Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Same… even if only one race got customization in 9.1, I was sure it would have been the Nightborne. That nothing is coming at all for them throughout Shadowlands is incredibly disheartening.


On that we can agree.

I just can’t think of a way to incentivize customizations for them.

What can the playerbase do to make them want to work on our characters?


I am sad for my nightborne and for people who play them more.


aww poor drede


It’s sad customization isn’t coming but I have to think that means the hair on Void Elves being Void seems intentional as far as preserving BEs visual distinction.

It kind of makes me believe when more does come it’ll be in the realm of Void stuff for VEs. That’s the one plus I can find anyways more Void oriented options seem cool for sure.

For an immediate quick thing I wish they had unlocked jewelry for BE males/NEs and tattoos on NE females. And I’m sure that accessories being unlocked like that would help add some options to races.

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They did forget. Despite the enormous value character customization adds it seems it was just a gimmick for SL launch and they don’t have the time or inclination to fix it. Time could be easily fixed by hiring another developer just for this stuff but that would be spending money on this game when they don’t want to.


sorry drede maybe next year they will surprise us and announce that blood elves and void elves will now share hair colors and each others themes. anything is possible after all


I don’t consider more High Elf customization a requirement at all.

I do think that using the lack of any options added in regards to Void Elf hair at launch as some sort of implication of Blizzard’s intentions, without any other corroborating evidence, is wishful thinking on your part. But I could be wrong.

Does the fact that Void Elves didn’t even get black as a hair color option at SL launch “imply” that Blizzard will never add it?


Sadly this is the likely truth of it. In game development, it always comes down to time and money. Getting the most done, by spending the least amount of either, is often the primary goal… and not creating a good game and/or adding desirable features.

But it ultimately harms the long-term health of the game. It harms player retention. The old adage you need to spend money to make money is true. This is the digital equivalent of letting your store look dilapidated because you’d rather not spend money on fixing the building that you can spend on new product displays.


I mean you of all people long held VE hair / natural options were just around the corner as all but assured, and I think from the very beginning it was intentional to leave that out of VE customization. More VE customization is definitely cool and warranted though in the future.

But you’re right Nico anything is possible :hugs:

You’re absolutely right, but the long-term is often overlooked or ignored in favor of short term profits and stock growth.


They where trolling.

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I don’t think I every held that they were “just around the corner”. At best I expected new customization to be added in 9.2… 9.3 at the latest, and you can find me saying exactly that in my post history. If you want me to, I’ll go through it myself so you don’t have to.

I don’t see any evidence of hair being intentionally left out besides time constraints, let alone for the reasons you think so. I do see evidence that they are under crunch and time is a resource that isn’t available for extras like customization at this time.

Will Void Elves get more options somewhere down the road? I’d say there’s a good chance of it. Not guaranteed mind you, but a good chance. Will those options include any hair colors in the human spectrum? I still believe there’s a fairly decent shot of that too. But nothing is guaranteed until we have it in hand.


I think until its added the validity of the idea that there is an intentional difference between the AR with two visual themes and the core race with only one kind of holds up.

Why would they be intending to defeat the purpose of the AR in the first place?

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By that same logic, it means Blood Elf males are meant to be dull and uninteresting.

And seeing as I exclusively play males when I make BE characters I refuse to accept that.

Plus everyone can wear a hat or be Bald lol

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they forgot


Not really as I am not saying it means VEs won’t get future customization.

You’re hearing me discredit HE options in the future and trying to apply the situation like Nico just did to say it means races won’t get future customization.

I am saying a difference between VEs and BEs being upheld seems intentional.

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Which is a claim without basis.

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