Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Weren’t you just saying antis were heated?

Now with evidence it’s not us who is heated its “aren’t you generalizing?”

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Good catch. Lol.

Trolls (Zandalari too) need more ‘young’ faces that don’t look like angry ones


You’re right it’s not the same. But while there have been a few cases where I have called out someone’s behavior, I don’t make a habit of it. I prefer to not get involved in other people’s arguments in most cases so I tend not to read them, therefore I don’t see every single post. But you are right that when I do see bad behavior, I should be more vocal about it.


when did i say all antis were heated? my initial comment was that it’s just a game and no one should take this so seriously. like seriously.


Which is only your side taking it too seriously and making outrageous attacks for no reason other than that very fact they take wanting options too seriously :confused:

Here I’ll start, I respect your want for these options and your stance doesn’t bother me because I am secure in my arguments enough not to be bothered by yours.

What is heated about that?

See how I didn’t insult you at all?

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I mean, you kind of did.


I’m sure you’re right. I have been skipping over those posts the past day or two. I just don’t want to be involved in the negativity. In some cases I’ve put pro-posters on ignore just because I don’t want to see their posts at all ever, regardless of what they are talking about.


“my” side? i barely comment on the forums, so i don’t know what you mean. sure i want blonde hair, etc. for void elves but i don’t go on here every day advocating for it and debating with people.

and i haven’t insulted you at all throughout our interaction. i’ve only said that people are getting heated, and i even said it’s on both sides.


Hope I’m not in your ignore list :sweat_smile:

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“you guys” was a general statement and it was also directed towards the HE people. not sure why i’m getting attacked when i’m barely involved in this.


You have to really rub me the wrong way to make my ignore list. There’s very few people on mine.

That’s fair enough but like I said in one of my posts above what’s been said at times hasn’t been good and me I’ve called it out so have many others because it’s inappropriate.

That’s the point.


I mean you missed someone compare the HE community to the LGBTQ fighting for rights, then made the insinuation antis are people who control women, now this latest one attacking someones mental health.

And you’ll be posting when this all happens which is weird considering you are so pre occupied with like feeling attacked but don’t actually witness all the actual insults etc around you?

Edit just to say: this was all in this thread alone


i’m failing to see the overarching point there. i can admit i was wrong to make a generalized statement, but why is it okay for you guys to do it?


Tbh right now it feels to me a little bit like you guys are having a go at Nicodemus. I have read at least 1500+ posts in this and the megathread and have not read any negative comments by Nico. I think this go at him is unwarranted as he is not obligated to get involved if he does not wish to.


Yes please!

nightborne really need some love


I’m trying to figure out too o.o

“You guys are getting heated” is not like “your side is getting heated” from my point of view it can be said about pro and anti he.


No one is having a go at Nico, I literally pointed out there’s been bad stuff said and Lann elaborated about it don’t start a problem where there is none.

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