Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Nope, sorry. You want a reason why they should have a teil. There is none.

That’s more than enough yes. Changing years of Lore and looks of a race simply because dosen’t fly with me.

What lore is changed with optional tails though?

Some worgen would have tails. Thats it. Already in hearthstone.

Nothing wrong with an added option for more customization. Especially since it wont change anything of any import for Worgen.

Will a tail really ruin them at all?


Then there’s no reason as to why they shouldn’t have one since Blizz’s own lore says absolutely nothing as to why they don’t.

Also, why am I starting to get the feeling that you’re certain gnome’s alt…


To be fair Blizzard has said specifically that Genn doesn’t have one.

So we know for sure some do not.

But otherwise they’ve not said anything directly to say that no worgen have tails or couldn’t.


Their look. The tail of course. Right now they have none.

It would change them.

Yes. I mean they aren’t a great Addition in the first place. Making them more fluffy, nah.

It’s the oppsite. If you have a reason for it, then say it. If there is no reason, Like your Argument suggests, there is no reason to add it.

That’s basically what he’s using to be against something so inane, Golden messing up and giving Genn a tail intially.

Even the wiki article uses that sole example to say no worgen has tails.

He’s parroting something that has no basis in the lore and are merely interpretations based on a single character.

Yeah, you are 100% that gnome. No other person would so ardently against something so mundane and claim this is an important lore tidbit.


It’s not the sole example. Worgen never ever had tails. That’s it.

But this confirmation is clear, yes.

It changed the look of their race. The Look of a race is important.
At the end it won’t effect me.
I simply don’t get the need for it.
It’s like Elves with short ears (which is now a thing…).

Which matters…because of what?

Its just a tail dude. Nothing about worgen would fundamentally change.

Folk want to see that on their characters. Blizzard is adding new customizations. Now is the time to ask.

I know. Its such a weird hill to die on.


It’s a tail.

Not an entire modification of how they look.

But as I said some days ago, if you are that gnome, you also think that VEs and BE are still the same, so for you to claim that you’re sticking to the lore it’s laughable.

Because they are Worgen. Or are we now playing Gnolles? Their look is part of what a race is.

I really don’t get the need for this.

That’s a huge modifikation!

What are Sayjajins without their tails? Human looking.

Then just say its your opinion not a fact.

Then why bother talking about it? What does it gain you if you don’t care?

So again. Just say its your opinion and don’t deliver it as though there is lore to stop it.


You mean like Goku and Vegeta looking exactly the same when they didn’t have that…?

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We are talking only about my opionion here. It’s a fact though that it would change their lore and look. Simple as that.

Not quite the same thing. It won’t affect me. I still don’t like the change.

I wan’t to know the reason fluffy.

No. Not exactly the same. But your response shows how little you understand or what such changes mean in a fandom.

For pete’s sake, they even used the tail as a belt to conceal it.

They always looked like humans, the only difference is that the tail allowed them to turn into a gigantic ape.

You’ve ran yourself into a corner with this comparison dude.

Also, I don’t want a word about “not understanding” things, when you can’t even spell Saiyajin right… and I don’t even like DBZ.


Nightborne NPC models:

Nightborne PC models:


This isn’t correct. At least not with the proof you’ve provided.

You said it wouldn’t affect you. So why do you care? If its not important to you, whats the point?

Are you calling me fluffy? Or is the reason fluffy.

Not clear.

… You don’t get affected if it changes and yet claim the fandom will be affected?

Most worgen players appear to want the option to have a tail or not. The fandom will be fine.

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No. They used their tails like a belt so they would no get grabbed and because it became a pain to draw them. That’s it.

Yes. But taking away their taile, to the whole race, not individuals, changes all of that. Fans were actually upset about the new ones without tails.

Not at all. It shows how you don’t apreciate those things and why I can ignore you.

It is. Worgen never, not once had a tail. Yes Gens tail was a mistake. So they don’t have tails in lore. Simple.

Uh huh, and that didn’t make them look like regular humans at all, nope.


Yeah please, don’t let me ruin your flimsy argument.