Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Cool. You do you.


Thats what I was thinking when you posted but I didn’t say as much as I didn’t feel doing so added anything to the conversation.

We’re both free to express our opinions after all.


Those High elves and Blood elves are not “Void elves” and as it stands there’s literally zero examples of any Void elves untained by the void.


Seems a bit too natural for void elves to me.

Make the color a bit more unnatural and I’d not mind such fade based hair colors.

Interesting idea though.

Given how Alleria became one it’s fairly logical that those wayfarers and scholars are training to become void elves.

Given the Rift being so permeated by the void it’s likely easy to summon void entities to get void Essence and complete the process.

I would like blizzard to show such rather than leave the suggestion that it’s happening like they do now.

And I’d like it if those who go through the process come out with a random level of void traits to non void ones. Some turning entirely blue skinned, some with tentacles, some looking more or less as they did but their hair changed. That sort of thing.

That’s kinda what I’m looking for.

With black and white hair in the mix I suspect most will be happy helf or otherwise without having to reduce void elves.

For you perhaps… Let us have our opinions… It doesn’t hurt you.

No one has stopped anyone…


Give Draenei and Blood Elves their original head shapes back. When you “improved” them in the big upgrade years ago you ruined what made them look so nice. You just stretched out their faces and made them look weird.

I’m looking forward to Burning Crusade release just so I can play the original style Draenei and Blood Elves again.


Big same its basically natural hair with the bottom tinged by a few sparkles.

Hopefully if a Void streaked idea were to come to fruition Blizzard will do their own thing, and they seem to be keeping the hair Void esque as far as we can tell so that gives me hope an actual concept from them would be more so Void streaked.


Thats a hard pass on more greasy blues and dark greys from me.

The concept is perfectly fine :slightly_smiling_face:


Well it’s good Blizzard is deciding not players, and with them already giving an olive branch to the HE community, BE fans should be taken into account as well when giving customization that detracts from BEs visual theme, and as far as we can tell that is what they are currently doing, as after all where are your natural hair style options then?

Maybe those colors will be what you have to work with :confused: though black and white imo would be nice as well and fit the void visual theme.

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Indeed it is :slight_smile:


Yeah me too, tbh.

It sort of looks like the hair colour all the super basic girls who work in like an office job do irl.

Any present company excluded, of course.


All we can do is use our voices, but since they like I said just gave such attention to the HE community, hopefully they turn to the other side for how to proceed.

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“Everyone is free to use their voice. Except for the High Elf community, of course.”


It basically is a fun type option for natural hair options assuming Blizzard decides to give natural hair options. Natural hair with some sparkles tinged only on the bottom.

Void streaked hair idea is cool but like you said I doubt players could come up with the concept that Blizzard would use, so I have a little more faith in them considering thus far they have kept the Void styled hairs.


I’m pretty sure there’s legal considerations tbh.

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Lightforged Draenei need to be straight up replaced with Eredar. Give the Alliance something people would actually play.

Here is my list, punk!

  • Mustache for Nightborne
  • Banana resizer for Gnomes
  • Complete removal of beard for Dwarves
  • Forced transformation of Human Male Paladin into Troggs
  • Worgen conversion into Chihuahua
  • Complete destruction of Stormwind, the main city for the Alliance will now be Gnomeregan.
  • Baine, Thrall, should be executed as a traitor to the Horde
  • Jaina should get arrested and sent to me as a gift for my patience
  • Undead Protection Warrior should be able to summon Succubus!
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Replacement probably not gonna happen. Lol

… Some of these are not customization…

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It’s easy to spot the newer Horde players.


I’m not suggesting that they aren’t “on their way” to becoming Void elves, but they certainly are not evidence of untainted void elves. We’re already seeing the new belf customizations, including blue eyes with new NPCs, and considering the rift was updated wtih still zero examples of any void elves using the new customization, its safe to say its not exactly canonical yet.


This is most definitely a two way street. We can have ours as well.

As if they could, although they most certainly wish it.

Also a weird post for your edit.