Don't Change pvp gearing!

tier sets for unranked pvp like they had before. hell make it even upgradeable to keep the gap close through covenant stuff. its not pvp thats unbalanced what you guys are getting at is that a guy in unranked pvp gear can now go into pve settings. its m+ that F’d pve.

maybe using 226 was bad example as the BAse ilvl cap would likely be a little lower
it likely wouldnt even be able to be 226 for the base ilvl, more like 220 max base ilvl, then scale 2 tiers up in pvp, but remain 220 in pve
gear wouldnt be scaling DOWN just for being in pve, it would just have a lower threshold for it’s maximum base ilvl

and the conquest gear base shouldnt be 200. it should be higher. that way new players or people behind can access their 5000k conquest they can farm in one week and be super competive. the answers are there easy enough before we start putting in systems.

Tier sets? You mean honor sets?

How does letting us have high ilvl honor gear from unrated PvP not ruin PVE gearing?

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So anyone who spends a week grinding conquest in low level arena and RBGs should have gear that is better than mythic raid gear in PVE?

That will never happen.

because blizz hamstringed loot in m+ im not a dragonslayer so i dont know how pve gearing works. never really have been. but something tells me that other than meta class pruning and ilvl gap closure in pvp needs work, the pve realm seems unbalanced more

right? like how many super high end m+ and mythic raiders who are wearing multiple 226/233 pvP pieces… hjow many of them actually actively use those pieces for pvp
how many of them hit rival+ during week 1 to unlock access to buying them later simply for pvE use?

look i hear ya and i agree with you guys. ilvl gap needs closing. how it needs to be closed is up for debate. i concur. but scaling is not a system that works and never has in wow. but there has to be a way before slapping us with templates or scaling. templates is just a soft word for scaling. thats all im getting at. im not ignoring the glaring issues of gap ilvl right now. i agree. i have three different characters i want to experience in ranked pvp.

Well then If you don’t know how it works, maybe stop arguing so hard for it?

WoD gear actually allowed for everything you want out of PVP gear without ruining PVE gearing.

It was nothing like templates or BfA hidden scaling.


i will always argue about scaling in any capacity.

maybe look into exactly how wod gear worked.
the items have a lower base ilvl in pve content
but in pvp scaled Above mythic pve gear
did not scale Down they just remained At their lower base ilvl which isnt so low that even lfr is undoable. more in the range of pre-heroic raid gear so you can still dabble in pve without being a liability

blizzard tried to be nice and make all gear viable for all things. it did not work. this is how it can be rectified

Alright, well GL out there.

When 9.1 hits with WoD gear, you’ll see. It will be much better for everyone except the carry sellers.


look as far as I believe, ilvl gap closure and a return to fair play for everyone in pvp can be handled in the pvp world without rankling pve. Talk of templates and scaling has far reaching implications that blizz finally broke free from. going backwards in any capacity is stupid. if WOD was so great why did they abandon it for the heavy system scaling in legion and bfa

too many people opening tickets saying it’s not fair because they cant find the vendors XD

they thought legion template mess would be a better way, turned out it wasnt so, being blizzard and not wanting to swallow pride, tried something new in bfa instead of reverting changes. It too failed.
maybe enough time has gone by that blizzard feels enough epople who remember wod arent playing anymore to say “told ya so” ? who knows the lolgic behind some of the thinsg blizzard does tryign to saveface

id imagine that this way also kind of ruins the market for arena boosters right? if stuff is much more accessible to everyone then they don’t have the market they once did?


WOD gearing was deleted, because participation in PvP was at an all time low. The people obsessed with MOBA style PvP where everyone is on equal footing, is a tiny minority of the people who PvP in wow.

If I want totally fair cookie cutter PvP, I’ll go play league. I play MMO PvP for the extra layer of getting better gear, to have an increasingly large advantage over people who didn’t put the time in.

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To be fair, I’m pretty sure OP bought that duelist. The tanking of his rating and reading his haphazard comments are very sus.

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What I liked about WoD gear is less power gap in PvP. It was much easier to gear up later in the season or on alts.

It was also less grindy. Honor armor now requires 5200 honor to get to 197 item level. Whereas in WoD it was 2200 honor. BGs awarded the same amount of honor I think. So now it’s 2.5 times grindier. And that’s not even to a relevant item level, whereas in WoD honor set was just 10 item levels behind conquest set. You could get a couple conquest pieces along with honor grind already.

I do however like the gameplay of regular upgrades at the vendor after every BG instead of bulk buying the top item level after an evening of grind. And it’s nice that harder PvP rewards translate nicely into PvE content. But I don’t like too big power gaps inside PvP. So maybe a hybrid of two can work better? Say, scale conquest items in PvP to the max, but allow rising their base pve item instead? (Like somebody posted on reddit I think).


There is a fine balance for sure. I hated Legion templates and loved MoP 1v5 ridiculousness, but at the same time I want an easier time to get from the weakest to strongest. I think WoD was a good compromise.


It has never been this easy to catch up though. 197 average ilvl should be pretty easy to accomplish with just covenant and honor gear. Join yolo rates groups, or form your own, to gradually climb the ladder and get your conquest cap.

Hitting 1400 can be rough, especially in 2v2 and 3v3 where it’s less about tactics, and more about gear. But a better organized RBG team can punch well above it’s weight. Three weeks and 1600 rating(and the 213 ilvl that goes with it), isn’t outlandish.