Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

I wasn’t aware that you spoke for everyone and that the majority of people find LGBTQ to be an “uncomfortable situation”. If people are uncomfortable with an LGBTQ NPC or character in a game nowadays, that sounds like a you problem.

How hard it must be for you to deal with such discomfort.

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Not at all, I was a “best man” in a same sex wedding BUT that doesn’t mean I want to consume mass media that is focused on it.

Nobody is asking anyone to hyper focus on it. We’re just looking for some representation.


That’s like saying that you aren’t homophobic because you have a gay friend.

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No not in the least. YOU should have taken it thusly, Not everyone who disagrees with you is some hate fueled monster.

So “Tokenism” is what you are looking for? One token for each letter? Do you want to be pandered to?

The situation is literally this.

A rotund cisgender heterosexual person sits at a table in a dapper suit eating a massive twenty pound turkey of representation meant for the entire playerbase all by himself.

A raggedy starving LGBTQIA+ person asks, “Please suh can I have a slice?”

The rotund fellow starts screeching to high heaven about how entitled the starving fellow is. How DARE he want a slice.

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As a transgender man, a demographic who is mostly invisible, even tokenism is better than nothing.

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Well when you say things like:

or when you use this word to describe LGBTQ related stuff:

It makes you look kinda homophobic


The humans on Azeroth are not from earth. They’re basically divine automatons that were cursed with mortality by Lovecraftian monsters.

Nope! I’m looking for just some representation. I’m not saying all of the WoW Characters need to come out as gay or trans or whatever but if it’s relevant to the story, and works for the characters progression/story, why not?

Oh right because apparently to you:

But I bet you have no issues with Tyrande and Malfurion, Sylvanas and Nathanos, Alleria and Turalyon or all of the other characters that have relationships?

We can show all these heterosexual relationships but if we added a couple of LGBTQ characters, it’ll somehow ruin everything?


The game ain’t that deep. If you’re looking for characters to have their sexuality mean something to their character you might want to look for something like a Bioware game. The romances we have gotten are all pretty terrible too besides Jaina and Arthas.

That’s one example. There’s been many examples of straight relationships/romances in wow.

What’s wrong with adding an LGBTQ one?

Even if we’ve gotten terrible heterosexual romances, we’ve still got them. Why can’t an LGBTQ character have an equal chance for a bad love story? lol


iT wOuLd MaKe ThE sTrAiGhTs UnCoMfOrTaBlE!!!111oneoneeleven.

Now I want to imagine a male Belf singing Bad Romance.

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I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it. I’m just telling you there isn’t really much room for any romances in WoW. It’s not really a character driven story. It’s an mmo where the big events are raids and world ending travesties. Most of the romances regardless of their gender pairing are all pretty terrible.

Then why have they been pushing all of these romances lately?

They literally just had a love story about Thalyrssa and Lor’themar. So you saying that makes absolute 0 sense.


Agreed 100%. These people acting like they can be separated completely are absolutely delusional.

It’s so, so, so, so sad that people are using this as an excuse and not realising how terribly bigoted/homophic it sounds.


And they’re as bad as the rest. What even is the chemistry between the two of them? They’re elves? And who even cares about Lorther’mar? nobody. Honestly it’s just gonna be more terrible quotes when one of them gets kidnapped and I have to hear Thalyrssa scream about her love. Just god awful if you ask me.

Someone was actively trying to tell me that the wow races aren’t based off real life cultures.