Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

if they ever do go back to the nightborne model it would be a great opportunity to differentiate the void elf model from blood elves. make it skinnier or something with a different idle stance :cowboy_hat_face:

Don’t forget to state the reason for unsubbing such as the lack of customization for Allied Races. At this rate with nobody receiving any new customization we might really have to wait for a couple more years for the next big wave of customizations. Terribly dissappointed. Blizzard is throwing all its eggs in the mount basket, making so many new mounts, and not even touching the rest of the races because of it.


Unsubscribing is a great idea.

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AR’s are fine… You joking? Most Allied Races have less than half the customization of their regular counterparts.

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Yep. Imagine all customization updates being completely ignored for the rest of Shadowlands. Even if they do decide to give out customization in 10.0 it will probably be equally rushed and worse than in SL release.

which ones do you think are lacking? because core races were lacking previously. pick a core race that got a variant i guarantee you the variant had tats or an accessory its parent race didnt before shadowlands

the only people saying ARs are lacking are helfers and people who hate playable nightborne have a different model. but even nightborne had runic tattoos and could choose their ear jewelery

riiiiiiight that is the main reason why people hate NB

try adding more context next time


What context is needed?

The player model is nowhere near the artwork or first seen NPCs.

They don’t even have narrow eyes if that tells you how much detail was put into the player model.

try to look at nightborne options and then go to wow classic and choose any core race for example orc, 2004 races have much more variety than an allied race that you worked and grind so hard and then to present to like 3 different skins and barely any noticeable change to make it your own, which results in every NB player look like twins of each other

are you really going to tell us nightborne and more allied races in the same state don’t need any customization? we are far from good, look at the community suggestions, arcane glow hairstyles, squinty eyes, some suggest thicker body/thighs some suggest even felborne tattoos, its not only “we don’t look like npc counterpart” which yes, this is one of the reasons too but not only, we barely have any option to play with, and it was a race i grinded 3 weeks to get back in bfa so of course people will be little upset about the lack of it


I want jewelry options for my vulpera personally really hoping they don’t forget allied races with customisation


comical. but i will say did it ever occur to you that maybe NB only have 3 different skin tones because that IS their skin tone range. they arent humans that spread out all over the world and reflect diversity. theyve been living under a dome exposed to the nightwell for 10000 years

Well at least your opinion held up on the VE hair styles being intentional.

Though overall the news other than that is a bit sad but maybe in the future the ARs who didn’t get anything will be up / more touches for core races who still feel lacking.


it was just to set an example of how little options we have also if you look at nightborne npc there are few skin tones that aren’t available for playable one, sadly nightborne got the short end of the stick in terms of customization, i less concern about skin colors but i can see them adding more tones, look at orcs having like tons of variety of green tone skins

what i want the most is squinty eyes, younger face shapes, arcane flow hairstyle as someone sent a video with it and rework the model abit since it has its flaws and need improvement although i really love nightborne as i main one


  • Every Troll tribe, especially Forest Trolls.
  • Broken Draenei
  • Taunka

Unfortunately, there aren’t any updates for character customization in 9.1.
Brace yourselves for sadness. : (


Maybe this is for the best, everyone.

Let’s not get our spirits down.

Besides, the amount of customization we truly want would have to be a flagship feature for a much bigger patch than a X.1.

They told us they were still listening, and urged us to continue our feedback.

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Lol at people saying they are gonna unsub because of not getting what they wanted haircolor wise, I mean really you are the same people always saying it’s just a haircolor practice what you preach.


The core of my unsubbing is just not finding SL fun, yeah I’m let down about BE customization but that alone wasn’t enough to make me unsub personally, though had they given natural hair to VEs further giving them the ability to visually be a BE I’d be more inclined to stay away longer.

A part of me finds it funny because upon saying this HE fans were “if you unsub why do you care if we get more HE options”, I guess they know now how someone can still care about the game even if they don’t find it fun at this moment in time. Though I continue to oppose what they seem to want for the game of course.

I would have hoped though the RP tools they did give VEs would be enough to make them more than content, like of all fandoms and groups in the customization discussion the HE community doesn’t come to mind of who was let down most enough to talk about “and now we’re unsubbing”.


This is totally understandable and given I’m one of those that feels that this xpac sucks and that Blood Elves get shafted because Void Elves want everything we have, get and potentially could get, I couldn’t agree more.

As for this, I’ve seen it a lot recently where people say that to you and it’s kind of ironic given you have said you are playing currently for the reasons you are and even if you weren’t you like anyone else is still entitled to your opinion/opinions.

I don’t think anything would be enough for them, I hate having to say that but it’s the truth and I say that as someone that tries to stay on the neutral side of things more than firmly on either side of it.