I guess I just wish there was a “casual rated” reward tier above random BGs but before true rated kicks in. Right now it’s just 200 gear which is barely above honor gear and it’s not worth the effort honestly. Of course an organized team can climb and all, but these organized teams start way too early on the ladder I think, and with better gear to boot.
It was way less during WoD. 7 hours /played
for full honor gear + a couple of conquest pieces. And all via PVP.
When “gear is gear”, PVP gearing has to be nerfed to match PVE gearing. That is why SL PVP gearing is a serious grind, time gated behind renown, and rating gated, and has such a ridiculous ilvl gap from top to bottom.
There were two interviews that referenced it actually:
From the Icy Veins summary, they reported:
Icy Veins said:
They talked about PvP relative Item Level for PvP Gear (similar to what we had back in WoD). The idea they are discussing is shifting back from how PvP gear worked back then, when there were 2 item levels, so gear went up to Item Level 232 in PvP, making it the best to wear in PvP scenarios.
From the Vanion summary they reported the following. We’ve pasted the original text in German and the Google Translated version below:
Vanion said:
Die Entwickler überlegen aktuell, ob man bei der PvP-Ausrüstung wieder zurück zum System von Warlords of Draenor gehen sollte. Dass sich PvP-Ausrüstung dynamisch anpasst und ein höheres Itemlevel bei PvP-Aktivitäten bekommt, wodurch es immer besser ist PvP-Items zu nutzen statt PvE-Items.
The developers are currently considering whether to go back to the Warlords of Draenor system for PvP equipment. That PvP equipment adapts dynamically and gets a higher item level in PvP activities, which means that it is always better to use PvP items instead of PvE items.
No it didn’t, why are you trying to perpetuate lies while being intentionally disingenuous? PvP gear did not scale down in PvE scenarios, it remained the same level it was when you earned it. If you received a piece of 670 PvP gear in WoD, it would always be 670, minimum.
Stop trying to spread misinformation.
Right, and it has a lower base level than its PvE counterpart.
There are so many ways your character changes from PVE to PVP as is. WoD having gear boost in ilvl and written right on the tooltip was one of the most transparent and easily understood of them all.
- Honor talents change whether in PVP or PVE
- PVP trinket bonus is active in PVE and not PVE
- PVE trinkets are mostly nerfed a lot in PVP
- Lots and lots of class abilities are different in PVP and PVE (and not many of those differences are actually on the tooltip)
How so? It was honor level pvp gear and on par with heroics, 670 and below mythic gear, 685. The conquest stuff that could be earned by everyone was 700, on par with high end HFC loot.
The conquest gear boosted to 730 in pvp and was competitive with mythic raid gear, in pvp.
PvE gear was better for PvE, and PvP gear was superior for PvP. What’s the problem? Even then, with SL gear upgrades, pvp gear can become “somewhat” comparable to pve gear in pve as well.
WoD’s public’s decline wasnt caused by the PvP but by the lack of PvE content and boring patches & raids. dont tell stupid lies, i played WoD’s pvp and it was very good ,and there was plenty of groups for rbgs and arenas on both factions, and we had large n small scale wpvp everywhere. 100% better in every aspect campared with we have today.
The only way this ends is total absolute bfa crap or pve and pvp tier sets for high end!! But that’s leetist and moves us away from the everyone gets a trophy system
there are rewards for elite players in with wod system, I still have titles and mog and so is still offered today.
doesn’t have to be a gear advantage, people had the same gear on but I was better back then— not now though, bfa me would stomp today me.
I don’t care about gear. I play ranked pvp I’m always going to face people with the same ilvl or higher than me. I care about scaling. Anyone who plays 2k+ we all have the same damn gear. Big deal. What I care about is scaling systems. Blizz has it right they just need tuning. Not temolates and not scaling.
OP getting paid, or his paying for, carries and doesn’t want it to end
Yeah yeah I get it u don’t have 226 gear so everyone that does got carried… It’s hard I know
how many tokens did it cost?
Going into pvp and getting face pumped must suck I remember when I didn’t believe people could actually play above 2k+ without cheating. Until I joined a pvp community and I was willing to learn from them. In the meantime enjoy the face pumps and I hope Blizz gives u free loot. It’ll make u better I swear
if you dont care about gear and play on such a high level it doesnt matter to you anyways or who you play against then what’s itchin your craw?
pvp gear goes UP in pvp content (including WM on)
gear =/= legion templates
gear =/= not bfa background hidden math secret overall ilvl stat scaling
gear, that you dont care about anyways
Because wod is a step towards bfa. That’s what happened. Why can’t we try something new instead of going back to something that led to broken pvp. All scaling is bad. In every part of the game. What we have now is a pure form of pvp and if we can balance it out and close the ilvl gap why mess with it. One season and we wanna bring back scaling? Why. Tell me please why?
this Does close that gap by shifting it enough that pvp gear is most viable in pvp content instead of pve gear. not useless, but deff will not be the best. and also diminishes it’s effectiveness in pve content. diminish, not eliminate. allows for the 2 to exist within the same system but without interfering with one another as much as they do now
I’m not interested in what pve needs to do. They have massive scaling issues right now. So here is the way it goes from wow history… We start scaling in season 1…imagine all the scaling we need to do by the end of the xpac. There has to be a better way. I agree my rsham is not nearly as meta as my disc priest and my paladin Tank never gets a shot at 2k gear because when I’m in a stun I can die super fast. I’d love to play my other characters with some balancing but the gear does not need changing. Again. Please tell me why gearing needs to change whether it’s wod or some other way… Why we ha e t even given it a chance
so from start of an xpac to the end of it you should never gain ilvl? gear throughout the game goes up as the xpac progresses. the difference between pve and pv gear would remain the same delta tier to tier. it’ll go up the same as all the rest of the games goes up as the xpac goes on. the pvp gear (while in pvp content) would always be a tier or 2 ahead in ilvl, and stay at it’s original base ilvl when Not in pvp activities…