Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

I mean it’s just a name change.

Given most high elves didn’t like them only after the magic draining bits there is no reason they didn’t just return to being called high elf after leaving.

Allied Races. It’s mostly about Allied Races.

VEs are intrinsically linked to blood elves. It’s gonna come up.

Not that I’m aware of. There’s always just been the two islands.

It’s the wayfarers and scholar who were changed not any of the Void Elves.

To my knowledge that is the only change made to the Rift so far.

But when it dominates the conversation it muddies every thread it touches. It never turns into fruitful discourse only anger.

Last night we had a great time discussing Nightborne for a bit until during my sleep it came back to this. I dunno I just want to talk or view other discussions.


The personal attacks for disagreeing over VE customization are so old.

That and the idea of painting us all as crazy or ridiculous for having valid concerns with the game that simply don’t align with agreeing with HE requests.

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Is there anything saying that they did this anywhere?

Because unless there is I feel like when they say blood elves, they mean blood elves.

Thrall will always be my warchief, I don’t care how much Blizzard tries to screw him over.


I’m simply amazed at the amount of bickering elves in here.

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More like bad blood elves amirite?


I really couldn’t agree more, I figure if you don’t agree don’t but name calling is something else but I can’t tell you how many time I’ve been called one thing or another just for expressing my opinion.


Alleria was also altered in a far different way than the average Void elf, adding far more variables to how she was able to retain her appearance, and even change at will, making her not a compelling argument in this conversation. This however does not apply to Void elves overall, as there is literally zero examples of any Void elves who have not been tainted by the use of Void magic.

But this is a question of lore, whereas the original comment you made regarded why players are against it, which has to with maintaining a visual identity for the Blood elves that isn’t being completely cloned on another race, on the opposite faction. Blood elves have been a horde favorite race for over a decade now, it is no shock that people might be unwilling to share their race’s visual identity with members of the opposite faction.



For Nightborne, I personally hope they get more color assets, hairstyles and the glowing hair and vines that keyboard turner made. A model update would be great too, but I’m not sure when that would happen.

I’d like to see Highmountain and Lightforged Draenei get all the basics their core counterparts got, in addition to some new color assets and hairstyles.

I’m also personally hoping Zandalari inherit some tattoo options and hairstyles from the Darkspear.


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Someone hasn’t done their intro quest.


We can all strive to respect people’s opinions and be secure enough in our own arguments to argue against the argument not the person :hugs:


They became tainted due to a trap… Not mastery.

Her path is not confirmed to work any more than any other.

Keep in mind while we talk of these things as possible and as options they are not confirmed.

For all we know they currently use a method that instills blue skin. Or one that follows Alleria’s path but quicker dirtier and causes changes.

Citation please.

Big assumption here.

… No it doesn’t.

Well do feel free to talk about other AR’s. Many would love to talk with you on that.

Everyone’s passionate about the races they care for, I understand you wanting it to go that way.

Still folk will likely come back to VEs eventually.

Nothing concrete… But blood elves are high elves. So yes.

If they left over disagreements after, going back to being called high elf doesn’t break any rules.

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Telogrus Rift has been entirely untouched since it’s addition to the game at the end of Legion. There are still missing textures on some of the geometry allowing you to see through the second island and get under the terrain. The High Elf Wayfarers are also still using Death Knight eyes which looked nearly the same as other High Elf NPC blue eyes prior to being updated to their current appearance.

Apparently, when Telogrus was made, the devs in charge just phoned it in and did a half-arsed job. They never went back to fix any of it during BfA, nor did anything change with the launch of Shadowlands.

There are no new areas in Telogrus, nor have there been any new NPC additions or any other changes.

Blood elves are high elves, high elves aren’t always blood elves. Unless there’s anything saying that high elves abandoned the blood elf name after the fact, there’s no lore basis for this claim.

It says blood elves. That means blood elves.

Would you like to talk about why HMT are super cool and a critically underappreciated and played race?


I. Would. LOVE TO

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I haven’t really seen anything saying it didn’t happen either.

It’s reasonable that since some elves disagreed and did not take the name and since they are literally just a name change that some elves could have left.

It’s not that big of a deal.

Honestly, if we could get some lighter hair colors on Void elves I would not care if it was white, or orange-pinkish, or a combination of these 3 with dark blue Void corruption. They would still be unique and most of all there would be a bit more variety in their hair which is what is seriously lacking right now on them. Blue and purple are fine options, as long as they are not the only options.

Now I was never a huge fun of Night elves or Nightborne (purple skin color strikes me as a little odd and their models are just not as appealing as Belfs and Vels) but I think some great options for Nightborne would be youthful, cheerful faces (not grumpy constipated ones), more varying skin colors like white, light pink and an earthly skin tone), more well polished hairstyles, not rushed ones, glowing limbs, hair decor like those leaves in the video, and both Night elves and Nightborne need a casting animation overhaul. Oh I know! What about some really shiny arcane highlights across the hair?? Just like the shiny starry sky ones I suggested for void elves, but silver arcane style for Nightborne! And really shiny!


I could have sworn the portal to Fathom’s edge was new?

Honestly only a few High elves really used the DK eyes before their update, and they were usually always easter eggs. Like the Cloud Strife elf, and the “rachel” elf from friends.

I always felt the DK eyes were just a way to reflect their interest in the void, but there’s really no proof of that I guess.