Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

We still haven’t got the promised core armor sets.

You can’t disprove a negative.

It says blood elves. Unless there’s any specific lore like there is for the Quel’lithien elves, any assumptions are headcanon.

I’m supportive of white and black working for the Void theme.

They could also do like Fenelon said some sort of white black mix to the point of it being like void streaked or in my head I’m imagining obviously black hole space type hair idk.

But various options like that for people who dislike the tentacle options but it’s still Void esque.

Also the ear sliders should be for NB/VEs as well it’s a QOL update that can double as a RP tool for Half Elves.


The only thing unique about Alleria now versus any other Void Elf is that she absorbed the power of L’ura giving her access to a unique transformation, after she consumed the heart of a Void Revenant. So my point still stands.

And clearly, I’m discussing the lore, regardless of my original comment. And yes, I and everyone else is very aware of why you and the other Blood Elf players in this thread are opposed to additional customization options for Void Elves that aren’t wholly Void themed. And yet, nobody is asking for clones, simply more options. Blood Elves would still have unique eye colors, jewelry, and hairstyles, even if Void Elves got customizable ears, and some more hairstyles and hair colors that aren’t all cold colors with tentacles sprouting out of them.

Personally, I would much rather be Horde and play a Blood Elf over a Void Elf. But I’m in a situation akin to many others - my friends and my guild play Alliance. So while I don’t want to take every feature a Blood Elf has that gives the race its identity, it would be nice - and FAIR - if I could also have short ears and a warm hair color. Green/gold/blind eyes? Keep them. Nicer earrings/necklaces/armbands/bracelets? Keep them. The clearly unique Blood Elf hairstyles? Keep them.

There is nothing wrong with Void Elves having some warmer options, even if some of those options are copied from Blood Elf customization options, because there’s still plenty of uniquities to set them apart.


Fair involves some fairness is given to BE players who take issue with a carbon copy.

Fair is the fact they left some small factor like hair as distinction thus far after getting a compromise heavily in your favor.

Actually that’s not even fair it’s tilted in your favor and you’re complaining things aren’t fair enough for you.


Nope that’s been there since day one. You could always go up there and see the NPC’s and what not. You can even reach the third island with Slowfall (I hang out there at times).

Honestly only a few High elves really used the DK eyes before their update, and they were usually always easter eggs. Like the Cloud Strife elf, and the “rachel” elf from friends.

I always felt the DK eyes were just a way to reflect their interest in the void, but there’s really no proof of that I guess.

Nah the DK eyes were just an oversight. When throwing together the NPC’s they grabbed the first blue eyes they saw, which at the time looked nearly the same as the npc eyes that High Elves were using. Then the DK eye update happen and it’s like “oh… well then… oopsie!”. But it hasn’t been corrected yet.

I’ve mentioned this before but, while I think it’s probably too much to hope for, I’d be happy if, when Void Elves get their customization pass, all the Alliance High Elf NPC’s get updated to use whatever “High Elf” assets Void Elves currently have, and potentially end up getting in their pass.

Void Elves have a few normalish/non-tentacled hairstyles right now, and may get a few more in their pass. Assuming they also get a few traditional hair colors as well, there’d really be no reason for the Alliance High Elf NPC’s to keep using Blood Elf assets. Even more so if Void Elves get a tentacle toggle for their hairstyles since that would make a few more usable by Alliance High Elf NPC’s.

I get that they are the same race as Blood Elves, just divided politically/ideologically, but since they are living in the Alliance society, it would make complete sense for many of them to adopt cultural trends such as hairstyles from the society they’ve assimilated into.

In this way we’d see some uniformity between the Alliance Thalassians, and the Alliance High Elf NPC’s would be differentiated a bit more than they currently are from their Blood Elf counterparts. Doing this would also foster more of a connection between the playable Void Elves and the NPC Alliance High Elves IMO.


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Not sure of your intent with that. All I’m saying is that any Alliance High Elf NPC’s should be changed to use whatever High Elf assets Void Elves currently have (or end up getting - if any).

I’m not trying to just bypass the opposition here. I’m basically saying the High Elf NPC’s should be changed to use assets that Void Elves have and not use Blood Elf assets anymore. Whether Blizz adds more High Elf customization to Void Elves, or not, is entirely up to them.

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It seems like you’re trying to slip one past the goalie.

Blonde hair is blonde hair and trying to play silly buggers that this blonde hair is 203 165 35 instead of 184 191 72 is just playing games imo.


There is no carbon copy. Nobody is asking for a carbon copy.

My comments lists far more examples of distinction than just hair.

Blood Elf players - you - have far more customization options than Void Elf players will ever have, or are even asking for. This comment of yours drips with entitlement and comes off as extremely whiney.

It sounds to me like you’re just completely opposed to the Legion allied races. Well, sorry bud, but they’re here and they’re staying. I will always advocate for Nightborne players to have more customization options just as much as I will Void Elf players. As an Alliance player with multiple Night Elves, I also have no issue with Nightborne appropriating Night Elf features - because that would be fair - for everyone.


Considering how vastly different her transformation was, your point certainly does not “still” stand. Her consuming the power of a Naaru introduces massive variables that cannot be compared to the average Void elf. She even says in the opening dialogue for the Void elf player, that the Void has shaped and changed them.

No one is against “more” options, they’re against “more” options that already belong and play a large role in the Blood elf visual identity. The more you take away, and share, the more important the remaining visuals become, players are not going to sit around and wait for jewelry, eyecolor or hairstyles to be the last differing visual between the two races. It wasn’t enough to merit adding High elves, and it certainly isn’t enough to differentiate them from Void elves.

Jewelry, eyecolor and hairstyles, are not compelling differences, and you wanting them so badly isn’t a valid argument against all the people who are adamantly against it, for understandable reasons of their own. Coming in here claiming that you can’t understand why people would possibly care is just disingenuous and pretty insulting.

Any high elf joining the Void elves, would more than likely adopt Void-elf hairstyles and traditions than humancentric ones. We’re not talking about average high elf NPCs, but NPCs who’ve deliberately decided to join a “void elf” culture, and adopt their views and beliefs.

The point is that they are not the same. Yes a High elf may join, and become a void elf but that in itself is a choice with many implications that reach further than “I’m just a thalassian elf who practices the void” otherwise all those wayfayers would just be called Void elves themselves. Void elves have their own racial banner, creeds and beliefs of their own, your pursuit is to simply eradicate any trace of what makes a void elf a void elf.

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Perhaps my intent wasn’t clear. I’ll try to be as clear and succinct at possible:

I feel that Alliance High Elf NPC’s should be changed and use Void Elf assets instead of Blood Elf assets.

Is that better?

The argument shouldn’t be to try to dance around the fact it effects BEs, like just be honest what is being asked is for more options that have an impact on BEs because it brings VEs closer to being a carbon copy more so than they already are.

If you give VEs colors that further brings VEs to look like BEs you are further becoming a copy of BEs.

I mean is this a joke, what has the HE community been doing for 10+ years, and now you want more impactful customization and can’t just settle for a win, it has to be every last defining factor to look like a Blood Elf.

Thank you for nailing that observation, big agree.

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I would be in favor of bringing Alleria in line with the image of what a Void Elf is.

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Wait, what? Why would any High elf who doesn’t wish to consort with the Void use Void elf assets?

Are High Elves returning to Quelthalas is that not a viable path for them?

I mean, I’m fine with it. Then there’s no reason to give them belf hair colours.

I’m confused why some people are so ready to make the leap that High elves are joining the Void elves (without any actual canonical proof) but the idea that high elves might join the Blood elves is simply unthinkable. Despite evidence of such already existing within the game.

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Especially given that the dev quote that says they want to make high elves playable explicitly says it’s for both factions.

No no, I’m talking about the “average High Elf NPC’s”.

I feel they should use whatever assets that Void Elves have/get, that fit the High Elf aesthetic. I think this should be done both to differentiate the Alliance High Elf NPC’s from Blood Elves, and also develop a sort of uniformity between the Void Elves and the “average High Elf NPC’s”

The point is that they are not the same. Yes a High elf may join, and become a void elf but that in itself is a choice with many implications that reach further than “I’m just a thalassian elf who practices the void” otherwise all those wayfayers would just be called Void elves themselves. Void elves have their own racial banner, creeds and beliefs of their own, your pursuit is to simply eradicate any trace of what makes a void elf a void elf.

I think you’re misunderstanding my intent. I’m not looking to “eradicate any trace of what makes a Void Elf a Void Elf”. I’m looking to make Alliance High Elf NPC’s look less like Blood Elves and more like Void Elves, while still maintaining the High Elf aesthetic (which the new skin tones and the non-tentacle hairstyles currently allow for).