Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Yeah, cool. Then there’s no need to ask for blonde hair anymore since blonde high elves wouldn’t be a thing anymore.

If Blizzard decides not to add any traditional hair colors to Void Elves, then yes you’d be correct. There’d be no blonde Alliance High Elf NPC’s anymore.

Which I have to think at this point is intentional. There is some difference between the two, what’s wrong with that?

A plethora of new options for VEs can still be supported and hopefully implemented.


Especially considering that many high elves actively choose to leave the Alliance and become neutral in Shattrath. Especially considering an example of High elves actively joining the Blood elves among the Scyers.

I think you want to say Alliance High elf NPCs, as there’s no reason for neutral, or any high elf not wishing to consort with the void to use void elf assets.

Nothing “wrong” per se. But there’s obviously a desire for hair colors in the typical human spectrum for Void Elves. Blizz can decide whether or not to answer that desire. Either way, I still think making Alliance High Elf NPC’s use Void Elf assets instead of Blood Elf assets is something they should do.

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You are correct. I meant Alliance High Elf NPC’s specifically.

I think we are just letting ourselves get heated up here without actually realizing how much we can agree on. I mean, looking at it frankly the High elf request is a little bit outdated, what with Void elves coming out and getting High elf options of natural skin colors and eyes. I think we also need to consider a little bit the incredible potential that Void elves have with Voidy customization. No it does not all need to be blue and purple. There can be voidy pink or even N’zoth style fiery orange/red with a voidy tinge to it. I also really like the idea of a Void blonde with thick dark blue highlights on it to resemble a starry night sky.

Why should we be conservative and just ask for natural hair to the high elven fantasy, when we can make a little combo and have a Voidy touch to us just like Blizzard seems to intend. I think then even the Hordies will look at us with a different eye then and might start getting interested in rolling a Void elf since we won’t just be boring High elves that they can roll on the Horde anyways.

Would this imply that all Alliance High elf NPCs now consort with the void though?

Yeah we could really use a few extra facial options, as well fur patterns/colours.
While at it might as well offer a different fur textures, so we can look really fluffy or thin-furred (like when animals shed their fur for warmer and colder seasons).

They could really use the cool stuff the regular tauren got, I would love it. I bet it would be pretty easy to just copy/paste these customizations from one to another.

I HATE elves, but even I have to agree these deserve work. Tbh they kinda need to be entirely remade.
Compare them to the void elves and you’ll see it’s not even close, what ally got had far more work put into them vs what the horde got in terms of elves.

Nah, enough, they already got too much, they literally the only allied race in the game that got reworked along with the core races, Blizzard gave them too much already to please the high elf whiners, let them focus on the races that actually need work.


I don’t think that has to be declared one way or the other. It could just be a sort of “cultural exchange”, or as Blizzard stated of old NPC’s using new options like the darker skin tones/etc, they are considered to “have always been there and always been that way” rather than some sort of new development. Basically a retcon.

I am sure Blizzard will prioritize the Allied Races that need work first. Void elves should get some hair customization when their turn comes from Legion Allied races, as it’s the one part of them that did not receive any updates since release. I consider hair the most important aspect on a character and many others do as well.

So where is the actual Dev quote saying that there’s definitely going to be an ar pass? The only thing I’ve seen is they had no plans past release.

Wouldn’t that be darn lazy of them to give them nothing more after releasing 10 Allied Races :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really, they came out last xpac.

Don’t tell me this is all wishful thinking.


And yet you have no source that proves absorbing the power of L’ura introduces a variable that specifically prevents alteration of her body by the Void. Her transformation was no different from any other Void Elf’s. She consumed the heart of a Void Revenant and thus became herself a Void Elf. Absorbing the power of L’ura - as I already said - happened after, and was an event completely unrelated to her becoming and being a Void Elf.

Her opening dialogue can be interpreted in such a way that I - again - already suggested: she - just as others can be - is a new Void Elf NOT YET altered by the Void. Regardless, your entire argument is completely nonsensical because you seem to be forgetting that Void Elf players already have access to warm skin tones and hairstyles without tentacles, suggesting yet again what I’ve just said. Therefore, opposition to something as simple as warm colored hair styles is plain ridiculous.

Except for the fact that jewelry, eye color, and hairstyles are already the last differing visuals between the two races - unless a player decides to customize their character to their respective themes. So unfortunately for you and the other entitled players that share your opinions, you all already sat around as it happened anyway.

Jewelry, eye color, and hairstyles “not being compelling differences” is not only your own unique opinion, it also suggests that you simply take issue with Void Elves existing in the first place. Tough. They exist and you have no choice but to accept it and move on.

You seem to be misunderstanding, even though I have said it again and again, in the form of text which is quite literally spelled out for you and be read as many times as needed until you comprehend it. Oh well… here it is again: nobody is “wanting so badly” to take away your unique customization options, we just want more options. We don’t need your hairstyles, we just want more hairstyles. We don’t need your hair colors, we just want a better variety. And if you oppose the ear length option, I have nothing more to say to you because that would just be unreasonable to the point of childishness.

You claim my arguments are founded on simply “wanting them so badly” and then strip away my comment to only include your interpretation of “I can’t understand why people would possibly care”, and I find that insulting myself. It seems to suggest you skim through what I say rather than actually take the time to read it, forming your own interpretations of what I’m quite literally spelling out instead of taking it at face value. Frankly, it boils down to this: get over yourself.

You can reply if you want to prove yourself to your cohorts, but I will not be reading it. I am leaving this thread because I am done having this conversation with you. Your initial reply to me - which you either intentionally deleted or accidentally edited over - was rude. Your replies since then have been condescending or blatantly rude. Unfortunately you are the very same type of person that ruins threads such as these and destroys civil discourse over a topic - your replies boil down to condescension, rudeness, close mindedness, dismissive of facts, creating your own interpretations and presenting them as facts, and overall a sense of entitlement likened to that of a child’s. When presented a discussion that isn’t an echo chamber mirroring your opinions, you resort to this type of behavior. I’m over it.

Void Elves exist, get over it. The only thing different about Void Elves and Blood Elves is jewelry, eye color, and hair - get over it. Void Elves will get more customization options and Blizzard will reuse Blood Elf assets to give it to them, be it hairstyles or hair color. You’ll have to get over that too.

Good day.


I don’t think there is one. It’s purely an assumption. The only thing the devs are on record as saying, is that customization additions will be ongoing. Who will get what and when hasn’t been expanded upon.

But I’m hard pressed to think Blizzard will do nothing for Allied Races down the road, especially the Nightborne. Leaving the Nightborne as they are would be criminal. >_<

Uh, what? Playable void elves were put in an ethereal cocoon to pump them full of void, Alleria ate a dark naaru. Completely different.

Or maybe they won’t and you’ll have to get over it.

:hugs: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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bah, i always end up human anyways -.-

That seems like a big assumption considering they also said this.

We’ve now seen all the core races receive a sizable revamp and even some Allied Race tweaks. Will character customization updates continue as frequently throughout the beta, or will the majority of changes be limited to the alpha?

We’re working vigorously to get the majority of customizations done for ship. We potentially will make more customization in the future, but we’re focusing on getting as much into the game as we can right now. I can’t really talk about what future plans would be for additional customization options but certainly we’re trying to get the majority of customization options in for beta and absolutely for ship

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