Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Kinda like just now?

Idk I get accountability but when it’s unfounded and just a flat out lie why go off topic like that.

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The same reason as they always do, to derail the thread more and to pretend they are the victims but they are always the ones starting it, saying stuff, etc. it’s kind of like that expression of trying to make someone else look bad but it blows up in your face.


They even were the ones to bring up insulting Aed in this thread to begin with.

Like?? A bit confusing to me as far as intentions.

I’m fine with talking about wanting to preserve the BE visual theme and for Blizzard to focus on Void customizations for Void Elves.


Nothing is stopping anyone from playing pretend and using RP tools to RP whatever they want.

You people really don’t need to rob Blood Elves of their hair styles and hair colors. You’re not going to suffocate to death if you don’t have it.

I don’t understand this aversion to imagination.


Well then. They just said they are NOT adding new customizations for Shadowlands.

Straight up NOT.

Infuriating to say the least.


Exactly, I already pretend to be a mirror of my main on this character and the differences are very minimal when you actually look at the two. :yum: :yum: :yum:

The ones who do need work… Nightborne :frowning:


Extremely shocked and disappointed that there will be no new customizations…
Honestly what on earth are they thinking??


Nightborne need all the love.


What was the exact quote? They mentioned it in the QandA?

These types of posts will always get all my love. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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They just said they are not adding any new customizations for Shadowlands.


This is disappointing.

The only reason I play this game is to immerse myself into the world.

Customizations are the only thing I want. I’d pay for an expansion of just customizations and model upgrades.


Feels extremely bad.
Honestly kills my enthusiasm about this expansion, which i am surprised to say. : (


Q: Any plans for more Customizations?
A: Nothing in the short term but we’re always looking for ideas from players, so please continue to submit your ideas for things that you’d like to see.

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It’s incredibly disappointing, but it’s hard for me to say I can’t understand after seeing yesterday’s sparse 9.1 reveal. They really seem very far behind… far more than I had expected.

They haven’t even figured out all the systems for 9.1 yet, so they probably aren’t focused on things like character customization. When it comes down to it, content has to take priority over customization, because content is always king.

It’s not the news I was hoping to hear, but I do understand what it’s like to be under that kind of crunch and have to pick and choose what gets priority, and content must take priority.


I came to terms with it a long time ago, what I’m interested in is future updates for lackluster core races and ARs that have got literally nothing or almost nothing (it sucks it’s not 9.1), and the implications that VE hair being Void being intentional.


I was really hopeful that some of the races that got glossed over would get some love. I’m not surprised, but I am sad.


I’m interested in future updates as well. But I think saying that, because nothing was added as far as Void Elf hair is concerned is any sort of implication that Void Elves will never get traditional hair colors, might just be wishful thinking on your part.

The simplest explanation, and one that seems to be bearing out before our eyes, is that they ran out of time.

After seeing just how far behind the devs are with 9.1 development, it seems obvious that they just don’t have the time to focus on customization right now, and what customization the races got is what they had time to get out for Shadowlands launch.

Trying to say that Void Elves not getting additional hair options is some sort of “implication” that the devs never intend to add such options, is tantamount to saying that, since Nightborne got nothing, and aren’t getting anything in Shadowlands, that it implies that the devs will never give them anything.

You and I both know that’s just ridiculous.


I mean you know better than me about wishful thinking I guess so I’ll take your word for it.

I still find it’s intentional that they didn’t add natural hairs for VEs as the BE visual theme to think not being a concern for them seems wishful thinking on your part.

But like I said I came to terms with the assumption 9.1 wouldn’t bring any customization a bit ago so the convo hasn’t changed for me it was an ambiguous future date in my mind anyways for awhile. Hopefully like I said core races and lackluster ARs are get their touches some point in the future when ever that is.

Also my stance doesn’t involve VEs not getting more options. I find it silly to consider HE options as a requirement moving forward wishful thinking. It’s valid to consider that BE visual theme concerns are important to them and that hair is intentional.

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