Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

I would take that coupled with the current VE hair styles as intentional then for sure.

In regards to customization, they also said:

that’s an effort that’s going to continue after Shadowlands is out the door. And we’re really excited about the passion the community has around it. Our artists love going through all those ideas and suggestions and seeing what people are hyped about and seeing what we can make real.


We’ve already heard tons of requests and feedback on existing customizations and things people would love to see. And while we, of course, can’t get to everything in the limited time we have, that doesn’t stop as soon as Shadowlands is out. It’s a process that will continue. There are other races you want to give attention to, and then continue to revisit just the general space of letting people express themselves as their avatars with the greatest diversity possible in the game world.


Considering it took almost 10 years for Goblins and Worgens to get fixes and updates, not really it would be the normal.

Also lol and legit.

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There’s nothing specific there, though. Just vague stuff about stuff in in the future maybe.

This whole ar pass business seems sort of like it’s just taking the most charitable possible explanation.

It’s sad but didn’t they cut a lot of the WOD content out?


I find myself pressing X on that last part.

All we have are interviews from prior to SL launch when they were in major crunch time. :man_shrugging:

Maybe we’ll hear more in a few hours. Maybe we won’t. Time will tell.

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They said they’d be shipping ars when it made sense and literally only did one more after launch.

Blizzard never does what they say they might do.


They did, and the expansion suffered for it.

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A lot of it, no actual cities, all of Farahlon, new battlegrounds, etc. I hated that xpac with exception of having my own garrison so I never saw other people unless I wanted to.

The Void elves were unravelled in the process of being Ethereals, they did not consorm a Void reverant, or the heart of a Fallen Naaru, so for you to say they are the same is so horrifically flawed that I don’t even know where to start. The evidence that her transformation was different is clear as day, considering her powers operate much differently than the average Void elf, and considering her process in becoming a void elf is the only distinction, we can easily surmise why that is so.

Customizations for RP purposes do not equivalate canonical implications, especially when there is literally zero instances of said options being used on any Void elf, with zero lore to support it. The fact that your only argument relies on an individual who’s transformation greatly differs from average Void elf NPCs speaks volumes as well.

Not the point? You can’t take every important visual distinction and then say something akin to “Well your nail polish is a different color, so they’re not carbon copies.” as an argument. You’re attempting to over-exaggerate trivialities to justify taking one of the last remaining visual options from another race with jewelry and hairstyles. Who do you honestly think you’re fooling at this point?

Who here is saying you can’t have more options? If you truly don’t want our hair colors, or hairstyles, than there’s no problem to be had with any of us. Our problem isn’t rooted in our idea that the people wanting more options for Void elves are being malicious, it’s centered on the fact that we want certain visual identities for the Blood elves to remain unique to them. Have more hairstyles, have variations of ears, more hair colors, just not the ones that remain as the last visual distinction between the Void elves and Blood elves.

But that’s what your argument boiled down to, when I confronted your logic when you claimed you could not understand why people are against these requests, your response was “Well I want these options so bad, but I don’t want to play a Blood elf” when that had very little, if anything to do with the point of your original comment.

When you barge into a thread with a post like “I just honestly can’t believe that people exist who are against additional customization options.” despite all the reasonable, and level-headed arguments against it, you can’t then turn around and clutch your pearls for being called out for calling everyone who disagrees with you “ridiculous”

Please end this bit where you try to paint yourself as the victim after insulting half the people in the thread with your opening comment.


WoD also had the single greatest raid ever devised by man or beast.

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With one of the best mythic sets ever for warlocks and warriors.

I’m gonna have to disagree, I haven’t been really fond of any of the raids since Wrath days and that was a long time ago which is why I quit doing raiding unless required in Legion and stick to PVPing.


You have to admit some of the mythic BRF sets are absolutely killer
^ This one in particular is 11/10 for an orc warlock


Anyone have any ideas for what Zandalari could/should get?

I won’t knock the sets because I did like the Mage ones, especially the one in Hellfire Citadel I farmed for them so my Warlocks could wear the red one until I got the one I’m wearing.

I dunno if it’s possible to explain the train boss without doing it either

I used to be so mean on that boss because people wouldn’t move then get one shotted and I’d call them baddies. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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