Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Unfortunately :confused:

I mean yeah I kinda do, I kinda find it funny too that so many people take disagreement for personal attack and its never people opposing HEs, and then proceed to make awful actual personal attacks over perceiving opposing opinions over HEs as such… meanwhile a lot of the same people who are the first people to rage about being attacked because of disagreement are absent when awful takes are given or actual attacks happen.

This bothers me too. But too many things today really.


Eh I’m not that into the notion the dead races would join anyone.

Just doesn’t seem right to me.


That moment when someone tries to go with the “Well both sides are at fault!” and fails spectacularly…


They are taking a break atm, they are on discord but I think on a break until 9.1 or later or something.

Their Gifs are missed.


Well as long as they know they are missed, that’s what counts. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Fret not, I’m sure she’ll be able to find at least one eventually. After all, both sides have people that do that according to her expert analysis.


Who says we wont shake things up and change how everything works? Those “dead” races might be able to join the living

I’d rather they got Nightborne right for example of an AR needing work before adding ARs.

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Tbf they were probably like “why would the living ever want to come to the Shadowlands?”

As soon as a universe ending threat shows up to claim the World Soul required to basically win Warcraft they’ll have as much reason as anyone to defend Azeroth.

I feel like an addition of the dead races would be wrong simply because if we still have transport to the shadowlands after SL, then the plot might become as silly as the DC comics with every character that dies coming back to life every .93 seconds.

I have to agree, we want the Core Races and the Allied Races we have currently to all be something people want to play before adding new ones.

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Sure. But why would they? Anima is in the SLs. Their whole existence is there. Why would they choose to fight each other in morals affairs? It just feels really off.

Enjoy em as you wish, I just don’t vibe it I guess.

I suppose. I just don’t feel it. At least not yet.

Like with Calia a lot of story is gonna have to happen before it’ll sit right with me.

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I feel the same

But if playable Maldraxxi get me playable skeletons count me in immediately


Also, I feel it needs to be added.

Most of the major events in Warcraft are a direct result of the Venthyr playing silly buggers in other planes, including the physical.

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I would hope for playable Kyrian, bonus points if I got to keep my personal steward or I could fly without needing a flying mount like as racials or something.


This is plausible if you only look at it from a visual standpoint.

I think everyone here will agree with me when I say that the best thing about the nightborne isn’t their model, it’s their culture, which is vastly different from night elves.

They’re their own people, and deserve their own race.


Why it peeves me to see people saying HMT should just be tauren customization


Tbh I kind of feel like we’d be better off with some ARs getting rolled into their parents with selectable voices and facials.


If we were to be given a proper subrace system, I agree, but just making them regular customization I don’t agree with.


I mean really all we’d need added is selectable voices since selectable racials already exist as of the Zandalari and tbh they should really add those anyway.