Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Everyone needs more (albeit, some more than others), because even with the changes … WoW still has the cruddiest customization this side of Runescape. :stuck_out_tongue:

But the allied races absolutely do need a boost first. I hope they just keep adding customization options with every patch, though.


yes, i said it because it seems like people are going back and forth and getting personal, mostly over the idea of void elves getting natural customization options.

it seems like whenever void elf customization options are brought up, people vehemently argue on both sides. like i’m sorry if anyone disagrees but that’s how i feel.


Giving more options to everyone is the answer. Allied races are in the most need, starting with Nightborne and Lightforged, but eventually getting to Void Elves. But Blood Elves also need stuff, and even though Night Elves probably got enough, they still have little to no way to RP a Shen’dralar.

More options for all! More variety for all!


It’s pretty chronic. They’re just gonna dog-pile anybody who asks for hair-styles or hair-colors. It’s kind of this whole thread.


From the side that wants them, yes and it’s sad I wish personal attacks would stop.

It shouldn’t be a problem for anyone to request options or for opposing arguments.

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Should be fine if you do go here advocating it every day.


there’s nothing wrong with it, but i’m just making the point that i’m a forum noob who is fairly neutral. i literally don’t know anyone in this forum. :sweat_smile:


hence why i said people are getting too heated.

i couldn’t really care what void elves get. as long as they get a white/silver hair style and old god themed eyes, i’m just vibing.


I was just saying,

Ever since the first post in this thread the OP is getting attacked for wanting customization options for void-elves.

Anybody that’s come in here supporting that has gotten attacked too.

There’s just a culture of harassment on these message boards about it.


I saw snippets of that argument. I was not inclined to comb through all the posts to see what people were arguing about, and it’s my prerogative to make that choice. Any post I made during that argument was almost certainly not related. Just like during the recent kerfuffle where I replied to Midare regarding transmog.

As to the issue where I felt attacked, I felt that way over a very specific circumstance. And that circumstance was personal to me. I’m sorry if you take issue with that.


See and I support white and black hair.

As well an ear slider, and things like Nzoth/Azshara eyes.

I just don’t support things that bring VEs closer to look identically to BEs as BEs only have their one visual theme, and some respect to BE players who take issue with the carbon copy of their race should be had.

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You don’t need to apologize for your opinions if they aren’t hurting anyone.

And it’s ok if you do. Even my blood elves use black and brown hair, blonde is not for me, but if you want it i support you.

Me too, also black hair xD


i do think they need appropriately themed jewerly and blind eye options too, but that’s about it. maybe more punk/emo hairstyles idk.
blonde hair seems cute too but my main concern is just matching my mage’s transmog to her hair/eye color. i personally wouldn’t mind it but if we don’t get blonde hair, then it’s kind of whatever to me. :sweat_smile:


i will say, the only thing they really need to fix is removing the red nail polish on the human/blood elf skin tones for the void elves. that is unironically my worst concern with the race, as little as it sounds.

doesn’t match with my transmog.


Collar style chokers would be cool imo.

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As an aside, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that Blizzard gave playable night elves black hair because it looks spectacular on them.


I would love void themed jewelry to match void elves heritage armor.

YES! i saw someone suggesting post-punk hairstyles and makeup and i love it!

I don’t like belf nail polish and their lipstick colors. I want dark purple nail polish and lipstick =(

Yes * – * I always wanted black hair for NE.


yeah, or facial piercings but idk if that’s too far. :sweat_smile:

Need blue nail polish.


yeah, the dark blue they have when they have blue skin would be nice.