Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Spectacular list, Nico. Spot on.

But this one is the absolute must. I said it before, there is not a single customization option I want for the nightborne until the model looks like the NPC.


And furthermore, void elves and nightborne could benefit from equivalent, colour-varying customizations. I’m going to make these suggestions for 9.2.

Some preamble:

The nightborne are lovers of astronomy. This is plainly evident in not only their name, but their culture, common phrases, such as “stars guide you”, and structures. Take a look at this room in Suramar city. It’s clearly dedicated to study of the cosmos:

Now, with that in mind, wouldn’t it be nice to have some astronomical or celestial customization options for them? Especially for their sorcerers? Glowing hands and hair are a nice step towards it, but why not have their hair and hands appear to draw power from outer space itself? An obvious example is Star Augur Etraeus, a nightborne astromancer:

And maybe the same assets can be applied to the void elves, felling two macaws with one stone. Think of their starcursed mount:

And armour:

This would especially serve to add unique variety to void elves instead of copying blood elf customization. It isn’t my idea, but adding the “starcursed” effect to void elves’ hair and hands is something I fully support.

Here is inspiration:


But maybe a lighter tinge.

Void elves

But maybe a darker tinge.

Art by Bo Chen.
“Ewwww, League of Legends”, shut up.


These are gorgeous, the bottom image would be how I’d like my Void Elf.

It would be great to see Nightborne get cosmic options as well as they have Astromancers too.

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That is awesome. I would love to see that in other colors like a lavender and soft blue.


While not quite what you asked for, Taldendrion also did this mockup as a proof of concept prior to the pink one with the sparkles:


Honestly this, it’s ridiculous and it sucks especially for those of us who fell in love with the nightborne during the Suramar campaign, to be presented with the abominations we got.

LF draenei have the same issue as void elves for me, they’re confined to a sort of “niche” theme due to the light and void in their race name, which then creates people who are only tolerant of options that fit strictly to that light or void theme.

I feel like LF could benefit from getting neutral options similar to how void elves got their neutral options as well.


I agree, a few color assets such as violet skin and blue eyes would be great additions alongside some more Light options, like in this image;


Of course I would prefer they touch up the faces and give us things like mana hair, but if that’s too much I would be happy with just those skin tones. I would switch the the middle Nightborne one (the dark grey/black one) in a heartbeat.


Yeah, their tattos would stand out more with the darker skin tone.

My favorite is the darker purple on the left.

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Those are all amazing!


Kul’tirans would like some love, too. Scars, eyebrow options, TATTOOS for the SAILOR RACE…


The stuff Horde fans want for Nightborne vs the stuff Void/High elf fans want for Void elves:

  • hairstyles
  • hair colors
  • markings

I really still hope all Legion Allied Races will be looked at though because at this rate I can see only 1 or 2 races getting some updates and the rest will be shelfed for a couple more years…LFD and HMT are equally in need of options as Nightborne. So do not stop voicing your desires for all Allied Races guys because unless Blizzard sees these requests you can rest assured we will be forgotten.


They’re quite honestly just … worse versions of their base races now - aside from the racials, I can’t see any reason to roll one anymore. Unless you really dig their exclusive appearances.

Shame, too, the HMT voice acting is A+.


To me it seems like all players who rolled an Allied Race are being treated as secondary class citizens in WoW. Which is wrong, very wrong since it took us months of farming several different reputations all the way up to Exalted to have the right of playing those races, and we are the players who played all the way across Legion and BFA to acquire those races. We are entitled to as much customization as Core Races got, especially after the hard effort we put in unlocking the Allied races. We are not secondary class citizens, in fact we should be privileged for the immense effort we put in to play these races.


I believe that’s the whole point of the allied races though, getting to play a race you already enjoy with a new, unique theme, they are not meant to be blank templates. Their history is implied upon their selection, so this crusade to return them to their parent race state by eliminating the themes that stood them apart defeats the whole justification for their existence in the first place.

When an allied race better fulfills not only its role as an allied, the role of the parent race as well, there’s a problem.

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HE/VE fans have asked for new hairstyles, already got skin tones so that department has been covered, hair colors, ear size options, asked for additional eye colors, scars and markings/paint/tats. There’s also been requests for additional tentacles/eyeballs and other miscellaneous things like a toggle for the racial animation.

So no it’s not just hair color/styles and markings.


Let’s not piggy back on VE fans of the actual race and main theme.

The HE agenda for Void Elves is very specific. And you can do the “we will support VE stuff too” all day long but that doesn’t do anything when you’re essentially asking for dev time to be once again allocated for the HE community which has been more than appeased.


As much as we want these, Blizzard already said a resounding “NO.”

real talk. and since you only care about void elves ill tell you what they are likely to get, if anything. in 7 years maybe they will bother to throw out ear size, some new hair styles, maybe some more void range skin colors or hair colors, and pink and purple tattoos. thats it

theyre not going to give you normal hair on top of your unique void themed hair. remember that blue post they made where they announced blood/void elves will share some appropriate skin tones and eyes colors and ely cannon later said it was a big deal and they had a lengthy discussion about it? so they know exactly how ridiculous it would be and withheld them. NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT STANCE FROM HERE ON OUT. so just enjoy your void elf and the game and move on. you got FAR more then you ever should have. or you know, suck it up and play horde



That’s a really unwarranted and uncalled for response and I’m not sure how I’ve given you reason to talk like that. It also shows how you literally care about nothing other than Nightborne and all the other Allied races can go drown in a river.