Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

Blood Elf RPers do quite a bit.

I don’t see why we can’t have a single lore important Blood Elf get with another Blood Elf.

But they’re still love stories… albeit, it’s a terrible one but it’s still a love story which you said they don’t have room for. Which, apparently they do.

They’ve also been pretty focused on the whole Alleria and Turalyon thing and them not being able to touch eachother, shipping Sylvanas and Nathanos, Aggra and Thrall etc.

WoW has plenty of romance based plots/stories in it and always has.

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Eh, maybe it’s just a personal preference then. I’ve always cringed heavily whenever they try to introduce romance plots into the game. The characters are shallow and are there to do cool fight scenes. There is maybe 3 characters in the entirety of WoW that are fleshed out enough for me to care about them.

And I would like that level of romantic cringe to be extended and equally offered to LGBTQ characters lol.

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I’d be happy if they removed all the romances and their byproducts but they’re not going to do that now are they?

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I need to read the rest of this thread… but do I really want to? lol

Go read the Shadows rising books and marvel at Shaw’s weird fetish with leather and soap… Dunno if he’s gay or into dead cow skin.

He actually said “What are Taurens based on?”

Like… Native Americans? lol

I facepalm with the force of a thousand exploding suns.

Because if they get it wrong then they’ve just stepped on a political land mine.

All this inclusion as much as may be praised is still in some ways controversial, as society and peoples beliefs just haven’t caught up with giving everyone a fair shake.

It ultimately boils down to children’s playground of hissing and cursing at one another though often at the price of whatever IP that inclusion is made in.

Straight people can be into leather too :wink:


Then they shouldn’t get it wrong.

So, the solution would be to ignore them completely and pretend they don’t exist? That sounds like an even bigger landmine.

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My point being more that their romance writing is just so lame. Who thinks about these things. Like every other line was about soap and leather. Like we get it bro. Flynn takes baths

Them doing a bad job with romances doesn’t justify trying to gatekeep.

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It may be alittle harder to do in todays heated US political climate where businesses are ransacked by looters and Chaos reigns supreme.

I dunno, Blizzard is good at a lot of things. trying to do romance is not one of them. Especially when they barely have any characters left alive that are even worth caring about.

Honestly wish this wasn’t about a LGBT thing though, makes me look bad. I don’t really care where you stick your junk, I just want to hate on Blizzard’s writing cause I can’t sleep.

all dumb relationships that detract from the story. Seriously there is nothing compelling about any of them. Mostly annoying.

Is it going to make the game better? More engaging for the majority of customers?

That’s a favorite hobby of the Wyrmrest Accord forums.

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Someone will disagree.