


I quit from June till November because of burnout. Came back and now raiding naxx. Sometimes you just need a break

I want to raid, love World of Warcraft still till this day since 2004 open beta. I have no intentions on leaving this game.

But… Saying all of that, real life has changed a few things for me, but I’m not giving up trust me

if you were actually in a top end guild

you wouldnt complain about consumables lol

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A game should never feel like you’re doing a job. You play a game to escape the part of your mind thinking about the job. You should only be pushing yourself for raid content if you strive for better, more challenging, experience and you want to be that competitive. But if you are feeling the same feeling you are trying to vent and ease your mind from, best to either slow down and do something in the game that is more relaxing, or it’s just not the game for you for what a game is supposed to do.

I hope you’re feeling more mentally at ease, dude. If what you were doing was not helping you feel any happiness then I’m more than happy you broke away from it. Nothing is worth your own peace.


15-20 points in a stat basically is a 1% boost to said stat. Definitely not worth farming for just to have that extra 1%

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I agree with that. I started my guild because I wanted to lead a casual raiding guild and it turned into more stress then the writing business that I am trying to get off the round irl. Near the end I was having panic attacks because of the guild and hated the game for the first time since starting in TBC.

I hope to raid in TBC, but to have more freedom about it like I had in the past and not feel like I have to clock in hours to play this game.

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This subject is important to me, so if my post gets flagged for using this word, it’s worth it (to me).

The wording of “pulling the trigger” relates to “suicide”. While that may not be the intention of the poster, it’s about how it relates to readers. Where “pulling the trigger” can be taken to its literal wording.

EDIT: Not to mention, the title of this thread being “Don’t hestitate to quit if you’re thinking about it” doesn’t help, either. If I ran these forums, I would have this post taken down. I really hope readers don’t take this thread to its literal wording. Very poor choice of words, IMO.

EDIT 2: IK I’m probably going to get some (not all) chuckles, and that I’m “taking things out of context” or “reading too much into things”, but I really don’t care. If I can prevent someone from a suicidal thought, I can handle being a “laughing stock”.

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Guild leadership is hard. I had to stop after 3 years of leading my guild due to the amount of stress. Running that guild was exactly like having a second job. It’s funny how people talk about power tripping and all this stuff when it’s mostly a selfless job. We even ran loot council and I’d pass on the first drops almost every time to not look like there was favoritism and really for me it’s never about the loot. Just making the raid stronger was fine with me.

I hope you can take a break now and find a good raid group in TBC and just enjoy playing, I’m sure you can.

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I used to raid like 4-5 hours a week we one shot all of naxx(KT down after the new year) and I did enjoy a great deal of the people I was raiding with and having some fun in raids, but I quit 3 weeks ago and yeah not having to worry about the dispel meta, or grinding plaguebloom and firewaters each week has been such an pleasant thing and just being able to stay pvp spec and have fun.

If you’re thinking of quiting wow all together, I suggest try just quit raiding and have fun in some pvp or prepping toons for TBC, there will be plenty to do when that prepatch hits.

Hop back on the hamster wheel?

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TBC was always the hamster wheel I was spinning towards since the start of classic.
EDIT: Also it fixes the whole WB issue, and farming for ages for 100 consumes, and dalies are easy gold for repairs and what consumes you do need. also arena.