Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Oh man, I remember doing mythic prog and our raid lead lost it so bad he basically cracked and started doing this Mickey Mouse voice because he was so furious.


Oh god, it sounds like me, I used to get so frustrated when I’d explain something or how something works and people would still do it wrong. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I used to cast waterwalking on people on my shaman when we’d hop down to Iron Maidens

Never got old


Right? Shaman gang

Whenever someone says “it’s not funny anymore” you know it’s funny.


This is super mean and I love it. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Since you’re a lock, if you have a druid friend you can list a group on LFG and when people join you can use flight form to summon people over the gas from Battle for Lordaeron

If you do it over one of the siege towers it’s a guaranteed death unless they’re a pally or druid

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I thought I was opening a portal to old dalaran once, for my friend. I teleported. I managed to actually hit slowfall, went back, opened a portal the second time, and still got her.

We also torment each other with leap of faith I think, the priest ability that lets you yoink someone to you. She was running along ahead of me and I used that on her, it scared the heck out of her. I’m pretty sure I fell off a cliff moments later because I was laughing so hard.

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Best comment for touching on this point.


I so dearly miss the N’zoth toy from BfA because I could bursting shot and explosive trap my friends off of cliffs with it.

Also, leap of faith on Gul’dan in Nighthold.

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Haha, thanks for the tip I will remember this for future references.

Also LMFAO! Too funny. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I used to sit on Highmountain on Guzzle and mc people off the side as they flew in on the fp.

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Reminder that certain parts of the Maw are built for MC and shining force.

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I’m Oceanic Horde so my warmode days are long gone.

Alliance getting the 25% buff on Oceanic servers is stupid.

What is this, a fighting game with a roster of like 20 characters?

My finisher is Ferocious Bite.

Loa tattoos.


I would say that yes. When someone self proclaimed as part of a community for a group that is not playable and tries to say what playable races get or don’t get, and by this directly trying to water Void Elves and infringe on the aesthetics of Blood Elves respectively, I really think you shouldn’t.

I never really said anything about who should and shouldn’t speak and of course, as I’m absolutely nobody, this is also pointless, but seeing as this does not concern your community, but concerns Void Elves and Blood Elves, two races you’re clearly not interested on, maybe it is not your place.


I just made a KT DK and man, allied races really need DK appropriate skin tones. I’m stuck looking alive and healthy and I hate it, how am I supposed to live out my immortal plague carrying death machine fantasies if my character looks better than I do.

The voice modulation could also stand to be more menacing and less jolly seaman but that’s way more work.

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If you think that’s a jolly voice I suggest you spend a Saturday night in Bristol.