Don't bully the Council - allow them to do their things

The part where we can fly right at max level and not have to wait a year to earn it and not have to earn it multiple times during a single expansion.

It’s disgusting what Blizzard has done with flying. They literally hold it hostage.


Job? The Community Council was created to represent us. They’re not doing a very good job. While this may not be entirely their fault, it needs to be addressed.

Not only do they seem to be rather pushy with their opinions, we have at least one who insists on fighting with folks in the forums. This is unacceptable and this person should be put in their place.

Council is nothing but a PR move for Blizzard to say, “lOoK oVeR hErE wE’rE lIsTeNiNg!!!” While they continue to develop a game based on how much subcscription time they can squeeze every single bit of content out of.

The only people they are fooling are the council members who now think their opinions are important and being listened to and giving some of them really big, hilariously sad egos.

It’s all a last ditch marketing effort to save a sinking ship.


I don’t know. But I looked in the raid section of the group finder yesterday and over 50% of the groups listed were boosting services.

Like I said in the current last comment on that post - I don’t mind if people boost. How they choose to spend their gold is up to them, but it shouldn’t be advertised in game. Make people go to a 3rd party site to set it up.

Yeah so go look at that post I made. That’s what it’s addressing and I directly asked blizzard a question about it that I hope gets an answer.

I know you were asking Letholas, but I can answer some of that.

The forum moderation is a hot topic in some circles and has been discussed at length with the Forum Support Agents who inhabit the CS forum. The complaint we put forward was that forum moderation is not timely or consistent. Threads and posts that are way over the top abusive, real life threats, etc stay up sometimes for days even when flagged to be grey. The Forum Mods cover every single Blizzard forum and respond to flags, they don’t really moderate in real time.

In game continues to be an ongoing issues as well but they recently put in some improvements and toughened the penalties.

The CS forum is good for getting a feel for that.
-If someone says "REPORT HIM" in chat, and you get kicked offline 10 seconds later how is that fair? - #15 by Kalviery

This one has good comments on ongoing harassment and also a review of the recent in-game changes to the reporting systems. They are now suspending people, not just Silencing them, depending on what they do.


Apologies if I seem harsh.

Your thread is a good start. If there’s one thing I’ve hated about wow more than anything it’s been the dev’s war against flying. I loathe it so much.


The council will work if we, as a community, chose to work through them. The program is still in it’s infancy; Give it a good 6 months of operating before throwing acid at them. Also, feel grateful that a FEW of the CC members even try engaging/interacting with GD. We want to be represented, so let them represent us. Not every post they make will speak for all, but if we can keep a civil open convo going with these Reps, perhaps things will actually change this time?


I posted in support chat too, a few days ago…got a blue to acknowledge that it’s against the rules to spam lfg in tbc…still reporting, but the same accounts spam daily. =( simply feels like there are no more CS or GM anymore

I thought I hit reply to OP - I am sure I didn’t hit reply to you though because I only read the first post and respond to that when I first look at the thread. So if it showed up in your notifications that I replied to you then the forum has a bug.

That’s fine if you feel a particular way. Dungeon boosts don’t quite feel right to me, and to many others, for a number of reasons.

  • It removes folks from playing the game as intended (i.e., questing in the open world or leveling in dungeons with level-appropriate groups)
  • There is the question regarding where the gold is coming from. I suspect at least some of it is coming from 3rd party sellers. Killing the “mage boost” services might help reduce the demand for this gold
  • Folks being boosted are standing there doing next to nothing. Being able to level while essentially AFK feels like it violates the rules that are against cheating/exploits in the EULA

It is just that; a start.

I think it’s less a war against flying and more they want players to experience the zones properly, and I don’t blame them. Yes, flying is very convenient. In previous expansions it was used as a gate to certain content (TBC in particular with places that could only be reached with flying)

Like I said in the post, I don’t mind waiting a little while for flying, I mind how long we’re waiting.
In my opinion, SL flying should have been unlocked at renown 40. It still took a number of weeks to get there, but it was attainable in the first patch, not 8 months into the expansion.


The only reason I LIKE the fact you can’t insta fly: NO FLYING FARM BOTS hahaha

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Waiting 8 months or a year to fly is not at all “fun”. IF we have to wait that long, please let us have the Flight Whistle back. That made it feel a lot less frustrating. You only had to slog out to the quest site but could call for a taxi back to a flight point. Also helpful when stuck somewhere… I do often get lost or stuck.


and you mostly play in instances so flying isn’t going to be as huge a part of your game as someone who doesn’t play in instances at all and only in world content.

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I can’t say I agree. I spend more time out in the world than I do in instanced areas

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lol - you don’t spend as much as someone who only does world content. That isn’t even your main emphasis in this game. But go ahead tell me it is.

I think you may be missing the points that many of us are raising. The CC is intended to represent us. I think most, if not all of us, understand that it’s an unpaid position that regular players have volunteered for. I don’t think any of us here in the forums would wish that they did not voice their opinions on the matters that are brought up. The problems that I’m having, and I see others are experiencing are:

  • There appears to be little-to-no guidance from Blizzard
  • CC members seem to be voicing their opinions and dismissing others when they’re not in agreement when it comes to goals and rules for conduct. All opinions should be collected and weighed
  • At least one member has been extremely combative in threads. The behavior that’s been demonstrated has been quite inappropriate
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Did you apply to be on CC? If not…APPLY TO THE PROGRAM. If you feel none of them represents your agenda, either work with them or join them. Be a voice for likeminded individuals like yourself. Be part of the solution <3


Being part of that group would be an exercise in frustration. No one in their right should want to be part of the group of people they have right now. I am 100% serious.

I am pretty sure blizzard didn’t design that program to be a wish list for people. I think they want feedback but on the topics they ask for.