DON'T contribute!

To the Warfront, if you’re an Alliance player. If we wait until Tuesday, we get our ilvl 400 gear from the warfront!


Are you gonna compensate me?

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I’m pretty sure contributions don’t actually impact the rate of unlocking the warfront.


So how will they compensate me?

i don’t anyway i’m a freeloader


Good luck on this one.

I’m not 100% sure. I definitely recall reading it some time ago, but I can’t find a source explicitly stating it offhandedly.

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It’s partial timer, partial contributing. We can slow it down.

Edit: I misread this concerning the days: Alliance PSA - Don't contribute to Darkshore this weekend

Few players actually participate in the forums. Also, you assume player contributions fully impact the timer and that it has no mechanic to compensate for a lack of player contributions.

Which is why I’ve gone into the game and shared the information in general and trade at various times. Not often enough to be annoying but just to get the word out, maybe once every 1/2 hour or so. I’ve been thanked a ton for doing it.

Ha ha jokes on blizzard! I stopped giving gold and mats to the war fronts a long time ago. I don’t even think I have ever given to the darkshore one.

But I’m pretty it will swap before Tuesday which is a bummer.

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Don’t think people are listening to this. Already at 11%.

Then again, the majority of players never visit the forums so…

Wasnt there a post like 2 days ago that said if horde got the first 400 it would be a clear horde bias. Hilarious


For it to swap before Tuesday, it needs to average about 33% per day. Which is pretty tough.

I know Horde typically only gets about 20-25% per day.

I haven’t contributed since the first time those quests were available, to be honest…

I am not personally worried about it. However, I am sure some people will cry if it does change.

I’m getting on all my alliance characters and contribute


You do realize it flips after sixish days regardless right? and that it doesn’t matter?


Since they nerfed the contribution phase with items noone really is contributing all that much anyways. They gutted the entire of idea of it cause they don’t like to see players making gold.


Why do you believe that?