Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Like the different sizes that belfs get?

Yeah them and night elves.

Just seeing this but very much this, new or more styles is cool, textures and colors defeating the Void themes purpose nah.

I’m just here trying to scroll up and see where we went off topic atm… :joy::joy:

this needs to become an option for nightborne when we get skinny kultiran.


Are you thinking of Withered? Nightfallen are just kind of unhealthy nightborne, not a different rig.

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i like both. i thought they were similar and the same race lols i honestly dont know.

they look like kelly anne conway. i made a thread about that and i think it was my biggest one to get deleted. LOL

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That would be a really nice different body option to NB’s… and just different body shapes for everyone in general.


I’m 100% down for body types, but that’s not something that exists yet, so I think that might be a stretch goal.

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I just went through the painful task of reading this ENTIRE thread to see where everything started… and I’m so glad of this community for being able to stay on topic of what we’d like to see for possible customizations for the AR that are lacking in a lot. :pleading_face:

one of the selling points was the customizations. very disappointed


I don’t envy that task. And same the ARs who haven’t gotten anything :broken_heart:


Jeremy Feasel basically said that there are no plans for more customization options at this time.

Possibly confirms that new customization options will be reserved for new expansion launches.

I wouldn’t get your hopes up for any new customization options for any race before 10.0.

So since no white hair for void elves at blizzcon i am now unsubbing. Maybe when blizzard listenes to what alliance want i will resub. Good luck with the fight for normal hair.

No customization, that makes me sad.

Didn’t Blizz say we’ll be getting customizations over the course of Shadowlands?


They have lied in the past before.

so disappointing! now the alliance will have the only allied race that had new customizations throughout the expa while we remain the allied race with the worst customizations.

Then that’s a shame


no. its just back to an ongoing thing like it always has been so they could always add something like new hair styles or something like the night elf night warrior kit at anytime. just like allied races were a selling point of BFA, updating the core races was a major selling point of shadowlands and will slow to a trickle if anything after their expansion. ARs are fine and still a novelty, they already had tattoos and other accessories the core races lacked. nightborne player model does suck tho

please!! nightborne are terrible!!