Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Hopefully ARs and lackluster core races get things in time.

Very true, also side note it’s always so nice to see people like you and others uphold the conversation in good faith, not personal insults over disagreements, because nothing in this is personal just opinions on the game.

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Yeah I hope so, I feel really bad for people that main or want to main Allied Races like Nightborne, Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren.

Also yeah, I’ve realized there’s good and bad people on both sides and I have friends on both sides so I try to not personalize anything and to call out those who do.


I dunno man. Sometimes it gets pretty personal like when I was called a fake man by a transphobe.


they already forgot about them :cry:

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They did. Not happy bout it.

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There are always going to be better and worse people and I say that as someone that gets attacked when I say most anything on these threads, try to focus on the better people while not excusing the worse people.

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I like to hold the worst people accountable.

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That’s exactly why I said while not excusing the worse people, if I didn’t I wouldn’t call out people daily if not multiple times daily for saying the inappropriate things they say in these threads.

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Just as bad as equating the desire for a hair color to being a racist or a terrorist.

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I don’t think I’ve ever even used the word terrorist on the forums.


Curious do you mention if the people being called these things were actually doing these things?

I’ve never seen the exact terminology so idk about the times you are referencing but seems pertinent information for sure.

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No one is calling anyone racist for wanting a hair color.


Oh good lord, I’ve never seen you say anything near this.

And of course not, they are one of the one sided people, you of all people should know that by now.

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They keep throwing around the r word and only time I’ve ever seen people on their side get called out is when they say problematic things that like fit the definition.

So accountability is bad?

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Just some snide comment about white hoods if I remember correctly, which refers to a terrorist organization.

For clarification:


It’s starting to seem that way.

This is and sounds absurd, however prove where that was actually said then, most people cite stuff, requote, etc. so if it’s really there back it up.

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That quote shows Aed asked a question, I followed that by saying we should have a drinking game and you are who brought in hate groups part anyone can see those replies simply by hitting show replies. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Be accountable for your own BS.


I agree.

I first thought this was to add ore allied races and I would say no. But customization is okay and need~

This is their citation with throwing around these big accusations?

Everything else just seems like they have an issue with accountability.

Very much this.

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To me this says it all.

Kirela brought that up not Aed.