Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

I don’t know about Avarie but boy can I!


I mean no one on this side just mocked mental illness as a response to an argument we didn’t like… that was people advocating for HEs, so which side is heated again?

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I mean we all have to look at humans in-game, but we’re all polite about it.


I just can’t think that always having the option of calamari is a bad thing.


are you insinuating that i mocked mental illness when all i said was “why are you guys getting heated over a game”?


No I am saying you’re saying “we’re” heated and I’m telling you what happened earlier in the thread and which side is heated.

If you’re going to claim we’re heated which we’re not, maybe look around and see who is actually heated, and its the people wanting HE options :confused:

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I tend to tune out when I see arguments happening. It’s just not something I want to engage in. But you are right that I should speak up more when I see pro’s behaving badly. I’m just tired of the arguing so I basically scroll past it all till something that isn’t back and forth sniping pops up.

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Last time I checked it’s that side that has been name calling, bringing up sexuality and gender stuff and personally attacking but sure.

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The entire thread, low blows, etc

But antis are heated. Mhm. Sure.


That’s convenient. :slightly_smiling_face:

Funny how the timing of that works.

That when it’s antis you’re not tired.


i honestly think you’re sort of generalizing. i’m sure there are people who are “anti”-HE options who have been rude in the past. i honestly think this whole arguement is getting personal and heated on both sides, which is not warranted.


All races need more customization imo. Some more than other obviously.


I have defended anti’s in a few cases. Not too long ago I defended Naughty and Midare when someone called them “hateful” which I felt wasn’t fair.



If you only see one side doing something, why do you assume the victims of that behaviour must have done something to deserve it?

Saying “hey, don’t be mean to these people” isn’t quite the same as calling out bad behaviour.


I mean to me I don’t think its cool to insult or insinuate someones mental health because they are against HEs and you don’t like their argument.

Or other bigotry.

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i mean i can say that i personally have seen it, so what do you mean? not to mention that it would make sense that any group has bad people on both sides? trying to act like your side has never had encounters with rude people is just a big odd, i’m sorry. :sneezing_face:


This is actually true, however it doesn’t excuse the stuff that’s been said yesterday and today from that side.

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Especially as someone who takes disagreement as a personal attack. But like crickets during actual personal attacks or bigotry.

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To me it seems like he properly defended them. I was the one he was responding to and I understood by his reply he had respect for them and treated them more like pals rather than enemies.

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yes, but when i say generalizing i mean it as, it seems like you’re lumping all HE wanters (??? idk the word) with this person.