Don't Bring Your Earthly Agendas to Azeroth

So, one group should be marginalized and ignored just so it doesn’t make another group uncomfortable?

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Best damn server in the world. Literally the only good server in this game. Everyone else doesn’t know what they’re doing.

I regret leaving my dead RP server. WrA is so much drama.

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If these are all dumb relationships that detract from the story and there is nothing compelling about them then why would you have an issue if they added an LGBTQ relationship, since there’s nothing compelling for you about them, anyway?

You could just ignore them like you do all the other boring, dumb relationships.

So adding an LGBTQ relationship would be the same thing right?

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At the risk of being offensive, isn’t the point of transitioning to be invisible, to disappear into the teeming mass of your cisgendered peers. How any character got to the end point is irrelevant. They could all have had the same journey or none of them.

You can’t please everyone no matter what you do.

It’s got less to do with my personal preferences and what I think is good (or bad) for the game as a whole. LBGT+ story lines wouldn’t stop me from playing WoW Retail (if i thought it was worth playing) but i could see how it would hurt the future of the game.

As an LGBTQ member i’m pretty pleased they’re finally giving us a bit of representation.

But for whatever reason, it seems like people are actively against adding them to the game? I’m not sure why people would actively want to have something removed from the game that adds a little representation but doesn’t really hurt anyone in the process.

Having Flynn and Shaw in a relationship is a really nice nod to the community but at the same time it’s not vastly changing the story or anything… It’s just…cool to see is all and it makes me sad that people want to remove that or have it stripped because it somehow makes them uncomfortable?

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People don’t like change.

It detracts from fantasy having to be reminded how emerging culture changes are suddenly becoming the norm in almost everything.

At the risk of being rude…

Did it never occur to you that representation could be a female character sending the hero to get a stolen book of alchemy recipes and the quest ends with the NPC drinking a potion to sex change?

I know, it’s a wild thought. I’m totally brilliant for thinking it up. Blizzard should hire me.

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Fair enough, I am a 49 yo master plumber (where’s my representation!). so I am going to grate against people of different backgrounds. Tolerance is something we give!

It just blows my mind how people can say earthly agendas and not realize that a huge percentage of WoW is based off earthly people/cultures.

In a game where we have spacegoats, elves that live for thousands of years, where we shoot fire, ice, shadows and light out of our hands… Somehow people are upset about LGBTQ characters being added because it is destroying some type of fantasy?

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There is a quest like that in Runescape. I do kinda agree that it’s hard to make a grounded transgender story when you can have a magic potion fix all your problems though.

My cat is sleeping at the foot of the bed. I think it’s time to sleep. Kitty. Goes to hug cat.


Goblins or gnomes :wink:

But I hear Goblins are better with plumbing

So the issue with such a thing.
What happens if the quest giver is a bad guy? What if the quest giver transitions and wants to change back. Is that Trans-phobic? You see where I am going with this. By trying to be inclusive you may just alienate the demographic you are trying to include. So in mass media it may just be wise to not engage.

There’s good straight people and bad straight people… I would not have any issues with an evil LGBTQ character being added whatsoever.

Because just like good/bad straight people, there’s good/bad LGBTQ people.

Being LGBTQ doesn’t give us a pass to be goodie do-gooders, nor should it.

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Ahem! I am 6’2" @250lbs, I feel more like a Tauren around the little folk but I hate nature!

Or worse, you could pander to a demographic by using a character who achieved peace of mind with their body and identity by dying and being reincarnated as the gender they felt they truly should’ve been when they were alive.

I’m not naming any names but it’s a pretty tone deaf message to send imo. Maybe that community doesn’t see it that way though.