Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

Azeroth has enough problems without having to deal with demands from woke Humans from Earth. We Azerothian Humans don’t want any part of it. The other Azeroth races will tell you to shed that baggage before visiting as well. Other than that, watch your step and welcome to Azeroth.


I’m adding this text from a later posting of mine within this thread that people seem to not see when they ask which “woke” topic I’m referring to.

I use the term generally to describe those who think they have some enlightened information, regardless of the topic, that we all must learn or be scorned/canceled.


Lolololol. Why is it ALWAYS a human paladin.

Azeroth was created on Earth.
Azeroth is maintained on Earth.
Azeroth, at its core, is populated by human beings from Earth.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the human beings who created and who maintain Azeroth have filled the game with conscious and unconscious cultural references, biases, and assumptions. And the human beings who play the game on Azeroth bring their own.

If you’re not comfortable with the changes inherent in living outside a cultural echo chamber, that’s too bad. But it’s not our job, our duty, or iur pleasure to see that you maintain your comfy ignorance.


Its a fantasy world sweet heart. It doesnt need to do anything.


I’m gonna guess this is about the inclusion of LGBT characters, which the forums have been blowing up about because people who are different from them are scary… or something.

Every race in the WoW universe has humanlike qualities even if they aren’t human. Sexuality is a human quality and can fluctuate and vary. This isn’t an “earthly human agenda,” it’s just common logic. Get over yourself.


You forums keep on speaking of this planet called Earth. I’ve never heard of it before.


Imagine being so uneducated that you actually believe the tripe you posted. No wonder we can’t evolve as a species when there are mooks like this trying to run the show.


Honestly I can sympathize with the OP. It is like people outraging over the on-coming ghoul apocalypse because we are living through a pandemic. Let a game just be a game.

Gaming used to be a place where all were welcome because in the real world most of us were not welcome. We were social outcasts. The people with glasses, odd shaped teeth, or any other thing that saw us ejected from normal society.

Let’s try bringing that back and leave the politics and agendas of normies at the door.


The problem would be that you couldn’t make anyone from the Alphabet Gang a multidimensional character or said group would get triggered. So you’re stuck with the charming, witty, caring and affable generic gay character that only exists to show how flawed everyone else is.

It’s better to just leave it alone, or give them the Alien treatment in that they write a (good) character and assign a gender or sexual orientation afterwards.


What are you going to do about it?


First off, yikes.

Which character from Shadowlands is like this, at all?

Again, which character in SL has zero character aside from, as you so definitely-non-bigotedly put it, being in “the alphabet gang.”

I’ve been a part of beta for the better part of two and a half months and every LGBT character is either a minor throwaway character that doesn’t mean much to the story in the first place, or seems to be a pretty well-rounded character (like Pelagos).

I repeat, get over yourself. Funny that you talk about how “easily triggered” the LGBT get when you’re on the forums having a meltdown about, oh no, a big scary GAY character in your VIDEO GAME!!!


Fear is more of a subconscious thing when it comes to things like minorities getting representation. I don’t know how you can be annoyed with these LGBT characters if you haven’t even met them yet.

No, seriously. Why do you have an issue with characters you haven’t even met?? How? You just hear “LGBT character” and get annoyed?

Yeah, enjoy the game, feel free. If you don’t like the LGBT characters then just ignore them. Only Pelagos has any meaning to the story, and they’re a pretty solid character from what I’ve seen. The rest are throwaway NPCs that don’t have anything to do other than some minor dialogue lines.

I don’t get how you don’t even know these characters and yet you’re whining about them.


You’re getting offtrack…

I was generalizing. Becuase of the way the Alphabet Gang is portrayed in most “woke” stories and media, one can only assume the characters are one-dimensional and boring.

Does anyone hate that Flynn and Shaw are gay? I thought Flynn was hilarious in the questline, and their relationship could have a lot of funny moments becuase they’re opposites.

I never said I have and issue, I’m saying there is a strong possibility I will have an issue with a boring character shoehorned into the story.

And why are you omitting the Q, are you queerphobic? And the plus, are you whatever-they-are-phobic?


Be careful. Common sense is looked down upon here on GD.


All blood elves look the same to me. There. I said it.


There’s your problem. Assumptions. Maybe don’t judge a book by its cover.

Eh, I’ve seen some people whine about it, but personally I love it. I wouldn’t mind seeing them together.

Well, yeah, a boring character is a boring character regardless of sexuality, race, gender, what have you. It’s not entirely fair of you to assume a character/s will be boring just because they’re LGBT, though. That’s not right.

Don’t assume the LGBT characters are gonna be boring. They’re not boring per se, they just don’t have too much meaning to the story all-in-all. It’s not shoehorning into the story if they’re throwaway NPCS.

And so far what I’ve seen from Pelagos (who I believe to be a trans character with some meaning to the story), it’s only kinda implied. I’ve read every dialogue line and quest text that involves Pelagos and it never outright says it. So don’t worry, our “alphabet” isn’t being shoved in your face.

It’s more of a convenience thing. I support every member of the community, but I just write “LGBT” because I’m lazy. Most people write it that way since, well, the whole acronym encompasses A LOT of people. Doesn’t really matter what acronym you use imo.


I do not mind all kind of representation, I’d support all types of representation, I am a huge believer in the freedom of speech and expression. However, for better or worse, representation is skewed to the loudest.

Personally, coming into a game I would like to escape the realities of Earthly living. Be in the imaginary world of Azeroth away from all the demands and concerns affecting day-to-day human rat race. That is why you seek entertainment right?

Why does sexuality have anything to do with cartoon characters is beyond me, display of any thing of this kind would be beyond ‘suggestive theme’ for teen ESRB rating. Ergo, no kissing or caressing of any kind thanks so much. That means you can imagine whatever you like about the cartoon characters.

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And so we’ll be accepting of all, as Azeroth is free from those kinds of discussions!

i had to quest though valsharah to get my legion flight. i legit had MAAAALFURION MY BEEEEEEEEEEEEELOVED shoved in my face for over an hour so i could fly. no lbgt characters are forced on you that way. so pls. cry more.


If you don’t want to deal with demands and concerns afflicting the real human race, well, WoW has broken that rule several times already, with:

-General violence
-Politics (that is, ingame politics, but human political nonsense nonetheless)

Sexuality has been prevalant in the game since the original Warcraft. There’s no reason to not vary it a little instead of seeing Tyrande and Malfurion drool over each other for the fiftieth time. Unless it’s only non-straight sexuality you don’t want to see, in which case… yikes.

I mean, think about seeing Shaw and Flynn instead of Tyrande and Malf. Seeing their hilarious personalities clash and intertwine perfectly. I would love to see that waaay more than any of the botched straight relationships I see constantly.

Tyrande and Malf… ugh.


That. That! OMG! That makes me hate those two! I was so routing for one of them to die, all through BFA. Keep it out of WoW!