Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Tbh I don’t think it’s possible for one to be an untainted void elf. It’s like being a high elf who actually fought for Quel’thalas during the Scourge purge.

and FLOWERS! :cherry_blossom: :cow:


And Habs jerseys!

I am secure in my arguments that your POV doesn’t bother me whether its against mine or not, and that seems to be the vibe anyone against additional HE options has.

The only people who take disagreement personal or who are bothered by a difference in opinion come from like what you’re doing right now, claiming that “we’d love to silence you”

Making up quotes of what you think people are saying.

You can’t get much more clear on literally being unbothered by opposing opinions when trying to relay to someone who has taken offense at your opposition that things simply aren’t personal.

And yet you echo that we wish we could silence opposition? That’s not a thing I see antis do, it happens but I’d look to people arguing on your side and in the mirror to find it.

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I’m not interested in you lying through your teeth.

Go mind your own business.

This is a forum we all have access to that you keep posting on as well, discord and echo chambers may be better suited for the concept of not replying on a forums?

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I just honestly can’t believe that people exist who are against additional customization options. Nothing I have seen here has been an outlandish request, nor anything that would - or should - cause another player any issues for existing as a customization option.

Like Death Knights with warm skin tones that imply they have blood circulation and are alive, I see no issue with - for example - a Void Elf that has yet to be (or simply isn’t) fully tainted by the Void having bright colored hair. Sure, tails for Worgen are a stretch because canonically Worgens just do not have tails, but everything else?

Opinion or not, the dissent is ridiculous.


I mean, technically they were High elves when Arthas attacked, and some left without taking on the title of Blood elf, but my point is that at the moment there’s really no examples of any Void elves who haven’t been completely altered by the Void.

While on the contrary canonical customizations like the blue eyes are already being used with new belf NPCs.

I guess the question the HE community is banking on is are these HEs full in full as a sub race as opposed to are these HE options on VEs.

As far as I’m aware there actually isn’t any evidence of any elves who didn’t become blood elves being at Quel’thalas.

Sorry, no high elves at the recovery of Quel’thalas. Not the fall.

We did see at least an example of High elves joining the Blood elves among the Scyers in outland, but these were examples of high elves who were stranded in another world, and weren’t present for the original splintering.

Well we do know they continued to refer to themselves as High elves at Quel’lithien lodge, but it is unclear whether or not they took on the name ‘Blood elf’ only to abandon it after being exiled, or never took the name in the first place.

Given that they left well after the name blood elves had been adopted, I don’t think this really tracks.

The Rift has not, to my knowledge, been updated. Some npcs were adjusted with the new customization changes but not specifically so there.

Didn’t at the time realize I was still in an edit. Thought I was making a new post.

One would assume the void would be infused either like the trap did or Alleria did… Otherwise you’re not a void elf.


People need to remember these things are not personal attacks. Unless you make it into one.

We should strive not to do so.

I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible. Just not common. Probably singular individuals rather than groups.

Probably only after magic draining began too… Can’t imagine any would have abandoned Quel’thalas until then while being there.

Did those elves retain the Blood Elf name or go back to High elf?

I think if I were to design a character around this idea I’d have mine continue to go by Blood Elf and only use high elf to keep the Alliance from being… Hostile.


hahahaaa hahahaaa /chortle-choke. a second spasm of giggling, snorting, and rofl.

As if they are going to spend any more real resources on this. They got theirs and could care less if you continue playing or not. Ion’s probably got a golden parachute and that’s what he really meant by ‘pulling the ripcord’


Chronicle states that the blood elves were the ones to retake Quel’thalas. Any high elves being there would be headcanon as far as I can see.

Might I remind everyone that this is more than just people bitterly fighting about BE vs VE players?

It’s also about Nightborne, and worgen, and Highmountain Tauren, and Lightforged Draenei, and Gnomes, and Goblins, dwarves ETCETERAAAAA.

Because those folk deserve more love, and quite frankly not enough spotlight is shined down upon them


They added a whole new level to it didn’t they? With new NPCs and all, plenty opportunity to add in a new NPC sporting the new customization if they wanted.

I haven’t seen any Void elf NPCs sporting any of the new customizations myself, if I’m wrong would you mind citing this?

Good luck getting the High Elfer crowd to care about anyone or anything else besides themselves, I could cite the many names they call us for wanting to preserve the last little bit of Blood Elf uniqueness but I won’t stoop to that low of a level.


Your comments seem to suggest that you don’t actually understand what a Void Elf is. They are not born of the Void. They are in fact Blood Elves who researched the Void, and after achieving mastery over it, became tainted by it.

The image I just linked is of Alleria Windrunner, who is herself now a Void Elf, one who attained mastery over the Void. Her appearance is unaltered. Considering there are new Void Elves being created everyday, one could ascertain that there are still Blood Elves who are not only more loyal to Silvermoon than they are the Horde, but also have an interest in the Void and are researching it themselves. Likewise, they too - as Blood Elves having freshly mastered the Void - could have unaltered appearances.

The fact that Alleria’s appearance is unaltered suggests that a Blood Elves (or High Elf) appearance is not immediately tainted by the Void, but is over time.

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