I mean…
Are you serious . I wouldn’t let any of us here pick anyone to represent us . It is better some random people be picked then the forum users doing it . it would be the kind of show Taliesin is fond of making in his and Evital’s vids.
Literal green text on the forums for years doing unpaid work for Blizzard. “I’m a nobody I swear”.
Unreal. This is why the Community Council has a perception issue. Heck, at this point, I wouldn’t even be surprised when Gurgthock-Mal’ganis shows up with feedback and green text in there.
And this is the whole issue. The more sensitive topics aren’t really talked even. At the moment it’s a 10-man show while they are close to 40. This is not good enough. Please, Council-members, start posting in EVERY topic.
You’re little late there by 3 days,they are all on my ignore list.
While were at… leave Britney alone as well!
That is just 1 point about a timewalking event. It’s true the mage tower is challenging, but it is not fair or balanced for all specs. Just as they say at the end of the post, they haven’t tried them all.
But look at the Alts and PVP Posts, you can see how they aren’t agreeing with how things have been done recently.
Yes, I have a post that says Mage Tower is good. Did you read the whole thing? I didn’t say they shouldn’t even consider changing it. I said I’m glad it’s a very difficult challenge and didn’t just fall over.
You’re probably right that voting would be a failure but I still stand by the statement that the council doesn’t speak for the community because we didn’t vote for them.
Yes, nice use of the CC forums to dismiss all the proper feedback on GD about the tuning problems the thing has.
It’s a very good example of why the CC is a failure to begin with. Very happy you made it, because I get to contrast it to other GD feedback that is much more useful and on point.
While I agree with you, the CC-user in question is at least active.
Every single one of them needs to discuss every given topic which hasn’t been spoken of yet. This is their job. We don’t need yes-sayers, we need actually the input of everyone.
Usually the proper feedback on GD gets drowned out by thousands of troll posts and bickering of who’s better at what.
I’m looking forward to seeing more argumentation between the council members on the council forum.
GD is too toxic for blizzard to risk adventuring themselves here. In the swamps, with the trolls and the murlocs.
That’s a very low standard but I’ll give you that. Better than not being active at all.
You’d think Blizzard would use Money to hire something called Personnel that could do this job of Play Testing.
But hey, what do I know.
Yet GD got it right on most things SL and is right on the Mage Tower too. A paid intern could be paid to read GD and come to the same conclusions that 9.1.5 was forced to admit. Covenant switching good, Conduit energy bad, Korthia painful.
This isn’t Twitter or Facebook. They have the right/power to do something about that.
I think this is a dishonest take on the actual situation: CC-members are chosen because it’s easier to have people in your own interest to interact as the “important ones” so they can narrow their agenda to a few people down.
Exactly, I really want to see them jump in other topics with their opinions, not just post and leave. These guys write wall of text like i’ve never seen, I just want to see more interaction between council members.
Also I don’t even know how many members there will be in the end, but might need more than there is now for sure.
I would encourage you to read that entire post & all the comments on it.
We acknowledge the problems with MT, but the fact still remains; if it had been a pushover, the GD feedback would be just as harsh, but in the opposite direction.
It’s a sad day when Old Republic delays their 10th anniversary expansion by two months, because they want to fix things based on player feedback… while we watch all of the actual constructive feedback here get this treatment:
By toxic he means “people say mean things like Conduit Energy is a bad system no one asked for, no one enjoys and that does nothing to help MAU”, not what you’re thinking toxic is.
GD is pretty tame, especially with how heavy handed the moderation is.
I get what you are saying here but I don’t think bickering over who is famous or not and qualifications for the council are really going to change the public perspective one way or another.