Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Should have burned their home to the ground too

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As much as I’d love playable Covenant races… I doubt it’ll ever happen.

I hope they instead give us flying wings… or whatever is appropriate depending on the covenant. If you chose Kyrian, you get flying wings :heart_eyes:, if you chose Night Fae, flying fairy wings! Venthyr? Flying bat form :sunglasses:

No idea what the flying Maldraxxi form would be, that place is distasteful and hideous imo so I don’t really care

Noooo as a Venthyr, I would much rather spooky float fly like they do :bat:

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Is he wearing eye shadow or does he just have really smoky eyes?

Hhahahha well I’m sorry!!! I just can’t with Maldraxxus, I really can’t! :joy:

Why is this even a thing? Stop it.

Give Trolls green skin! Need Forest Trolls!

Cause folk want tails.

Optional of course.

I wish they’d be an AR separately. Maybe with Ice Trolls so we can have the big models.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, even if they’re wrong.

Why is this the second person here who is ardently against tails? It’s not a big deal, let them ask for them. Unlike other things, that literally affects nothing.

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Because it’s in the lore Worgen don’t have tails. It’s like this since they became a thing.

I’m not sure we want to start playing “stop asking for something not to happen”.

And the whole idea behind this has no rhyme or reason behind it at all.

I am and I will, which is why I specified that unlike other things, tails affects nothing.


Forget about the old ARs Blizz, I say this as an old AR (With probably the least customization options now? I don’t count eye options, sorry but who is actually looking at another characters eyes? Sorry mini rant).

Focus on adding more options overall with new races for us!

It’s called fantasy. It was their thing. No giving Worgen tails has no reason.

Hmm… Looks like Zandalari are kinda not as popular as I thought they’d be

Except that in an universe where almost everything, including eye color for elves, have an explanation, to say they can’t have no tails “just cuz” it’s unreasonable.


Not at all. The reason is it shows they are still more human. It’s simple. You have no reason for giving them one, simply a want. That’s it.
I am saying to you: It’s silly to change it after so many years.

Just because blizzard has not given an actual explanation on this doesn’t mean you can try to pass your headcanon as fact.


Thats it?

Thats all you got?



These aren’t player population numbers, they are the amount of possible customization combinations each race can make.

I do quite like Zandalari myself though :grin: