DON'T contribute!

The timer flips after about six days regardless, other than rep and AP the quests are mostly useless.

Because it always flips at about the same duration regardless of how people have contributed. It’s timed, contributions really don’t matter in the greater scheme of things. They give you rep and AP which is fine, but they don’t really move it faster.

if thats the case, then thats kinda shady.

Eh, they never said contributions really moved the timer. Moreover players are getting something from contributing so it’s not like the quests don’t have value. They may even contribute to reducing the timer a bit. But I don’t think it exceeds 15% of timer duration at most.

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that is the aim for it to force to flip at 6 days and not sooner.

That isn’t true though. Alliance contributions to Arathi the first time only lasted 4.5 days.

So my understanding was that originally contributions DID matter. Until they started getting complaints from both sides about warfront control time and contributions tailed off. Observationaly, aside from that first cycle it’s always hit the timer to flip. So it might be that if one side REALLY contributes they can flip it sooner. But I kinda doubt it. Moreover I highly doubt we’ll get any official clarification as nice as that would be.

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Cool. I didn’t know that. So Alliance is safe it seems.

I wouldn’t assume so, I think this first turnover after Tuesday will result in 400 gear. I assume this next round will be whatever it is now regardless. My point being that the turnover cycle has already started effectively.

That cause they were a ton of complaints. I was surprised it lasted that long.

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It was also the realization that as interest waned one side would perpetually control it.

Perhaps but Watcher’s forum post specifically stated attacking as the starting point. contributing is not attacking.

oh, now that makes sense. I have not done one in a long time. Can even get me to do one for the weekly quest. so freaking boring.

No idea, I generally assume the worst and hope for the best. My assumption is that the contribution cycle that starts after Tuesday will lead into the upgraded warfront. Hopefully I’m wrong.

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For one, I’m pretty sure the “start of the cycle” they are alluding to is when we start contributing, since that is when the opposite faction gets access to the world boss, and not when we start attacking so it seems very likely to me that the next quest will still award 385 and we will only see 400 from Ivus.

For two, it took us 6 days to get full completion last time around so this would bring us past Tuesday either way.

probably get nose for this. But why can not just up the gear level now and be done with it. It only one war front. the other staying same. Its sure save headaches. Can not even give me gear crap. that stuff raining so hard I had to by a force field umbrella to explore the world .

Hands out pamphlet : So You Like To Exploit Mechanics In Game; And Why That Never Ends Well

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Ok I’'ll donated on all my ally toons.

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Alliance needing gear to beat us like always but its sad how you guys come in 40-man raid always

It’s not going to work that way. Blizz will just put a post out saying “sorry alliance but you have to wait until the next cycle”.

Can someone explain how I am misinterpreting this?

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